Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 3 Jun 1998, p. 10

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10 - Orono Weekly Timies, W«ýneday, June 3, .i998 Staying In Touch John O'Toole Durham East MPP Our youth generally get a bad wrap. However, my experi- ence is just- the opposite. This past week, I was învited to the second graduating class of the Youth Internship Apprenticeship Program at the Durham Coilege Skills Centre in Whitby. This is a true partnership between the Federal govern-, ment, the Provincial govern- ment, the four District School Boards that serve my riding andlocal business. The gradu- ates all attend high school as well as their apprenticeship training. Severai of thie gradu- ates were from miy ridinig anid ail tell me of the success of the program. They reported that they had job offers and intend to continue their education and training. This program at Durham College now serves as a model for other areas of the province as well as the country. The 31 young graduates, their teachers and parents should be proud of this innovative part- nership in learning that ieads to a job. The economy wiil need more people like these new graduates in Automotive Service Technician and General Machinist. Congratulations and good luck in your futures. The second affirmation of youth in action was the Annual Review and Parade of the 279th Bowmanviile Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corp. The reviewing officer, Lcol. S. Coles in his remarks encour- aged ail the cadets, "to be all that you can be". Again, this is an example of partnerships that assist our youth. The Municipality of Clarington, the Naval League, the Lions Club and the Ministry of National Defense support the cadets, along with voiunteer officers and parents. Most of the cadets will be off to some summer experience to expand their training and understanding of duty and country. Congratulations to al those involved. On this week's Rogers Cable Show, the topfic was the Greater Toronto Services Board (GTSB). I had as my guests, the Mayor of Scugog, Doug Moffatt and Mr. Alan Tonks, the facilitator of the GTSB discussion paper. This is a forward looking debate, while at the same time it is not widely endorsed locally. I explained to Mr. Tonks that al eight counicils plus the Region of Durham have passed resolu- tions rejecting the proposed 28 member board. There are 8 municipalities in Durham and only 3 positions on the GTSB. However, there GTA. Representation is per- haps the single biggest obsta- cle. The other problem is the perception that this is just another level of government. We must look back to the 1 970's debate on the Toronto Centered Region Plan. That discussion ended up with the formation of the Regional gov- ernments. In the early 1990's, there was another document -- "GTA 2020". That document, along with more recent studies, is, looking at ways to streamline' local and regional governments into the next century. There will be almost 3 million people in the Greater Toronto Area in the next few years. It is obvi- ous that we need a plan to accommodate the growth. It appears that the current hot debate over GO-Transit and Mayor Lastman's latest sugges- tion that Toronto may refuse to pay its share demonstrates the need to coordinate some ser- vices. How would Mayor Mel teel if ahl the businesses moved out to the 905 areas, like Durham? furthermore, theneed to coordinate economic develop- ment and marketing is appar- ent. Inter-regional roads and services, like water and wel- fare, are other shared interests of people living in my riding. I explained to Mr. Tonks that the rural consituents in Durham don't have the level of services that larger urban areas have and the fact that we must pro- tect our valuable agricultural lands if the 3 million residents of the GTA are to survive. In the next few weeks, you will hear more about this dis- cussion. If you are interested in discussing this issue or you would like a copy of any of my Rogers Cable videos, please caîl my office at 697- 1501 or 1-800-661-2433. I use this newspaper column and my cable shows to address issues that you bring to my attention rather than mailing out needless-paper for which your tax dollar pays. 1 encourage you to keep in touch,' your views are important to me. June is Seniors' Month in Ontario! June will provide an opportunity to highlight con- tributions Ontario's 1.45 mil- lion seniors make to our soci- ety and ways that we can al work towards ensuring a high quality of life for Ontario seniors. You are invited to attend a seniors' seminar with the Hon. Cam Jackson, Friday, June 5, 1998 at 10:3Oam sponsored by the Clarington Older Aduits Association at Rotary Park in> Bowmanville. Please bring a longyour lawn chair and enjoy the morning with the Minister wîthout portfolio responsible for seniors. This past week, 1 read the following quote by Robert A. Cook in a non political publi- cation. "if you find a person who always agrees with you, you had better watch themn, because they are- apt to lie about other things too". Lions News (continued f rom page 8) à ride through the grounds. Everyone had the opportuni- ty to see the animais in a habitat, close to that of there natural home. The tour ended at the polar bear display where the animaIs could be viewed from the surface or under water. It was qulte impressive and it seemed that the animaIs were being kept ti, as close as possible, their natural environiment. On return to the adminis- tration building, the group enjoyed a delictous steak and chicken dinner, with ail the trimniings. catered by Kings Court Caterers of Bowmariville. Whlle walting for the meal and duririg the meal, small groups were given a specialtour of the medical and quarantine facilities, where most had their hand licked by a cheetah i the quarantine section, handîed a snake and saw a quite docile alligator. The groups shown the différent ways to trariqullize and control the animais needlrig medical ser- vices, everi to trying out a blow guri. The size and scope of the medical facllity was a surprise to ai the people who participated in the tour and most agreed that this was the highllght of the evening. After dirier, Pres. George' Rickard presented Pat McCarthy of the Metropolitan Toronto Zoo a $350 cheque for the White Lion Prý.ograin and thanked those ti charge for their hospltality. The return ttip to Newcastle was noisy, but speedy, arriving home at 10:30 p.rn. The next regular meeting of the Newcastle Lions Club will take place at the Newcastle Marina on June 10. This will be the Annual Installation of Officers with spouses invited. Bouàwmanville Creek management plan, The Centrai Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Is hostirig a public open house on Monday, June 8, 1998 at the Fire and Court Building/ Community Centre to launch the Bowmanville Creek Watershed Management Aquatic Resources Management plan (ARMP). The management plan is aimed at maintaining, pro- tecting and enhancing fish habitat of the Bowmanvllle and Soper Creek ini Claririgton,»' states Perry Sission, Director of Environmental and Engineering Services at CLOCA. "Upon completion the management plan will provide recommendations for land stewardship, land use planning, speciflc watershed projects, and fisherles man- agement. Public invoîvement is a key, the first open house will provide background information about the water- shed and wlll explain the pro- J ect developmerit process."» At the open house, information boards wlll be on dlsplay and background materlals will be available aiong wlth a ques- tionnaire for visitors to com- plete. CLOCA representatives willî be on hand to answer questions anid follow up on requests for additional infor- mation. The Aquatlc Resources Management Plan Is a coop- erative effort between CLOCA, The Ontario Mlnlstry of Naturai Resources and The department of Fisherles arid Oceans. lKIM LITTLE (905) 983-0512 Competitive Termn Life - Permanent Insurance Disability Income - Group Plans - Mutual Funds G.I.C.'s * R.R.S.P.'s * R.R.I.F.'s CONFIDENT FINANCIAL -SERVICES (1969) LIMITED TFN Brigitte Brown FIE e Gffit Certificates PM EARTS available " Pedicures NEW! " Manicures ylsTitn " WaxingEelhTntg " Ear Candîing, ESTHIETIC STUDIO 171 Mill St., Orono, Ontario LOB 1JMO- (905) 983-8169b~ I p jch pas' th-in ca r I A rNJIEWC A STLE'g.d FUNERAL HOME fFunterab Director - Carl Good * Personal, professional, affordable service. Genesis Bereavement Resource Centre on-site to serve' the community. Informative funeral home tours are welcome. 386 Mili Street South, Newcastle (yst north of 401 - Tark:tng off -gkbert Street) (905) 987-3964 ) a Complete Car & Truck Repairs a eDiesel En gifles a Cummins, Detroit & Cat. a Radio Dis patched Tow Trucks a eMobile Mechanical Service Truck. 4 Miles North R.R. 1, OronoofHy41n LOB 1iMO (905) 983-9151 Hwy 35/115 .............. - - - - -- ......... . -- ......... .

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