WAKEFIELD INSURANCE Specizing: *Dtsabiltty Incarne .Mortgage Insurance *L!fe Insurance oGIC's Investnents *Tr-auel Insurance 983-9895 83 King Street WVest Newcastle, Ontarjo Li B 1 L2 Tlephone (905) 987-3200 Matthews &Associates NSURANOS BROI<ERS LTO Pauline Mote, AJI..C., C.I.B. HAMILTONS INSURANCE SERVICE 334 MAIN ST.; BOX 309 ORONO LOB i Mo 4-905-983-5115 Fox 1-905-983-8 2213 Womien in Abuse Relationships For Hlclp Cali "The Denise Ilouse" For Women and Chljdren TolilFrco e,1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311l ConFidentially Assured If you want wc drink, That's your business. If you il tto Stopi, A~ Icohiolies Anlolnyous Lakeshore Districts (905) 728-1020 Pleoîase% Wes's SmaII Engine Repair We do it ail ENOWBLOWERS, LAWNMOWERS, TRIMMERS, C'HAIN SAWS, CHAIN SAW SHARPENING YOYN[AME Ir, WE DO IT 5105 Main St. Orono tor servce Cati (905) 983-9772 LOOK 1 1 PSYCHICS TELL YOUR FUTURE Cali 1-900-451-3555 Ext. 7549 $3.99 per ntin. Must be 18 yrs. Procali Co. (602) 954-7420 'pq P , q u - Furnaoe Clean-iing and Rî%pairs -24 Hr. No Heat Service FREE EST IMATES Over 21 Years Experience Cail 983-5541 LARRY JACKSON PLUMBING & HEATING -Pump Repairs & installation -New Work -Rapairs *Fumaca Cleaning -Free Estimates For Flendly Expert Service- cau 983-6214 FINANC!NO iS A VAILABLE WUle're here to serve you» ROBERT E JA CKSON Air Conditionin7g AuLhiized Consiamra Oaa Dealer indepenident Lannox dealer Furnacasu Air Conditionera & Appliances Main st, orono 983-6221 "JIM"l PARTNER'S PLUMBING 983-9447 ORONO, ONTARKO Gould Pumps &Water Systems -Septic Beds Plumbing Instaillaionls Generat Repairs FREE ESTIMATES Formerly, arvey Patiner Ltd. "Work Wanted" IlDolR CUSTOM FENCING and Custom Chain Sawing Orono, Ontario 983-9627 BALL'S RADIO & T.V. REPAIR Repaira to myost makes Stereos -Colour & B&W T.V.'s- VCR's P.O. Box 27 PRR 2, Orono ON (905) 983-5721 ORONO BUILDING ~mJ & DECORATINO CENTRE Personalized Project Planning Snce 1935 85 Station Street Orono, Ontario LOB iMO Bus: (905) 983-9167 Fax: (905) 983-9467 CHATTERTON ELECTRIC. RESIDENTIAL m COMMERCIAL m INDUSTRIAL POLE LINE CONSTRUCTION Dave Chatterton Orono, Ontario Tel: (905) 983-5546 If no answer (905) 983-5940 i Pro . Painting *General Repairs mnside and Out @Basement ta Roof Caîl Clifford Francis 983-5761 "Wel'l get you back on the road!' Advertise your automotive repair or towing service here! c'Make this your new ad! Callaine at 983-5301 Windows & Doors *Custom Cut Glass and Mirrors *Caulking & Wînterizing Screen Repairs Cali HENRY BIER Lcenaed Glazier 25 ears Expenience (905> 983-5048 4798 Ganaraska Rd. 9, KENDAL, ON LOA IJO C.C. SIDING CONTRACTORS Quality Installers of Siding & Doors mWhoesale .Retail âSiding .Soffit .Facia -Windows .Doors 1684 Newwtonville Rd. Newtonville, ON Cari Christensen 786-3059 A-1 &4 VE5TROUGH Mlanufacturera of 5" ý,eamiess Eavestrough VVhoesaIe a Retail QuaIity Installations 1684 Newtoniville Rd. New,,tonvitte 786G-3059 Darle-ne a Carl AUTOMOTIVE AIR CONDIIONING Service & Repairs ta ait makes of Vehcles ,... *. -. WVe make servioe calis for off-road equîpment ED CARSCADDEN (905) 983-5422 County Rd 9, tuai eest of tendat Advertising weekly for Iow, Iow prices... Caîl Elaine 983-5301 General Repairs Inside & Out Carpenty - Painting -Insulating *Any khid of Jobs RZeasonable IRates NOTHING TOO SMVALL Cali (905) 983-5761 Clifford Teachers, Professionals, Educators, Students, Parents, Trades people, staff etc. wanted for North Amierican School Association. Write NASA 512 Cambridge St., Peterboroughi, Ont. K,9H 4T4 or (705) 742-03,44 (Enclose SASE) and $5.00 registration and administration fees apply. (SASE - Self- adressed stamiped envelope.) 7, 14, 21 ac ANNUAL MEETING of the Lot Owners in the Orono Cemnetery Company will be held on Monday, January 26, 1998 at 2:00 p.m. in the Lang Chapel. 14, 21 ac rBirdiCarving Day, & Evenlng Classes Cail 983-8175 24, 7, 14 ap Kirby United Church MONTHLY EVENING SERVICE Sundlay, Januar 25 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.ý OUEST SPEAKER: Wendell White, Camp Director, Camp Quinmiolac Slide Presentation on CHURCH CAMPING SPECIAýL MUSIC. Country Four Refresmencits Free Will Offring 14, 21 ac NATIONAL POWVERSKATING Early Morning Darlington Arena SESSION 3 Janiuary 20, 22, 27 & 29 February 3 & 5 7 - 8 A.M. SESSION 4 FebruLary 17, 19, 24 & 26 March 3 & 5 7 - 8A.M. "ON THE GO" BREAKFAST INCLUDED Course Fee - $115.003 Pre-register before January 10 - $95.00 TEAM LESSONS ALSO AVAILABLE "FHAVE THE EDGE!I" with NATIONAL POWERSKATING Cail 905-983-1148 To Register. 14, ae NATIONAL POWERSKATING MARCH BREAK '98 Orono Arena BEGINNER ICE TIME March 13 & 16 9 - 10:30 A.M. March 20 9 - Il A.M. INTERMEDIATE/ ADVANCED ICE TIME March 13 & 16 10:30 - 12 noon March 20 il - 1 P.M. Course Fee - $115.00 Pre-register before February 15 - $80.40 TEAM bESSONS ALSO AVAILABLE "HAVE THE EDGEW! with NATIONAL POWTERSKATING Cali 905-983-1148 To Register. Jan. 14 -Mar. 11lac RECYCLE THIS NEWS.PAPER Clarington Computwer Clearance Centre - csed - IB3M 3d6 SX55 2230 $130. MU5886SX55 2/60Q p95, BM 386 SX55 4/80 $275. VGA mono nmonitor t rom $45. VGA colour monitor tramn $135. - new Micro Mania systems - 486 266s ron $679. 486 2/80 s trom $735. 486 411 00's trom $775. 486 8120's trom $1098. 486 81133's tfrom $1240. - sed Note books- BM 386 4/80 mew, baît.) $750. ZEOS 486 8/120 mono $1199. Digitat 486 4/1170 mono $1500. NEC 4864/210 colour $1695> We buy used computer. 1 or100 or more 164 Baselne Rd. E. eýiue I.ey Bowmanvile 905-697-3059 FURNACE FUEL - GASOLINE- DIESEL TEXACO - ESSO AND PERFORMANCE PLUS Mv'OTOR QILS & GREASES COOPER FUELS LTD. RESIDENTIAL * INDUSTRIAL * AGRICULTURAL 4333 Hwy. 2, Newtonville (905) 786-2502 IOurcants DPepe Pain tigMe FREE ESTIMATES Doug De Vries 23 WNest Beach Rd. Bowmanville 697-3308 .... ... ... BR A D L EY 7 Generaiý."R' ion Re pro d uçtiâ'à.;,'L&-,WN MOBIL WEL U: E BýA-