Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 5 Nov 1997, p. 2

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.......... g O RONO llqb.,PVWEEKLY Tnvus Subscriptions $21.50 + $1.50 GSI - $23.0lYear. Publications Mail Registration No.. 0003 68 Publishimg 50 Issues Annually at the Office of Publication 5310 Main Street, P.O. Box 209, Orono, Ontario LOB IMO E-Mail Address: oronotinles@ýspeedline.ca Phone/Fax (905) 983-5301 Publisher! Editor Marg Zwart Spirit of co-operation Community spirit is alive and well in Orono. Two events last week confirmed My suspicions. One of them being the number of people who came out to say " So long" to the retiring postmaster. Being a small community, many of these people were her friends as well as post office cus- tomers. The enthusiasm of ail the people and committees attending the Town Hall meeting on Thursdaynight was very encouraging to me, an observer, and l'm sure it was very encouraging to the Town Hall Board as well. Al the particiý- pants were in a mood to work together to make the Town Hall's Centennial year, a community celebration to be remem- bered. 1Community groups were practically tripping over each other to look afier events. None quite so generous as Yvonne Maitland on behaîf of the BIA, committing her group to some four of five events. I myseif see no need to seek entertaitnment outside of our community next year. 'My own holiday plans for next year are cancelled for three reasons. 1) The line up of events coming from the Town Hall will be too good to miss. 2) Being a member of the local media, it is my job to cover these events. 3) As part of the BIA, it will be my pleasure to partic- ipate in facilitating ail the events Yvonne has committed us too. Happy 1998. The Rebfth aiof rngo CD n by Roy Forrester Corne Monday, November lOth the voters of the Municipality of Clarington wil cast their ballots selectlng, in total, a council of seven to undertake the business of the municipality for the next three years or a period of time that may be deterrnined by the Harris government. There will be new faces on the 1998-2001 coun- cil from that of the present due to retirements from politics by three present-day councillors, David Scott, Larry Hannah and Carson Elliott. Eiher Pat Pingle or Mary Novak will not be returning to coun- cil as both are seeking election for the Ward 1 and 2 Regional seat. This makes, at the very least, four new coundil- lors on the new council and that number could run up to six if both Mayor Hamre and AnnDreslinski lose out in their bld for re-election. Hardly is this a time for a major drastie change in local government. This municipality, like others in the GTA are facing, in less than two month, January lst, major changes brought down by the provincial govemment. The full picture of those changes are not aIl known as of this date. The province is downloading a large cost and responsibility for social services to the municipali- ties as well as ambulance services, total cost of library services, taking over some provincial roads along with the responsibiity of social housing of which the Durham County Seniors Citizens Lodge in Orono is on the list. SThis is your municipality and its through your choice that the course will be taken in this munic- ipality for the next three years. Choose wisely and do vote corne November loth. Order ll7eddinq Invitations from the Orono T/mes T-here's a stVle for ail tastes! Dear Edif or: With F1ection time approachilg on November 10, 1997, 1 encourage people to make sur e that they exer- cise their dffmOcratic riglit to vote. Aýs a conçerned citizen of Clarlngton 1 have also attend- ed many C@uncf1 meetings, so that 1 perSponally could see Our current çouncil in action. I realize thai not everyone can do tihis, with busy schedules It is difficuit to work every- thlng that we would like to do into a 24 heur day. So 1 thought that the Orono weePdy Times would be an appropriate place for me to tell people what I have seen. I have seý,n various issues come up in eouncil ie: Kaitlin Developmeit in Newcastle, Llshman I)evelopment in Orono, Wavei-rley Road issue in Bowmanville and Tainted soil in Solinia being some of the issues. At Coundil meet- ings, I have witnessed some very well informed citizens speaking on behaîf of their hamiets on these issues. When you listen to the con- cern in their voices, as they stand before council to speak on their issues, you can tell that they have also taken a lot of time doing their home- work before they speak on these issues. Unfortunately, what I have seen aIl too often is a Mayor who sits with her cheek resting in her hand as if to say how boring, these people are wasting my lime. Then, if a Developer or a Legal representative for a Developer or large Company represen- tative speaks on why Councîl should change the Official Plan to suit their needs, our Mayor sits straight up in her Chair becomes very attentive and neyer notices if they hap- pen to go over their 10 minute time limit during their address to council. Also in the Clarington This Week on Sept. 23, 1997, there was an article written by Cindy Upshali. about Council wrapping up busi- ness before hittlng the Campaign trail. The article talks of how Coundil plans to wrap thlngs up in the last part of October. Ib was sup- pose bo be October 27, but as some people may not be aware, Coundl wfi not be fin- ishing up until November 3. Our Mayor was even quobed as saylng in that article "that while there's no longer legis- lation restrlcting councils from maklng decisions at'the very end of its term", Mayor Hamre says she will adhere to this Principle. The Mayor also said "that she goes back to the old school". she explains. -When you're that close to an election you shouldn't be making major decisions. In the last few weeks before the election members of council and the candidates are out and you have your head in the cam- paign." Wow! what happened to her old schooi bellefs. I feel that on November 10, 1997 we the people need someone in office who wfi abide by the rules not ones that are used only when lb suits bhem. Sincerely, Brenda Hoyne November 3, 1997 Mr. Editor: We, the Ratepayers of Newcasble, are not opposed to development, provided that there is no impact to public safety and envlronmental issues. The General Public must also not be impacted financially by any develop- ment within Newcastle Village and, Bondhead. The purpose of our Association, is to monitor and deal with varlous issues that effect the quallty of life In this area. The formation of our Association is viewed as a positive venue, to channel the concerns of Local Residents, and to provide Input to both the Local and Reglonal Authorities. As such, we feel compelled to respond to Coundillor Hannah's recent letter in the Orono Weekly TMmes. Councillor Hannah Is labouring under a few mis- conceptions hlmself. In the subdivision agreement, endorsed by Mayor Hamre, Councillors Dreslinskl, Hannah, and Novak, the developer, not the municipal- ity, would be monitoring the tralTic through the underpass on Mil St. The report states that there will be no further building perrnlts lssued when the traffie reaches a mai- mum level. By that time, the builder will have proceeded to construct a number of units, perhaps a 250 roomn hotel, plus tourist attractions whlch will exceed any data base of traffic allowed. How then, Councillor Hannah, will the municipallty deal with the Mill St. bridge issue. It Is the opinion of the Newcastle and Bondhead Ratepayers that development north or soubh of the Mill St. bridge will greatly impact the use of this facility. We would like to know how the Council intends to deal with this issue. The developer, who will benefit at the outset, by obtaining fromn the munici- pallty a number of building permits, may decide not to proceed further with the pro- ject. We,,the public will be left with the problem of conges- tion at the underpass, wlth virtually no change to the bridge. Coundil has left pub- lic concemr for the safeby of the people and the mobillby of goods unanswered. T'his. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR KENDAL UNITED CHURCH Kendal, Ontario "The Heart of Our Community" Sunday, Nov. 9, 1997 11: 15 a.m. "The Price of Freed-om" Remembrance Observance Pleasejoin us Mlinister: Rev. David Black 786-2950 - St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL ST., ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Cliff Evans 983-5594 - 983-9639 Sunday Service, Sunday School & Youth Group 9:30 a.m. lst & 3rd Sunday of Month HOLY COMMUNION 2nd & 4th Sunday MORNING PRAYER ORONO < PASTORAL CHARGE Minister "~'A~*Rev. Mervyn Russell Secretary Marlene Risebrough 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 CHURCH SERVICES Kirby United Church at 9:30 a. m. Orono United Church 11:00 a.m. Sunday School Classes and Nursery facilities available during dhurch Services A.A. meets eve, y Thursday 7:30 p.m. Coundillor Hannah, lis unac- ceptable. The Mayor and Coundil, in a recent conument to the pub- lic, lndlcated the Kaltlln development conforins to the officiai. plan. Well, of course, it does. Despite sigrlfcant pub- lic protest at the time, Council voted to amend Clarlngton's Officiai Plan to conform, and further to that, added a tourlst node, to accommodate the hotel as well. What was not stated, lis that the Kaitlin plan dld flot conformn to the exlstlng zon- ing by-law. Once again, Council voted to asnend the zoning by-law in support of the Kaitlin Group. Council Is elected to sup- port their exlisting policies with respect to public safety. Council should heed the advlse to the town's engi- neers. Council chose not to do so. The request of the Newcastle and Bondhead Ratepayers, in a letter to Council has been ignored. The Mayor and Councillors Dreslinskl, Hannah, and Novak chose flot to listen to the people, and Instead chose to support the developer. Yours trly,

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