-* 7 - 1 di I ' U ý Orono) Weeýkly Timles, Wed(nesdaýy, November 18, 1998 - 9 Ne w-ton ville re members Ail the Newtonville Public School chidren were present at the Remembrance Day Service held in the village last Wednesday. The children sang several verses of a song titled Yes, We Remember'. Several of the students also had the opportunity to share some of their Remembrance Day writings. The ceremony was lead by- Mr Bill Clarke. The Rev. David Saunders lead the group im a short meditation and prayer. Several wreaths were placed around the monument, but due to the high winds that day they could not be. placed on their stands, but had to be anchored to the ground. Councillor Troy Young laid the wreath for the Municipality, and was asked to say a few words. The service concluded with the sign- ing of 'God Save the Queen'. Hwy, and is still purnping gas. Dennis is married to Deanna and they have 2 children, ages 1and 5. He joined the Newcastle Lions Club in 1994, has served on several commit- tees and is presently 3rd Vice President. 1The guest speaker was intro- duced by Lion Warren Tait, Reverend Canon D.. R. Saunders, Rector at St. Georges and St. Saviours Anglican Church's said he considered it an extremne honour to speak to the club on Remembrance Day, Padre Saunders gave a very interesting talk on the Military, of which was very qualified to do, having served as an Army Chaplin for 28 years, retiring only this year. He served Forces Bases, Borden, Valcartier,, Bagotville, 2 PPCLI, Kîngston, Chilliwack, Toronto and with the peace keepers in Cyprus, retiring as a Major from Land Forces Central area Headquarters as the Area Chaplain. Padre Saunders said that the worst that has hap- pened to the Veterans, afier al they went through is that they have been forgotten. Padre Saunders was thanked by Lion Gord Jilks and presented with a token of appreciation . In response to a request for an upright freezer from Community Care it was decid- ed that the club would purchase a freezer suitable for the requirements. Lion George Rickard volunteered to look afier the purchase and delivery of a freezer. Youth Chairman, Lion Mike Carter, gave th e namnes of the winners of the Peace Poster Contestat the local level. They are, from the Pines Sr. Public School, lst, Jen Elizabeth Lamont, 2nd, Ryan Howe; Kirby Public School, 1 st, Kayla Fontaine, 2nd, Krista Lowery; Newtonville Public School, lst, Emily Barker, 2nd, Samantha Peterson. These winners will now compete at the region con- test." Lion Mike commended the participants and as a judge at the local level reported that he was impressed with their artistry. The next regular meeting of the Newcastle Lions Club will be held in the Lions Room at the Newcastle Community Hall on November 25 with dinner served at 7 PM. Guests are welcome, please caîl Sierd DeJong at 987-4976 for confirmation. An enthusiastlc throng helped Bowmanville Toastmasters celebrate their eleventh anniversary on the tenth of November 1998. 1Among, our distinguished guests were M.P.P. John OToole, Regional Councillor Mary Novak, Penny Waghorne Public Affairs Officer Darlington Hydro, Donna McFarlane Public Affairs Manager Darlington Hydro. -Members from Lindsay and Oshawa clubs joined wlth frlends and famlly to share the celebration. Htghllght of the evening was -keynote speaker Ross Mackay Internatlonally acclaimed speaker. The heart of Ross' message was a reminder that each of us must focus on a goal being mindful of the milestones along the way as checks that we remamn on track. The enthusiastic humour was like the spoonflul of sugar helping the messag(,e godon A BIG thank you to memi- bers and frlends whose sup- port has been s0 vital to our success. Corne and visit us any Tuesday evening, 7:30 -. 9:30 p.ml. We meet at "The Darlington Hydro Infonnation Centre," Bowmanville. For more information please caîl Irene Konzelmann 983-9423. Newcastle Lions News 1The regular meeting of the born in Toronto in 1965, where Newcastle Lions Club was held he received most of his educa- on Remembrance Day, tion. At age 13, he and his fam- Nov. 11lth , in the Lions Room ily moved to Bramalea where at the Newcastle Community they lived for 12 years. At age Hall. The meeting was called to 15 Dennis struck out on his order at 7 PM by President own, returning to Toronto and Mike Swaga with 35 members spending 2 years at Humber present and one guest, Wayne College before entering the Blodgett.. electrical business. After 7 After a plenteous and deli- 'years of getting shocks, in 1990 cious dinner of scalloped pota- he moved to Newcastle where toes and ham, Lion Dennis' he managed the Oilco Gas Bar Walker was chosen as this on King St. East. In 1997, he weeks " Who's Who," Lion took over the management of Dennisý reiterated that he was the Beaver Gas Bar on 115 Stutt's Pharmacy Ltd. offers many Cbristmas gi.ft ideas... - Fragrances for Men & Wornen *Gift Baskets, ready-rnade or create-your-owvn *-Êlectric Braun Shavers *Chocolate, Chocolate & more Chocolate! Check out our large selection. * Gifts of Comfort', pamiper yourself through Arornatherapy, Herbai Teas & Bath products *Plush Animais, check out our "Cuddle Collection" *Timex Watches *Wide selection of Stocking Stuffers! STUTT'S PHARMACY LTD. 5344 Mafin St., Orono - Tel: 983-5009 - Open Monday - Friday 9 - 6* Sat. 9 - 5 ,->fo' Of ,ALL boxeSd Christmnas Cards. I250/iO f e ALL Christrnas Wý7rapping Paper L--- ---m a - ammm-m-m----mm---m m Clubs ~Oraanizations Bowmanville Toastmasters NI kk 1 llSiýi mý,