Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 14 Oct 1998, p. 13

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Orono Weely Times,. Wednesday, October 141, 1998- 13 Tips for s1nowbirds that are headîng south Withi the faîl season offi- cially upon uis, mîany snow- birds are preparing to take flight for warmer climes. If you decide to head south for the winter, CAA Central Ontario bas some tips to heip you'prepare for a carefree vacation: eCheck all home, tenant or condominium insurance policies to ensure youtre fuliy covered for fuli replacement value of your possessions. Also check for any limitations or exclusions that you may want to review with your insurance agent. For exam- pIe, does your policy require someone to check your home regularly while you're away? * Neyer leave home with- out buying out-of-country medical insurance. As most snowbirds know, an accident or îllness in the U.S. can lead to financial disaster for any- one without adequate insur- ance coverage. e Take copies of prescrip- tions for ahl medications, eye glasses, etc. 1 Depending on the 1length of your stay, you may be deemed- a U. S. resident for tax purposes. Check with an accountant to see if you are required to file any docu- ments under U.S. tax laws. - Make copies of ah imnpor- tant papers, credit cards and identification that you'll be takingvi th you, and leave the copies with a responsible friend or relative for safe- keeping. *Arrange with the post office to have your mail for- warded or have someone reli- abl e pick it up regularly. - Be prepared to provide proof to U.S. immigration offi-, ciais that you intend to retumn to Canada or you may be refused entry into the U.S. Simple documents sucli as utility bis, a property tax notice and a driver's licence should be sufficient. It's a good idea to carry photo ID anyway. a Save energy by lowering heat and tumning off your hot water heater. - Don't carry a lot of cash. Use credit cards and arrange to do your banking with a bank in the area where you'Il be staying. CAA members can register their credit cards' with CAA's Charge Guard program. If their cards are lost or stolen, CAA will notify the credit card companies and request replacements on their behaîf. - Leave a copy of your trav- el plans with a friend or rela- tive, in case you need to be reached. If you're driving, include information about the routes you will be taking and stops you'll be making along the way. é, Bring your CAA memnber- shlp card wvith you. IL~S good for 24-hour Emergency Road Service anywhere in North Amierica. CAA memabers can also use 'it to get free maps and Tour BookMatan A or AAA office. OUT-OF-COUM IRY HEALTH INSU1 NC. What You Shoudt 08w Under the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP), you are entitled to certain benefits if you are injured, or become il, while travelling outside Canada. However, these ben- efits are limited, so, CAA Central Ontario strongly rec- omxnends getting extra health coverage before you leave the country. Why? For starters, many health services outside Canada cost considerably more than OHIP covers, and you are liable for the differ- ence. Also, somehealth ser- vices are not covered by OHIP at all, meaning you will have to pay the full cost out of your own pocket. Travellers headed for Mexico will need special auto insurance coverage and a (free) Mexican government tourist card. Both are av,,ail- able at Mexican government border offices, the Mexican consulate in Canada, or at AAA offices In Arizona, Califrnia, New Mexico and Texas. ln general, OHIP will pay for eligible emergency health services as follows: 0up to $400 Canadianper day for emergency inpatient hospital services requiring complex care, such as surgery or coronary, neona- tal, pediatric or intensive care; - up to $200 Canadian per day for less intensive medical care; *up to $50 Canadian per ODDL Y ENOUGH day for all e mergency outpa- tient services, with the excep- tion of dialyýsis, which.will be paid at a rate of $210 If you 650w a yaunig person (laged 6 l to ana a i invoved ieorthwie cammunity service, or is canînîbut- ing while living with a limitation, or has pertarmed an act of hrism, nominae hi/her for the Ontaro Junior Cii- zen af the Yar Ararr. Nomination trms are avalabte thraugh this newspaper an OCNA at 905-639-8720, et 230. >140,OOOIyr Ptentîvl. Ys!Prafit magazine asysBest businesstago inIa '98.7 Law ole ia ns inentairy= Very Prolitriole Franchi-!i Cali asa, Iran inormation: t 888-679-2201. Dsconar 50w people lke YOU are making $7000- $12,OOOnIrna wth the Wrda rnat succesat ai internt rachise-.-We.train yo. Inealmant rqirei. 1-888-678- 7588. CASH RIGHT NOWi RRSP, RRSP Lockad-i, LIRA iLacked-in Retrarnent Accaunt), LIF (Lite incarne Faad) an ther ickad-in accounta, awnrs can tura ynur anvent- mants inta CASH RIGHT NOW WITHOUT PAYING TAXES Daed betons a solctor Na depasil raqied. Ta: Ottawa & rea. t-800-3997040 Trnto & aisea 1-8890 54-7708. CHRISTIAN MINISTRYIBUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Jaîn gnvwîng netwrarofaIChristian Franchisses Serve Iha Lard & yaur Cammunity Prteclad temrîcares Inestirent rqairait, SIGNIFICANT ROI. Traning & support. Cati t- 800-663-7326. CASH IN/CASH OUT Cake, Hsesas, M&M. Re-stock eslabliahad unique vendans an yaur aas. Na seler.Fait- fins, paot-ima. Minimum îvatmaat $13,980.1t-88503- 8894 (24 hnu). Membar B.. THE RIGHT CHOICE CAN CHANGE TOUR LIFE FOR- EVER. Establiaheit campany wlh salid cradantiala andt cttîng 640e campensatian plan seeks motîvated net- wraiur. Onlina, Otîtîne. http://www.mnlit.cam/cgîf/mem- benaJM586.html WiNDOW MANUFACTURING EQUIPMENT tan sale. Campets Trnkay aperatîva Lka nea. Iaveatary, sali- ware ad setap alan, availabte. Ecellent pnice. Coli t 888-295-3880. FREE INCOME Tva franchse. Limita iime, Canadas 2nd lageaI andt Ivtet growîng incarne 150 preparatian franchise. Na initiai franchsa tee. Lowar t-sp avs Ecellent ternînnresaailabie 1-00-665-9144 SAVE MONEY, make rnaney. Make cratîs lor gîfttîg an sailng, free 88 page caaloigue. Craft kts andt supplies. Cîysbi Craft, RR #3 Hîgh River, AB, TtV 1N3. COTTONELLE. 3 distribuoas needed in yaat anea. Louncli branit nea pradacîl Substantial 9Sfyean potential. Mnmam invavîment $8000 goaranteait. Ftee audia/videa pakaga. 1-800-80 0-2899. CAREER CHANGE? pro-Techi Cvînpiier Ciav iti pro- vide yva ilS complets tanng, equipmenl & supplies ta establîlihyaun awn hame-baseit business. Gan't apprvoed. $300000 plan GOT. Cati Jeanne t-888-615- 0555. LEARN AUCTIONEERING. Claaaes hait Nvembet4- 20, '98 Fon inoraton canact: Sasthwestern Ontario Schol ofa Auctîsnenng, R R. #5, Waadatvck, Ontario N4S 7V9.1-888-673-6999 bacîtîno awei pýatceemj n camputýr pogrnmmînig. We rnli prepana satabie applîcants. Minitry et dation Regîterad Home Stody Dipiamna Prvgram. Fînancial assistance, noanan computer yternas and jab placement lavils anaîtable. Na aapanence necesssry. CMS 1-800- 477-9578. Canadian per treatment. For more de tails on OHIP coverage, contact your near- est Ministry of Health office. stady caurse. Cati tday tan yaur FR88 800K. t 000- 267-1829 The W,îting Salivi, 38 McAthur Avenue, Suite 3098, Ottawa, ON KL 6R2. INTERNATIONAL ARIURAu L Eachange -Ages 18 - 30 willi agncultual exeanînce ta lie/aank wtli amily n Autralie, New Zeeland, Earvpe, Japon. Cat/detoiis - 1-800-283-t827. Calgary, Aberta 200 JO9Sn Lekeide Packems near Brooks, Albertaio nr- inq tan praocion laboureranrday and anenîng shiîtt. We are lanking tan people interetait in s caeer in the beet ndastny. Permanent, tait-ime aank is avalebla. Applcenta soivld lia prearnd fot phyoîcal labour invoal- ng a knife. Ns experience taquinedait n e train, Day shift statîng wage $9.25 lion,; tternoan shift stats $960 hourFax yaan eume ta 403-501-2239 an cali ost1-88- 700-0903 Ian inrmaton. SAWMILL $4895 SAW LOGS INTO BOAROS, planku, beama. Lage apacity. Bes semaitîlu 01e onywhene. Free inarmation 1-800-586-6899. Nraaad Samîllu, R.R 2, Klwntlry, Ontai F08 100O STOP ARTHRITIS PAIN,1 IBROMYALGilA ani thler paîntai condtions sataly aittrout medîcatiana. Senit SASE ta APT Entarprises, 340800 8Bristol Rd. E, Mssssauga, L4Z 3K8 fsr veisable iformaton package. JOCUS EDUCATIONAL TOYS - Celebrnting 20 succesa- lut yea. 350+ quaaity Inys, garnes, crafttasupplement y001 amiiy incarna daîng hame parties, tandaîoets, cals- logue sales 1-800-381 4587, as 9343. $ATTENTuiN STUOENTS8 Maka.alot 0I msneY selIîag chacoate bars New praducî aalable Nthîng ta pay in advance. Fat daivery 1-80-833589. 20/20 WITHOUT GLASSESi Sala, reput, nan-sungicai permanent restnnatîsn in 6-8 ceeko. Airine pitdanel- nped. Doctvr epptsvait. Free inormatan by mail 406- 961-5570 et 253. Fax 406-961-5577, lip//www.viaînn- reedar.cnm. Satisaction guaeanteet. 88E WILL RENEW YOUR FAilli IN PSYCHICS. Gîteit, naneat, mastera reveai fttae. Adoîce va lave, saccesu, work, heatth,.monny, relatîonnahpu. 24 tin Lina. 18+ $3.39/mîn. 1-900-830-3113. STEEL BUIDINGS. Endts lacladei. Gon DreaL >16 s 24 $2,988.00. 21 a 30 $3,760.00. 25 x409$5,624.00. 32 n 44 $6,835.00 34 x 56 8,360.00 400x609$9,988.00. 46 x70 $13,044.00. 56 a 90 $22,888.00. Othera. Pineer 1-8000 868-8422ý FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS. 100% Galalume Steel, guanteait 20 yeaam EnginearadIo ta lsta lîetîrne. Inneat n t9e besL. Maay moitela ta clîvase ram. Free estîmate. Cvii 1-i8-6853 et 536 COLLECTOR BOYS GUITARS made belre 1970. 1ay- îng $400 lv $>0,000 + tnt cartain madela by Giboya, Ferrier, Martn, Getacl, Epîphana andt National. Cal Slave, anytîrne 1-800-9643544. "I thought you wanted a clothes dryer." Jo z w >1 lES Cciii me to buy or sell.. - Orono and area's real estate representative.. K ryslyna Jones 983-ý6013 Rîeoltyp-îNet ASSOCIATES (DURHAM)Inc. 1050 Simcoe St. N., #103, Oshawa TEL: (905) 721-2112 Fabulous dual or single family brick jbungalow, on 3/4 acre country lot just jeast of the ski hili... $ 187,5001.

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