Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 5 Nov 1997, p. 17

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(Yrono Weekly TOmes, Wedne~day, November 5, 1997 17 COX - Lois Y. On loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grandimother who passed away November 7, 1995. Remiembering you is easy We do it eveng day, Missing you is a heartache That neyer goes aw)ay. You had a s mile for everyone l'au had a heart ofgold, You left the greatest memonies This world could ever hold. To us you were sa speclal What more is there ta say, Exoept ta wish with alI aur hearts That you we-re here today. Lovingly rememibered by Gerald (Tim), Dean, Gary and Lynn, Courtney and Cody, Tanya and Ryan 5 ap COX - Lois n loving memory of my mother who passed away November 7:h, 1995. Ta me you wlere so special As time e Os byu, tou yau? Meciir marie of yau il aLloais Linger on my minri and in my hearL. Wishing that your passing was anly a dream. Always will be remembered. loved and 1 sadly missed Your son Dean. 5 ap COX - n lovlng memory of Lois Yvonine who passed away November 7th, 1995. To a good life came a peaceful end. She died as she lived, everyone'sfriend, Upright andjust in ail her ways Loving and kindt t the endi of her days. We saw lier sufer, heard her sigh,. We could do nothing but sit close by, We have lost, but heaven has ganed, One of the best the world contai ned. Forever remnembered by Donna & Roy l5 ac COX in loving memory of a dearfriend Lois who God decided he needed to take home on November 7th, 1995. When I laok at your smiling face hanging an. my wall. I thank you for yaur wonderful son who has been here for me - a lis tening ear wvhen I cry, andt fel I can't go ont - a hug ta say we woill get thru this - a special friendt ta my chi fr1ren. My hope is that yau are in heaven looking dawn andi can see haw wonderful a support he has been. Miss you Loisl VAN DE VELDE in lovng memnory of my dear husband David Marcel who was taken fromn US SO sudden November 10, 1995. It has only been two years since God decided he, needed you. To me it feels like a lifetme. Your memories are still so strong and no matter how my lfe changes or goes forward the tears for you stillfall. I miss and love you as much today as I did two years ago. When I look at our wonderful children my only hope is that you are in heaven looking down and can see them as ineIL Love Always. We miss you! Christine. Christopher. Darcy, Jason & Jennifer. 5 ap Keep the "hscL in educaddoP! Research confirms that @1hildren who participate in daity phyiloel education are more fit, have bettr health habits, are less Lsusceptibte to streis, and perform better academîPaUy. Shang .Hedil-nier Fu ture~ ,-ee Orderor Firewooo-1NOW *Building supplies and HardWare *Barn Steel -* 7ikkens Stain *Hemlock f4sF Fences and étaIIs 'A Centra for Ait Y, B utdiag Neadu (705) 27-,- 338 or. (905) 434-6165 (oneningu) ON HWY 35, 2 r îILES NORITH rFHW ý CLASSIFIED MALRKETPLACE "Advenise A cross Ontaro or-Across thýe Go, 'ltl oU1ESnS GCVERNMENT FUNOS. Goeramontasusistance pro- grame inormation aensilel. For yaar nom or eieing business. Takoe duantageofaIthe goearment granîn and nana Catît1-8009153615. INTERNET EXPLOSION! $t86 BILtION by 2000! Renn- ltiatîry syslom. Seize il Apply cam lai the mrds testet gramîng INTERNET Franchise. Free Vdeo pkg. 888-678-7588. ARE YCU A NOME-BASEO BUSINESS peeducicg gitI and/r peciaty fosd itome? De yau ment poar business to gieow? eu are initad te partcîpate in a hoîsato trade ahom and business prsgram lhrsagh aabaîdtoad taadîcig proidod by the public and prinate seccora Oaus!- naaaes iteerestod in ouhibting mast sabmit sempies ot ther boet mrk y ecember 3, 1997. Cai 1-800 672- 0103. COLLECT CASH. Coke, Popu, Healoas, M&M, Cadbury, etc. Retnck otabttehed unique e ederacn yor aras. Ns aettîcig, tatI-ime, part-ima. Miimum inetmest $13980. 1-800-546-2799 (24 heure). Membar .B.B. FORTUNES MADE AS INFORMATION BROKER. Canadan fateet gremtng raschise, Nn iienslry. Ns staff. Lcm covrbead. 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Total cnaideî tialily Fermard rseme c/e Soamay Nem, Boa 243, 329 Second Street West, Cornall, -nmaro K6J CARIEERTAN G YCUR CWN health busines.Amerîcan Insttut, ol NaIs- raI Sciences allers Hnme Study Cîploma Courses an Noalth, Business Nutrton, Aromalhorapy, Magnelic Therapy, Asrlngy, Alcohnl & rug Counselling, Maay more. Free prspectus 1-888-516-1212 mmmana.com. LEARN AUCTIONEERINO. Clasres held Nov, 15- 21/97. For inormations contact: SoallîmonleraCOtario SIohf IAuctîonnerîag, R.R. #5, Wodtock, COrtario N4S 7V9 (519)537-2115 A NEW CAREER! Lanr come Inn proparaîona or hasic bunkkoeping. Tan deduct toto ceriicateconurses, For Il brochures, auohbigation, U & R TanxOhoSI 1345 Pembîna Hmy., Wnnpeg, MBe, R3T 2B6.t-8aa-665- 5144, Enduire nbnut Ilnafranchse terrilorion. T HE BEST CCMP,!UTER, the Bsi Prico Colîoraright ta yrrdoof r aaymhceIin Canada! Jat $7900. pet rsoth, Na MoaIey Cama Fat Tymannus iaded 166MMY ul media ,ýPackage: 166 MMX, Matrola 566 Fax/Modem, steremrndsoand, digitalfulitmotionnideo, 32 GB HO, 24X CC ROM, fulitclur 14 loch montolbadedcnt tat Iîmr liaI n tno Vacg for lis ad, cali LssIi1) Insînnl I-edtI1 prnaaailable rght oner ha phol îCi!1 000 5133.To arder/more mbfý VIS ilT[lEOTTAWA VAtLEY WEB SITE lourng h, c csl o olunsite o nhe imools,emal diir dieitnand ooools qgide hIp/m ttmulo BE A SCCSSULWRITER_ mîlh onu l rIa, hum sludy courseCati Ifolfot our FREE BOCK Ij.-00 267 182)9 The Wrtino Schotl 38 McArlîrAvne Suite 242, Otma ON K L 6R2, COUrISELLOîl TRAINING Inll ofniCanada nllrs on- camprus and corrsponduace courses tuard a Cîlloîna an Ceîîseltîng Pactice, tlu begn a 16VnmoltFIeecala- oue, cati 24trs, 1-800 665-7044. MPLOYMENJ.8OPPS. A CAREER OPPORTUNITY W Carndas argent agri- cultural ad mati business fax 1o fraietrmFui tima empoymeat poasitsalîti Apr 10 as service representa- ive. Career advancomoat tata par round positions avait- able. Successfl semvice repres0aatives eigibte ta apply tor joint venture omaers hip in 0isting Incarne tax busi nesses. Eacettant remanoratiôfl A praiconcy wtlrfig- ares and gond peope skilînarqlired. Contact* BJ.Tra- er ta., Greg Daaenpal et1-801 -02908933. WANTED ONALIFIFO agricutrorltmechanic ta mark at a Massey Fergason and 1aboalaership near Cagary, Aberta. Fan reaume te: BaoHeOr Ertipment, 403-948- 0095. OYNAMIC CANADIAN campani reqites tepreaentatioea ta market papcarc pradacta fîleauob direct satans&or home perty ptae.tneraatied ndiiduate contact Schnei- det's Papcocr @ 1-800-665-6494 ONE TIME SPECIAL. Threa Pedroom home/cottage package. Itecludes to, metîs, tsulatoa, daos, wsdem, cthedral colag, R-2000 rate4: Ont9 $16,995. Adt aa. 1-888-875-9894. Free cati. SAWMILL $4895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS, planks, beama. Large capacity. Bat $amilvauea erce Free inormaton 1-800-566-6@99. Normand Swmmîtta, R2, Kilmerthy, OCaettePOE î@0 FOR A PREF GtFT CATALCI3I2 send year came and addrees ta: East Rdge distriFtBoe 164, Anemere, Otaneo KOC 100. Fan @13-346-0540, e-mail accwt 7@gle-net.ce UNQUE XMAS GIPT. 'Sketchga nf Oar Tona A serios et anar 60, ana hait hast VidoOS coerîngOterie tomas ad cites Beuitally ptsdacel and aarrated by Harvey Krck. ros Catalogue 1-800 32$5255ý WVANTEC49PCO..oi in botlog 5-20 bu hotrc htnms 0% nudt urarteod Log 0010 $ATTENTiION STUCENTS$ Mhoa aet fmenoy sollng checelalt arsew om tducts âyalable, 1101hn tu psy in aduanca. Fast delvery 1 -900 3lP 3589 AN OPPCRTUNITY TO EA)(N extra incomne slliag hosery and undergarmeols teur ut riado tfamly aod co- mrkern, Cal 1-8000-263-1432. ATTENTION INTERNET.USFASi NEWI Internat Cali Manager selves yauî busy ph'eOO lino prulom. Freo trial cîlar. Ctaile. oeil 1-800-214-4i 7 or mmm îteraciu.cn ASHOROVE CHRISTIAN SINGLES. Compasioaelrip/ marrage. Ages 19085. Single, idod,dvnrcod. Stato ago. Al soros CanadaPC. @ex 205, Chase, B.C., VOF l'Mn Free inormation. t-250679-3543 mmm lcmah sta o/ooenices!Ashgro STEEL BULDINGS. Cleaaad00SpeciutConstruction ada Leasýing sosîlable, 20ax 14 630 $3,68800. 25 x 14ex 30$3,98,00 30 x14 n 4055044400 400x60 $9.688000. 10 n 80 $1 2,244.00 50ex 1 op$21.56600. 600x120 $2890000noChers. Poneer 1100 O669 5422ý FUTURE STEEL BULDINGg. Factury Cirect Fll Liqui- dation on(,,il ýModela SSave 2519% aIf rogulor pricen. Colt tdaylu s tolmalo t1_8C 6853 et 536. G3UFFuNT VAC'ATION PARAISE Pnaa iY B3each, FlrîduLuxariouu 1,2,3 hudruom suiles, noor neated punI, tennis and mre. S'owbirdutîii, eoleudud stay dscountsn 18020 874-8823 Hooper's Jewelers ... Antique Pocket WatceS and Moderu Watch Repairing Corne in and see Our collection of -Howvard Miller Gran<lfather Clocks -Sales and Service - Hooper's Jewellers 39 King St. W. 623-5747 Bowmanville S Simnpson Memorials M 'Now in Bowmanville" 119 King St. E., Bowmanville 623-6581 111 Toronto Rd., Hwy. #2 West, Port Hope (905) 885-6434 Monuments, Granite or Bronze Markers, Inscriptions *Indoor 1 Outdoor Displays *Excellent Prices ,. . Guaranteed Workmanship *Etchings - Personal and Scenes -Wooden Sandblasted Signs Try us before you decide by visitng our new Sales Office, or cail us and arrange for an appointment in the comfort of your home. Feature Home -fithe Week CHARLIE REID Just Listea - Bowmanville Sales Representative Spotless 3 bedroom home with 2 baths, separate dining room and living room, central air, hardwood 25 Yars xperence floors, Iandscaped lot. Best deal in 25 Yars xperence the area... $1 29,900. Specializing in ... Calil Charlie Relid* 623-3393 or 983-5914 RESIDENTIAL* VACANT LANTD - FARMS COUNTRY PROPERTIES "I arn committed ta Serving ALL Your Real Estate Needs!" Working 364 Days a Year FRANIK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 234 King St. E., Bowmanville off. (905) 623-3393 - Res: (905) 983-5914 JNES Call me to buy or sel... Orono and area's real estate representative.. Kryslyna Jones Z> 983-6013 ASSOCIATES V(DURHAM)lnc 1050 Simcoe St. N. #103, Oshawa TEL: (905) 721-2112, wn > NEW LISTING... N.E. Oshawa Link oe BACKING ONTO PARK, GAS HEAT, CENTRAL AIR, $129,900!

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