Oron Weel tms, Wdedy oeb25, 198- 5 HAMILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE Specializing in Farm Insurance Representing Farmers Mutual Insurance Company (LINDSAY) Competitive Rates-Excellent Service FARM AUTO HOME BUSINESS You can count on your LOCAL broker when placng coverage! S Fifty years serviei n Orono. J 1-905-983-5115 t WAKEFIELD '-%INSURANCE Speciahizing in: Disability Income e Mortgage Insurance Life Insurance - GIC Investments a Travel Insurance 983-9895 Women in Abuse Relationships 'For HeIp Cali "The Denîise Ilouse" For Womcn and Ciîdreil Toti Frec 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311l ConfïdcnuiallyAssurcd If you want Io drink, Thiats your business. If you want t0 stop, Timîats Ours. call A licoholics Anonyrnousý Lakeshiore Districts (905) 728-1020 Wess SmaII Engine Repair We do it ail. SNOWBLOWERS LAWNMOWERS -TRIMMERS CHAIN SAWS CHAIN SAW SHARPENING You name it, wre do it! 5105 Main Street, Orono for service call (905) 983-9772 51 4 l14 ~ I Ii4U!ëI d{{J~ - Furnace Cleaning and Repairs -24 1-r. No Heat Service FREE.ESTIMATES, Over 21 Years Experience Calil9 35 4 LARRY JACKSON PLUMBING & HEATING *Pump Repairs & Installation @New Work uRepairs *Fumnace Cleaning *Free Estimates For Ftendly Expert Service eaui 983-6214 FINANCING I1 A VAILABLE 'We're here to serve you» ROBERT E -JACKSONV Heatin7g e-Electrical Air Con7ditioning Authtized comsmes Gas Dealer Independent Lennox dealer Furniacess Air Coniditioners & Appliances Main St., Orono 983-6221 PARTNER'S PLUMBING 983-9447 ORONO, ONTARIO Gouiod Pumps &Water, Systems aSeptic Beds Plumbing Installations General Repairs FREE ESTIMATES Formerly Harvey Pafltner Ltd. "Work Wanted" D&ýR CUSTOM FENCINO and Custom Chain Sawing Orono, Ontario 983-9627 BALL'S RADIO & T.V. REPAIR Repairs ta most makes Stereos- Colour & B&W T.V.s - VCR's P.O. Box 27 R..R. 2, Orono ON (905) 983-5721 Advertise yourf business hors. Cali 983-5301 OBNDLUMBER LD Personalized Project Planning Since 1935 85 Station Street Bus: (905) 983-9167 Orono LOB 1 MO, Fax: (905) 983-9467 WANTED: ODD JOBS Pro " General Repairs " Inside and Out " Basemnent to Roof Cali Clifford Francis 983-5761 Cowri'ry Cafe Full Menu' Main St., Orono CMB Ac coli ing Services Cheryl McQueen- Bourke Phone (905) 983-8195 .E-mail: cheryl .mcqueen@ sympaticoca and Mirrors *Caulking & Winterizing *Scr een Repairs Cali HENRY BIER Licensed Glazier 25 ears Expenience (905) 983-5048 4798 Ganaraska Rd. 9, KENDAL, ON LOA IJO C.C. SiDlING CONTRACTORS Quality Installers of Siding & Doors *Wholesale aRetail *Windows .Doors 1684 Newtonville Rd. Newtonville, ON Carl Christentsen 786-3059 E4 VE5TROUGH Manufacturers of 5" Seamless Eavestrough Wholesale a Retail Quality Installations LI684 Newtonville Rd. Newtonville 786-3059 Darlene *Carl ED'S AUTOMOTIVE AIR CNIINN Service & Repairs ta ail makes of Vehicles We make servie calis for off-road equîpment ECARSCADDEN (905) 983-5422 County Rd. 9, jusi est of Kendat IBeech Ave., Bowmanvlle Forer onsCentre INew Facility Available Septemberl AlOccasions- 250 Persons CHATTERTON ELECTRIC. RESIDENTIAL * COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL POLE LINE CONSTRUCTION Dave Chatterton Orono, Ontario Tel: (905) 983-5546 If no answer (905) 983-5940 SUMMER & FALL PAINTING & REPAIRS t nsulating " Windows Caulked " Any Kind of Work Reasonable Rates' NOTHING7T00 SAMALL Cail (905) 983-5761' Clifford CHRISTMALS BAZAAR & RAFFLE FRI., NOVEMBER 27/98 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Clarington Beech Centre 26 Beech Avenue Bowmanvflle Bake table, craft table, white elephant table, penny auction. Raffle: picture, decorative swag, afghan, golf bag - $ 1.00 each/three for $2.00. Soup & Sandwich Lunch. Information 697-2856. 18, 25 ac December 9 Patsy The Fats y Cline Story December 14 Castlelomna/Cullen Gardens January 13 -15 Windsor/Niagara Casino Get-Away January 14 Castieloma & CBC Studios February 6 Tommy Hunter Februay 13 -1,4 Winterlude in Ottawa March 111 Irish Day March 20 Tom Jones Uive Casino Ramna - $5 Weekdays Dec. 3, 8; Fri. Nites Nov. 27, Decil1 Saturday Dec. 5th New Year's Eve Dec.31 6 lcl: Bus, Buffet & more! FlordaiSt. Pete's 20DyTour Ianuary 2 Cajj 1liers Trave Pus WHY DO WJE GO TO CHURCH IANYWAY? FINDING OUR SPIRITUAL HOME Guest Speaker Sylvia Van Haverbeke, M.Div. SUNDAY, NOVEM13ER 29 7.00 - 8:00 p.m. Kirby United Church Special Music. Soloist Jante Dodds Refreshmnents Free Will Offering 18, 25 ap SBuffalo, Ottawa &à IMontreali Caj~li Gliers TrjlPlujs Ororno Horticuttural Society POTLUCK SUPPER ANNUAL MEETING DECEMBER 3rd at 6:30 p.m. Orono United Churcli MIT7EN TREE and Non-perishables for the Salvation Army Entertainment 1999 Membership $3.00 All Welcome 25, 2 ac ST. SAVIOUR'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Mill St., Orono TURKEY DINNER & CAROL SINGING DECEMBER 6th, 1998 6:00 p.m. $ 10.00 For Tickets Cali Chartes G-ray 987-4551 25, 2 ac NATIONAL POWJERSKATING CHRISTMAS BREAK '98 Orono Arena DECEMBER 28-31 Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced Powerskatlng Programs For more info. & to Register Pîcase Cati 905-434-SK8R E-MAIL powrsk8@istar.ca "HAVE THE EDGE!UI" til Dec. 24 ac FURNACE FUEL - GASOLINE - DIESEL TEXACO* ESSO AND PERFORMANCE PLUS MOTOR QILS & GREASES COOPER FUELS LTD. RESIDENTIAL * INDUSTRIAL e AGRICULTURAL 4333 Hwy 2, Newtonville (905) 786-2502 g-y 83 King Street West Newcastle, Ontaro Li1B 1 L2 Telephone (905) 987-3200 (4 Matthews & Associates INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. Pauline Mots, A.I.'I.C. C.I.B Branch Manager