12 - Otono Weekly Times, Wêdnesday, October 28,1998 Label- peewees roughed up The Markham Label-pee- wee rep team had a rough night when they faced off against Woodville on Sunday. This not their regular home-ice game time, and it seemed to throw them right off their game as the Woodville gang stuck it to them 7-3. Woodville opened the scor- ing at,4:49 in the first frame then proceeded to add three more before Curt Robinson finally found the chink in their netminder's armor at 5:33 of the second period on a pass from Tanner Milison. Although Orono's defensive pairs of Price and Williams, and Pisani and Moffat thwarted many Woodville offensive rallies, they couldn't -stop them ahl. With the score 5-1, Orono scored their second of the game--a nice goal by Justin Szymczak assisted by Kyle Cox and Cutt Robinson. Orono struckonce more before game's end at 56 seconds during a flur- ry of action in front of the net when Matt Barnes found the spot with Milîson and- Kyle Allin assisting. Jamie Whitehead and Kevin Martin split the game between the pipes for Orono. The boys are on the road twice this week with a stint in Port Perry and Fenelon Falls. Dufferin Aggregates undefeated in 2 starts- The Dufferin Aggregates Minor Tyke hockey team opened their 1998/99 season with two convincing wins last week. There was no shortage of scoring power as they defeated Beaver Lumber 5-3 at home followed by a 5-1 victory over McDonald's at Darlington Arena on Saturday., Christopher Lunn and Spencer Cole netted a goal each in both games with Kevin, Schoenmaker, Edward Meester, Tyler Webster, Randy Clugston, Cory Weiss and" Jesse Desourdy alsoscoring their first goals of the season. Edward Meester and; Courtney Elson played strong in net both making terrific 1TRT novices net 16 goals A red hot TRI novice teamn tangled with J&M Tire on Bowmnanville's new ice pad Saturday- afterrnoon, nailing down an 8-5 win. After ringing a post, Matt Dobson landed TRT's first dri- ving around the defence and picking- the corner. Bowmanville tied and went ahead, but Daniel Hodgson fired in a shot from the slot from Zachary Flood to tie the match. Down by one in the second, Rob Blaker scored on a break- away. Dustin Armstrong put TRI ahead for good skating in on a break-away, his shot find- ing the corner, was assisted by Devon Robinson. Rob Blaker netted his second from Kevin Griffmn pushing TRT's total up to five. Orono took control in a penalty filled third, jumping ahead by two when Devon Robinson smoked by the defence and scored on a hard backhand - Tyler Elson assist- ing. Minutes later, Joel McDonald broke up a Bowmanville rush and Dustin Armstrong scored TRT's sev- enth goal. Matthew.Dobson popped in his second of the gamne at 3:55 fmnishing the scor- ing with Naithan Smith and Jevon Staples assisting. Final shots: TRT - 20, Bowmanville - 7. On Sunday afternoon, back in Orono, TRT moved down Evergreen 8oM and outshot the green team 34-1. Goalie Josh Dobson made a tough save on a break in the third to earn the shut-out. Matt DobSon scored at 11:22 on a reboutid off a Devon Robson blast from the circle. Dustin Armstrong put TRT up by two scorinig from the slot off another Robinison shot., Dobson notched his second at 0:29 dri- vingr in fromn the face-off, unas- sisted. In the second, Devon Robinson pushed TRT up by four, slipping around the defence and banging in a back- hand, assisted by Tyler Elson and Rob Blaker. Forty seconds later, Kevin Griflin scored from the slot from Blain Cox and Rob Blaker. On the next shift Katie Definney scored, sliding in a shot under the pads from Matt Dobson and 'Joel McDonald. Dobson scored twice in the third, assisted by Nathan Smith, Katie Definney and Jevon Staples to finish the scoring. Awesome team effort. Conservation Program, Site Plans, Drafting, Asbestos Management Programa, and liaison with various provincial and local authorities for project approvals, as well as supervision of contractgrs for projects. The ideal candidate will be qualified as aCertifled Engineering Technologist. Proficiency on Autocad 15 required. Familiarity with Word Perfect and Lotus 123 would be an asset. Candidates must possess a valid Ontario "G" driver'slicense and be willing to use their own vehicle. The incumbent will initially work out of our Cobourg office. Relocation to Peterborough will occur on or before 1 January 1999. Please apply with a lettèr of application and complete resume including proof of academic achievement by 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, 3 November 1998 to: Mark Galonski Controller of Facilities Services Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board Cobourg Education Centre 834 D'Arcy Street North, Box 470 Cobourg. K9A 4L2 Fax: 905-372-5508 J. Armnstrong Chairperson R. (Dick) T. Malowney Director of Education A Police RecoriLç Check will be required of ail individuais hired by the Kawartha Fine Ridge Dýitrict Shool Board as a condition of employment. The Kawartha Fine Ridge District School Board is an Equa! Opportun ity Employer. We thank ail who apply, but advise that only applicants to be interviewed will be contacied. ,Persona! information is collected under thje Education Act, S.]171,(3), c.E2, and will be used for employme nt purposes only. C :You've got the Iast Word) This week's contributions feature two separate articles written by: Daniel G. Banting Perspective and traditions Recently, 1 had a conversa- tion with a client from the United States. During our talk, 1 lamented the fact that certain traditional pursuits and activi- ties were being lost through the advancement of technologies. 1 found his attitude thought provoking'. Essentially his feel- ing was, we no longer need to 'hitch the horses up to go to work',and rather than thinking of the skill lost, we should appreciate the fact that we can now drive cars. 1 normally try to maintain the attitude that my cup is haîf fuît as opposed to haîf empty, and 1 do appreciate the quality of 'life modemn conveniences and technology provide. That being said, 1 also have to admit, I achieve a level of satisfaction from doing things, or having things done for me, 'the old fashion way'. Nothing compares to the feeling of wearing a sweater made by the caring hands of someone close to you. Knitted, from wool as it came from the sheep and not processed into something that the manufac- tures assures us is 'superior to the natural fiber'. Makes me wonder why God didn't outfit the critters with it in the first place. 1 am aware that there are natural gas fireplaces, however 1 stili prefer to use my natural wood one. I've neyer been able to achieve quite the same sense of fulfiliment from turning on the switch as 1 do from cutting, hauling and splitting a bush cord. There is also the confi- dent feeling 1 have, being just a little more self reliant than the guy with the yellow pipe run- ning into his house.- Fbugl P'm also aware that one of the benefits of modern chem- istry is the fact that we now have foods with a sheif life that exceeds that of nuclear faitout. 1 stili have a preference for the preserves'made by someone wearing an apron -- not a hair net, rubber gloves and hermeti- cally sealed coveralis. It also provides me a degree of com- fort, both philosophic and gas- tronomic when I can pronounce the contents. Our lives have been made easier by progress. I just can't help feeling part of the price may be the erosion of the human spirit. Words to remember Last Saturday, during an outing along the small creek that runs through my place I made an unusual discovery. I had just stopped to watch a pair of brook trout spawning in a portion of the creek that is in the most remote corner of the property. After watching them cavort about for a fiew minutes I leaned back against a tree to ruminate on the state of the world. From my reclined position 1 could see the bottom of a chicken mushroom, (these are the kind that we commonly see, they look like semi circular shelves on the side of trees, sometimes called sulfuir selves) and hand printed on the bottom of the mushroom were these words. "Comne, rest here awhile. Catch the tendrils of dislappearing dreams." A sim- ple yet somehow thoughtful message. Words l'Il remember. Cail me to buy or seil... ' Orono and area's real estate representative.. K.rystyna Jones 983-6013 Aeoltyn-Net ASSOCIATES %(DURHAM)Inc. 1050 Simcoe St. N., #103, Oshawa .TEL: (905) 721-2112 Mis dual or single family brick zw on 3/4 acre country lotjust the ski hili... $187,500! 5351 Main St., Orono - 983-1121 At Sharkys, we buy/seII and trade almost anything... Jewellery, 1VsNCR's, CD's and Movies, Etc. At Sandis Place, we seli new giftware & collectables. r