Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 18 Nov 1998, p. 12

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12 - Orono Week~y limes, Wednesday, November 18, 1998 M Epidemic of truck crashes couId'getworse .A national sàfety group says that the current epidemic of large truck crashes in Ontario could get even worse ifîgovern- ments increase truck driver hours of work and continue to allow the use of large trucks that do not meet roilover stan- dards. Bob Evans, Executive Director of Canadians for Responsible and Safe Highways (CRASH), was responding to police warnings that truck crashes are reaching epidemic proportions. "The Federal Govemnment is considering an increase in the limit on truck driver hours of work from the current 60 hours a week to 70 or 80 hours a week * Yet the police are saying that truck driver fatigue is already a factor contributing to the epidemnic of truck crashes. "Commercial driver fatigue has been raised as a possible factor in the Québec bus crash that killed 43 people in 1997, in the explosion of a large truck near Sudbury that closed the TransCanada highway, and in the three-truck pile up that recently killed a truck driver and closed the QEW near Toronto," hie said. 'ý Evans also said that Ontario government truck regulations might be contributing to the rash of large truck rollovers in Ontario in the past two months. He said that about one-quar- ter of large trucks in Ontario do flot conform to national perfor- mance standards. They cause excessive road and -bridge dam- age, or are more inclined to tip over or jackknife. "We are very concerned that heavy lobbying by industry may prevail to keep these non- conforming trucks on the road for another 10-20 years," be said. -Large Truck Facts Ontario- *An April 1998 Angus Reid survey found that 78 per cent of Ontarians feel that roads are becoming more dangerous because of the increased num- ber of tractor-trailers, and that 81 per cent were opposed to increasing the weekly limit on hours of work for truck drivers *Ontario has the highest rate of truck safety defects in Canada *161 people were kilied in large truck crashes in Ontario in 1996 Personal safety seminar A Personal Safety Seminar sponsored by the Oshawa Community Police Office, will be held in room 1110, Durham College, 2000 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa on Monday November 30th, 1998. The seminar will run from 7:15 p.m. - 9:15 p.m. The focus of the seiniar will be "Womeni Travellinig Alone". Guest speaker, Constable Pat Judges of the Durham Regional Police Community Services Office will provide helpfui advice and security tips for women, cover- ing such topics as: First videào I targeting ca 1Auto Wise- Educational Systemns Ic. launched the first video *in Canada targeting used car buyers, "The Real Deal." The used car industry has a well-eamned reputation for misleading and midsinforming consumners traditionally asso- ciated with discreditable deal- ers and even shadier individ- ual vendors. "Thse Real Deal" is designed to arm individuals with exactly the kind of con- cise and relevant information that will allow them to deal confidently and cost efficient- ly in what many buyers con- sider a hostile environment. 1 There's no question that education is half the battie -safety in parking lots -safety when out walkîng -safetywhen using elevators -travelling on public transporta- tion -staying in hotels -tips for professional sales peo- ple -dating and relationships, -use of weapons -personai alarmis The seminar is free and the public is invited to attend. 'Due to fiimited seating, we ask that ail interested persons regis- ter with Durham Coilege at (905) 721-3000, quote course code; Safe 1908. aunched r buyers when'buying a used car," says Paul McLay, President of Auto Direct Educational Systems Inc., producers of the video0. .There are many reputable dealerships and private sell- ers, however, legions of con- sumers are misled about the vehicles they are buying. "The proliferation of curbsiders - people whoc pose as individu- ais and ilegally sel! substan- dard cars - and the miînimal industry standards, coupled with the ignorance' of the average >ssed car buyer cre- ates -a very scam-friendly environment." Paul MeLay Is uniquely suited to lais role as'a car buyer's advocâte.- Over 13 years selllng cars for a major dealershîp prôdiuced many top sales award@, including 6 different awvards for Outstanding Customer Satisfaction frOM Audi and Porsche. Having started bis own car buyers' consultanCy compa- ny two years ago, "Auto Direct," Paul was able to ensure the best possible deal for, bis clients, rhether they were looking fora a new car, or needed asslstaIlce sourcing and inspecting a used car. Leveraging his access to specialty publications and insider information, Paul was able to offer bis clients unbi- ased advice on new and used vehicles and was able to mediate deals for his clients that often saved them thou- sands of dollars. "The Real Deal" and Uts focus on used cars, is a natu- rai extension of the knowl- edge and service with whlch Paul provides bis clients. The video Is designed to empower those people who are thnking of buying a used car, or actively looking for one, but need the same guid- ance and expertise that is widely available in the new car market but, to date, diffi- cuIt to flnd in the used car market. "The Real Deal" can be, purchased on-line or toîl free at 1.-877-473-2533 at an mntroductory price of $24.95 plus tax. Included with the video is an instruction manu- ai that helps viewers and readers "mnspect the car like a pro" as well as an inspection checkllst that takes the client through the used car Inspec- tion process step-by-step. Rest area (continued from page 1) bring a report forward without hearing from one of the three parties." Councillor Rowe also commenting of the matter stat- ed, "here we are in a timne of downloading, we can't even get a hold of them [the MOT], they have a piece of property in our, Municipality they aren't even taking care of. Here we have an absentee landiord, we should send thern a letter and ask themn to look after their property." Mayor Hamre told fellow councillors she could under- stand their frustration that the MOT did not reply, "but the fact of the matter is that a numn- ber of properties owned by the Ministry are now up for sale." "'Tbey have no intentions of re- opening this park," she added. It would cost considerable dol- lars to upgrade the facility and the washroomns. The Mayor said she continuously gets calls from people within the munici- pality complaining about inad- equate park facilities.. We have a lo ng list of concerns within our boundaries bhefore we can spend money on a park that 5351 Main St., Orono 983-1121 At Sharkys, we buy!seiI and trade almost anything... Jewellery, 1V'sNÇCR's, CD's and Movies, Etc. At Sandi's Place, we seil new giftware & collectables. N Northcutt. Elliott lE Funeral Home THOUGHTFULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A Family Owned Business, Offering: Traditional Funeral Services Prearranged & Prepaid Services - Cremation Arrangements Alternatives to Traditional Funerals - Out of Town Shipping CORY KUIPERS - PRESIDENT 53 Division Street Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 2Z8 623-5668 OFF STREET PARKING Brigitte Brown Gift C'ertificates FIVE EARSao'a iable Pedicure NEW! *Manicures ArBuhn *Waxing ArBuhn - Nail Extensions - Ear Candling ESHTCsu o - Eyelash Tinttng SHTCTUI 171 Iviill St., Orono, Ontario LOB I MO - (905) 983-869~ WOODSTOCK TOY AND COLLECTIBLES SHOW. Fea- turing Tos plus Beanie Bobies, Sports Cards, Nostalgie and Coins. Sunday, November 22, 10300e ta 400 pm, Oxford Auditorium, oodstock Fairgrounds Osr 125 tables. Sometting frevervone Admisson )O Fr re--information eIl (510,426-887 solufior. 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