Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 7 Oct 1998, p. 7

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Orono Weekly Tiniies, Weilnesclay, Qcto)bcr 7, 1998 7- Cemetery walk Local Historian Helen Schmid (center, holding open folder) took a group of area history bifs on a tour through the Orono Cemetery last Sunday. Schmid related.many obscure and interesting details about some of the area's past residents buried there. Schmid pointed out monuments that had con- tained rave errors, and plots where an entire family was wiped out by a flu epidemic. Another reality of an'old cemetery Schmid indicated, is the many, many children buried there, Imany without a monu- ment. The tour was sponsored by the Orono Town Hall Board, and was another of their many events celebrating the hall's i Oth Anniversary this year. MEET THE TEACHER NIGHT ANDBARBEQUE On lThursday, September 24 we held our, 'Meet the Teacher Night." From -al accounts this was a very suc- cessful evening. It was good to see so many parents come out and support this evenbng. I personally appreciated the large number of parents who came up to me and Intro- duced themselves. It's always nice to be able to put a face to a name. A very spectal thank you goes out.to Mr. Wbnters for bringlng his barbeque to Kirby and staying for he whole evenbgi to cook our hot dogs and to the staff for their support. Thanks also goes out to Mrs. Wood for helping to deèan up bn the kitchen. I would also like to thank the students who heiped me set up for this evenbng: Stephanie "GROWING TOWARD THE FUTUIR" Dear Familles and Friends of Newcastle Public School, Its' hard to believe that the first month of the school year is a]ready behbnd us. It's been very busy for both the staff anÉd the ýstu dents>, and we've Rutherford, Stacey Bannon, Kiley Hodgson, Justin Caruana andGaret Wood. VOLUNTEERS Studies have found that active bnvolvement of parents a nd members of the comrmu- nity bn the school is an indi- cator of school excellenc e. Parent or conmunity volun- teers can help out bn avariety of ways-that bnclude: helpbgns in the classrooms. in the library., or on trips, assisting bndividual or groups of stu- dents sharing a hobby or bnterest or servlng on a com- mtttee(s). Your assistance is welcome on a once-bn-a-whlle or on a regular hasis. Please call the school at 983-5802 If you wish to offer your ser- vices, or', do not hesitate to caîl you child's teacher to- arrange a time to come in. Principal D. M. Mlgram already many accomplish- ments to look back on. "A main focus for everyone at the school has been the estab- lishmnent of routines and pro- cedures to ensure the safety of our students. The teachers have ail deveioped Classroom Rules and Behavtoural Expectations with their ciass- es, and have shared these with you through notices home and your classroom vis'- Its. At the school level. we have helped students under- stand and practice entry and exit procedures as well as ,what is expected of them dur- ing recesses to ensure their own and the safety of others. I would like to thank you - the parents/guardians, for your support bn these areas. We'have really appreciated your co-operation at the beginning and end of the day when students have been dropped off and picked up. Our hallways are very busy places at these times, and, teachers have the onerous responsibility of ensuring the safety of ail the students in their charge. We have appre- ciated your assistance bn car- rylng out, this responsibility by leavlng your chldren out- side at the door through whlch the class enters the school, and then waiting there at the end of the day to recelve themn. Parents and others visiting the school dur- ing the school day are asked to, makce the office at the front doors of the school, their first stop. This alerts us to your presence and allows us to assist you'in accompllshing the purpose of your visit. Volunteers, co-op students and other ciassroom visitors will be given pin-on identifi- cation tags 50 that their role is clear to ail students and staff. Our endeavours bn regards to student safety continue. and as weil, the- School Council -will be receiving an update regarding, -the Emergency Procedures wehave puit in place, tin the, event of a fire or other thireat. Please feel welcorne to caîl us for information about any of these sehool policies. We are always happy to review them with you. It was a pleasure meeting so many of you at our Barbeque and Open Houseon Sept. 29. Your participation is further evid ence of your lnterest in and support-of your chiids school experi- ence. We look forward to con- tinuing to work with you in, providing the safest and most appropriate education for your children that we can. Siîncerely, Margarete Cameron, Prinicipal. INCLEMENT WEATHER Schools are aiways consid- ered to be open; however, there may be instances when bus transportation is either deiayed or cancelied. if you are concerned about the weather conditions and the possibility of bus cancelia- tions, please listen to radio station Magic 94.9 FM or 1350 AM for the Newcastle Area reports. You must kriow the number(s) of the bus(es) your child(ren) take. a s only the bus company and bus route number will be announced. Laidlaw provides Our bus service. Route num- bers 33 and 36 are for Newcastle. If the bus service is can- celied in the morning and a parent brings a child to school, it will be the respon- sibility of the parent to arrange for transportation home for the chiid at 3:30. The decision to send a bus home early in the afternoon (no later than 2 p.m.) wili be made by 11:45 a.m. Shouid, an early bus return be required, the chlldren need to know where the parent expects them to go. NEWCASTLE CARES FOR- THE ENVIRONMENT Ibis-school year NPS stu- dents continue to demon- strate respect and care for our environmient. Snack time is bn the class- room. Food is not taken out- doors, to be eaten'nor shared as some students have aller- gies and severe reactions to bee stings. This also elimi- nates litter on the play- ground. We promote and practice the 31rs. HABITAT NEWS In the spring, the Bug Club members planted several perennials and a few annu- ais. Jean Hoy donated a cou- ple of wonderful birdhouses. Many thanks to the School Counicil for their $50.00 doniation. SOHOOL SAFETY PATROLS Once again at Newcastle Publie School -we are pleased to have School Safety Patrols in place for the 1998/99 school year. This year's Safety Patrols are made up of 25 boys and girls from Grade's 5 and 6. Our School Safety Patrol Captain for this year is Kyle Dupont. Kyle attenided the, Durham Region Officer Training Camp this summer in Oshawa. The Staff Supervisors, Mr. McKeown and Mrs. wood are looking forward to working, with these fine students throughout the year. MILK COUPONS If you purchase milk for your child(ren) on a regular basis you will be happy to know that milk coupons are back by popular demand. The cost is unchanged from iast year at 10 coupons for $5. 00. That is a savings of $1.00 compared to purchasing inilk on a daily basis. Coupons are availabi e at the office or through your chfld's teacher. Subscribe to the Orono Weekly Times $23.00 a year 983-5301 J Ive"go Kirby Public School News Newcastle Public School News MODELRAILROAD SHOW Saturday, October 17 - 1 1 a m. to 430 p.m. Sunday, October 18 -'10 a. m. ta 4 p. m. BOWMANVILU.E RIOH SCHOOL ý49 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville, Ontario Static Dis plays - Vendlors Aduits $3 - Seniors $2 Hwy 401 Children $2 - Foimily $6 Exit 432 Sponsored by SOPER VALLEY MODEL RÀILROAD CLUB Visual Arts Centre, Bowmainville, Ontario .... ......

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