Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 7 Oct 1998, p. 12

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FARM NEWS (continued from page 11) night or under con ditions where there may be insuffi- dient light (fog) must be equlpped with lights. Ideally this should include 2 white lights at the front and 1 red Iight at the rear. If you are towlng wagons, a flashing yel- iow light located on theh last wagon is ideal to warn other vehicles of an upcoming slow movlng vehidle. Safety chains are required by the Highwýay Traffle Act, to be used when towlng wagons or wheeled equipment on the road in case the main hitch falls. The safety chain should extend from the tractor to the axie of the towed equlpment. HlItch -pins ýshould be sound and secured s0 they won't Jar CLASSIFIE DS (continued from page 13) PETHICKS AUCTION BARN, Haydon Thanksgiving Day Monday, OCTOBER 12 at 11:00 ar.. Preview on Sumday. October il frorn 2 -4 p. m. Partial Estates from Haydon, Oshawa, Scarborough. A most excellent selection of antique furniture and collectibles conslsting of mantle dlocks (The Arthur Pequegnat). gingerbread dlock, wcker pieces, Enigish horsehair parlour chairs, Fr. Prov., dining room suite,, golden oak hall bench w/bevelled mirror, 1847 Rogers (Amnbassador) silverware, 12 setting "Community Plate" slIverware, 1920 seamstress tredie sewing machine, Beatty washstand and tubs, old botties, (Gimblett Dairyl, 2 pump organe, wash stands, mahogany vanity w/bevelled mirror, mahogany dresser w/bevelled miror, oak table, maple drop leaf table, hall tables, old coins and jewellery, "Wonder Horse» spring horse, carousel horse, old toys (Knechtel truck, 1 931 Home Hardware truck bank Lion. Ed. #9. Pro Hardware, Attersley Tire, Home Hardware trucks), "Gene Autry" cap guns Lim. M. prints, hall bench, antique leather day bed (orig.), ;36- round bevelled mirror, crystal Pcs..- Royal pictures, blue Delft.' -bùbblegum machine, copper and brass pcs., cups and saucers, coul operated tow truck, antique sleighs, many more Items too numerous to mention. TERMS: Cash, Eque with I.D. or Visa (30/ surcharge on Visa). AUCTIONEER DON STEPHENSON (905) 263-4402 or (75) 2,77-98293c out. Also, remember to Iock brakes together before travel- ling on any road way. USE SMARTSOIL SAMPLING THIS FALL by Scott Banks, Soil & Crop Advlsor, OMAFRA Fall is usually a good time to take a few soul samples. Havlng the resuits this fal and winter will help you plan for next year's crops to maxi- mize your fertilizer $ invest- ment. A soul test will give you a good idea what are your actual levels of available plant nutrients. Applying fertilizer will-pay if your nutrient levels are in the low to medium range. On hlgh or-excessive fertility levels, applying un- needed fertilzer2can influence $140,GG00y Poteni. VentProfit magazine aaya 'Best businss fa go , t[,,8...'Low roerhead +,n nenory = V eiy Profitaile FrancIse' ati no, fraenforrmation: 1- 888-679-2201. Discover how people file VOU are mafing $7000- $12,089.vlmo with the Woifd's mot succassfut internet franchise. trie train ou, Investmffent rarqired 1-888-678- 75R&. CASH RIGHT NOWIN RRSP, RRSP Locked-in, LIRA (Loctred-in Retiremant Accourit), LiF Lita icorne Pond) or cfhbr tcked-in ccouints, oNnrs cao unm our nest- ments is CASH RIGHT NOW WtTH6OfT PAYtNG TAXES. t3aed befora a sof citer. No dapcoit re/firait. Tei Oawa & arcs. 1-80-399-7040. Toroto & rea. 1888- 548-7708& CHRISTIAN4 MtNtSTRYBUSINESS OPPORTUNtTV. Joîn gowiag nloatuofu Christan rnchsees Seraettre Lord & pour Commuoniy. Protectad trritonas. Ineslmaot raqired, St GNIFt GANT ROI. Training & support. Colt 1- 800-663-7326. CASH IN/CASH OUT Coke, Hotesa, M&M. Re-stock astatiohat unique vendns iamour areasa No seller. Foll- lime, part -ime. Minuma instmant $13,980. 1-888-503- 888ý4(24 hours).,Member BB.B. Seakiog Newt Salaspeopte acrosa Canada. No set quo- tas, vo pressura, complete training, tata-fftie-art back office, crrant picing, ftu compianca andi mach more, Onar 925 Asaociate part sera, 2e6 ntuttrnat Partners, 236,00(3 Clients across Canada. W.H. Sfaart & Associ- ailes 1-800-668-1716. www.whtaart.com. Tha fatet growing lndeperidant fînancial planning companp in Canada. COTTONELLE. 3 distributora needed inivpuar ares. Launch branti new produacti Substantiel 6/peao pot enftai. package.1-80000O-2899. FREE 88 PAGE caaogue, cruft,-flora, wadîfing suppie s. Great salaction, graut picas, nu minimum. Moilour raqaarst fo: Ci Cra0, RR I2l Hîgh River, AB, TIV 1fN3. FREE IPCOME Tao franchloa. Limtet i tme. Canada 2nd largat andi astool growing iscoma tuax prep2rallon ranchîsa Nü miiai franchise tee Lore St art- ipCOStS LEARPI AUCTIONEERING Classas fhediNovembar 14- 20, '98. For information cotac Soufhwestern Ont ario chol Di Auctionaerlllg, R.R #5 , Wosock. Onaro N4S 7V9. t 88673-6999 siudy coursa Cli 1 ayfr orFREE 800K. 1 800- 267-1829 rae Writing chaulD38 McArhuIr Avenue, Suite 3098, Ottawa, ON ftL62. the avallabiliiY of other plant nutrients. For example, excess phCdsphorus can Induce zinc deficiency and excess potasý'um can Induce magnesîum deficiency in corn. So gettipng the right bal- ance of fertilit- and pH is also Important. For a list of accredlted labs and soil test its, please cal the Port Pen'y OMAFRA office at 905-985-2003. IT PAYS T ADVE--RTISE 983L-530i beea.ilarecpcty efaWI'aue aopwhere. Free nfrmtonl-8056-89 Nrood Sawmiils, P 9 2, ieiCoOr uPOE f Gi pou.,r amilnoedighm ~ fnrîea aa 1050e rois18031487as93 choctte-oraN r odcs vllha.St r1gt ppn STYTCHENI.TYMELriodhi cob isfr ,-Fo;mr infonnahon anI tlgetnts s u esage ai 1-8l 20/20 WtTHOUT GLASSEsl Sala rapiti, no -1o permanent rast oraloin 106-8 wa6P irtina1pîttdevai- opeti. Donufr approveti. Fre InfO"rmut On bpimo406, 961-5570 et 253, Fao 406-Ml615g77, hof[ enwvaýion- freadsm.comn. Satisfaction guarant6Pd. WE WtLL FrNW OU FITf F SYHîSGiflad hoaet otearva1ftaa Anr nlava, sacco aork, ettIm,',rlains524h.lve. 18+ 53.39/i, 008031 STEE iLULiNG .nalcadi oDCt, 6s2 $29880.2t 3 3708 04 520.320x44 668-5422 în $40nto$f0,000 foruncorali nol pby on, Foinde r Mn, Greioch, EpiphoOF- atioinal. Cou St ove, sstiîme 1-800-964-3544. BUINO STERLING SILVER CUUêERY, sots or single pîecaa, siver teaoefs, niaplî rings, Murcrslt, Goua, iewellery. Hommels, Ropal Oolto, lier plateo For pri- vote appointmient -80D-267-27M2,714-694-3520. FOOD COLUMN] by Angéla Dey In, 1957 Parliament proclalnxed - 'A Day of General Thanksglvlng to Almighty God for the bountiful harvest Fwith whlich Canada has been blessed'to be observed on the second Monday in October. Fax-mers in Europe held celebration at harvest Urne. The the first settiers anrived In North Arnerica, they would give thanks to their good fortune and abundance of food. A curved goats horn would be filled with fruit and grain. This is horu of plenty or cornucopla. CRANBERRY SALAD 1 pkg. raspberry gelatin 1 cup orange chunks, 1 cup pineapple chunks 1/2 cup chopped pecans 1 cup hot water 1/2 cup orange juice 1 cup cooked cranberries (sugar added) or 1 can cranberry sauce (whole berry) Dissolve raspberry gelatin in one cup hot bolled water. Add orange juice, chilI until sllghtly thickened. Add aIL fruits and pecans, chill until set. CRANBERRY AP PLE PIE 5 cups sliced, peeled apples 1 1/2 fresh cranbenries 2 ciups sugar 2 tbsp. cornstarch 2 tbsp. flour 1/2 tsp. cinnamon 1 tbsp. butter 10" unbaked pie shell, double crust Mix all trigredients and spoon tato pie shell and place top crust over mixture.,Bake at 350 degrees approx. 1 hour. CORN BREAD 1 cup sifted flour 2 tbsp. sugar, 1 cup melted shortenlng 3tsp. baking powder 1cup cornmeal 2 eggs 1 cup mlilk Mlix ail tagredients together and place in greased 9" x 9" pan. Bake in oven at 375 degrees for approx. 30 nutes. CORN FRITTERS 1 cup canned corn 1 beaten egg 1 tbsp. milk 2 tbsp. ofi or melted butter 1/2 cup flour 1/2 t4. baklng powder 1/2 tsp. sait'9 pepper to taste Ail dry ingredients tato a bowl. Beat egg and add ohl, mlk and corn. Mix ail together then drop from spoon in hot fat in fry pan. Brown on both sides. Subscribe to the Orono Weekly limes "N Northcutt Elliott E Funeral Home, THOUGHTFULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A Family Owned.Busin'ess, Offering: Traditional Funeral Services Prearranged & Prepaid Services - Cremation Arrangements Alternatives to Traditional Funerals - Oui of Town Shipping CORY KUIPERS - PRESIDENT 53 Division Street Bowmanville, Ontario LI C-2Z8 623-5668 OFF STREET PARKING SERVING DURH-AM REGION SINCE 1841Z FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED & PREPAID "Wftere eiProfessiona( Etiqutte iç Important- Funerai Directors Paul R. Morris Robert E. WiIiarfls Gary M. Conway DougR.-Ruthertd!d ANSWERING VOUR CALL 24 HOUN§ 623-5480 4 Division St. BowmanvIle

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