M- - ý2- ý,n Wekl iis W ded,,(, b,1,9q Frindsofmu sic opens, 24th Inter series Port Hope Friends of Music opens its 24th Winter Series' with a concert by Toronto's ESPRIT ORCHESTRA, direct- ed by founder-conductor Alex Pauk, on Saturday, October 24th at Port Hope United Church at 8 p.m. The pro- gram includes music by Britten, Elgar and Vaughan Williamns. Tickets (adults $25, stu- dents $10) available at the door, or from Furby Books and the Capitol.Theatre box office in Port Hope, or the Cobourg Book Store, Clark's Music Centre or George's Guitars & Music in Cobourg., Phone (905) 885-1071 or 1- 800-434-5092 (major credit cards accepted). PARLIAMEN7 HIIL L Alex Shepherd Even in the face. of global f1inanclal problems Canada's economy continues to pro- duce jobs not only nationally but locally. Seventy-three-thousand jobs were created across' Canada in September, brin- mng the number of jobs creat- ed in the last quarter to 136,000. Locally 2,531 job vacancies were listed in September, up from 1,666, in August, and 1,510 in July, Forecasts for Durham esti- mate the number of new jobs -for people living in the area wvill climb by about 12,000 a jear over the next 10 years. 1 tbink these numbers, bet- ter than any other economic statistic, at a time when there is s0 much economic turrnoil worldwlde, speak volumes about the underlying strength of the Canadian economy. I don't tbink this Is the gov- ernment blowing its own homn so-to-speak. Not when the International Monetary Fund in its "World Economic Outlook" reported Canada would enjoy a 2.5 per cent growth during 1999., the Conference Board of Canada, as well, has sald we would enjoy 2.4 per cent growth in 1999, while CIBC Wood Gundy forecasted 2 per cent for the same year. 15Sowbile other economies continue to cool Canada's is weathering this economic storm in relatively good shape. T,ýhe- unemployment rate remains at an eight-year low of just over 8 per cent. This is a far cry from the 11.4 per cent this government inherit- ed just after taking office in Ail subscriptions pur- chased by October 23rd are eligible to win a trip to Montrealfor a concert by the Montreal , Symphony Orchestra under -conductor Charles Du toit. Alex Pauk will pick the winner at, the con- cert on October 24th. For information cal (905) 885- 01i22. IT PAYS TOàl ADUVERTISE I983-5301 1993. A large part of the national job creation picture reflects youth employment. Forty- three-thousand jobs were cre- ated in September'account- ing for more than haîf of the 73,000 jobs created. The federal govemrment is dedicated to a long termi jobs and growth strategy, a strat- egy this goverrnent has fol- lowed since it first took office. How can -Ie account for thîs? Wý ell simply put Cariadians wanted balanced budgets, low inflation and low interest rates. These factors ail have a role to play. Regardless of what politi- cal pundits, economists and speculators say - and 've noticed no two are saying the saine thing - our economy is strong and will continue to performi better than most of the OECD countries. Crmi StMa S seals soiree TwNas November nine- teenth and ail through the estatÉe, T he L-ung As-sociatîin was prepared for Jits- Soiree date. Auction items were laid out for ail to see and decora- fions were carefully placed on each Christmas tree. The artist's originals were set up with care, in hopes that the guests soon would be there. Please join The Lung Association Durham Region's "Christmas Seals Soiree" to kick off the 1998 Christmas Seal Campaign in style. The gala event wIll take place at' Parkwood Estate i Oshawa on Thursday, November 19, 1998 at seven o'clock in the evening. "Last year, tickets sold out in 3 weeks, and we raised over $10,000," says Linda Brankston, event Co-Chair, ."we are urging people to order their tickets early." The event will include'a private show- ing by artist Walter Campbell, a live and silent auction, in whlch you may acquire unique Christmnas gifts for the person "who has everything," specialty wine, beer and chocolate tastings and a delectable array of savoury hors d'oeuvres and treats . ..all thanks to our sponsors, for the evening; Ocala Orchard Farm Winery, The Upper Canada Brewing Company, Williams Chocolate, and Dickson printing Ltd. The Lung Association is one of Canada's oldest health charities and is not a United Way'agency. Your support will enable us to make a sig- nificant impact on the respi- ratoryhealth of people in your community. Help us to be the leading public awareness pre- vention, and education resource for respiratory dis- ease. Join us at this festive gala event and order your tickets today! Local businesses have been very generous, donating unique auction items sure to capture guests interest. "We are still looking for additional treasures though," says, Dawn Flett, event Ca-Chair. "So if anyone can help, we'd like to hear from you.", Tickets are fifty-five dollars per person and cari be pur- chased from The Lung Association Durham Pegion. For more information or to order your tickets, please cal (905) 436-1046. After all, -When You Can't Breathe, Nothing Else Matters!" lI hope Io Cod lUs flot true." My mother 16 dying from Huntington disease. Its an înhenited brain disorder that is slowly chippiog away at her- mind.. her body..her soul. It nay take 10, i5D even 25- years hefore it finally kils her And even then, the disease may flot go to the grave À4th her You see, once you deveiop Huntington dtsease, theres a 50 percent chance you will pass the gene responisibie for Huotitomns aiong to your childeen. And if they develop the disease, then their children face those same fifty-fifty odds Just like my mother, I wanted to gîve the gift of ltfe. Wshat, have 1 done tnstead? But chere ts hope. Recent research breai'throughs have brought us closer than everto hindtng a cure, Wrh your support, we will heat this disease once and for Ail Please cali the Huntington Soctety of Canada today We neod voir help ,ý Huntington Society of Canada HUNTINGTON Societé Huntuingtoin du Canada Memory Laine Calendars A wonderfuel Crsma iidea! Personalized calendars made, from your 12 favourite photos Now available at the Orono Weekly Times 5310- Main St., Oronto- (905) 983-5301 To view a sample calendar, drop by ,oür office. Or der forms can be picked up or droppcd off weekdays 8 to 5. Orders ready for pickup in 10 days. $24.95 for first calendar--save 20%0 on any additional copies (using saine photos). Z>Mt4 Cw e& e« em.êed4qG't