s, ~ JO-Oroo WeklTles.Wedesdy, ovmber 5, 1997 Memorial hospital receives donation Wendell Trineer, presi- dent, and Stan Hoy, Vice President of the Orono and District Fiddle Club, present a cheque of $ 1,750 to Wil Bakker representing the Hospital Foundation and Trish Down, Operating Room Fromrt Alex Shepherd Keep paying off the debl or give Canadians a tax break, which Is it going to be? TIhe federal goverrment wil soon begin preparing its February '98 budget and I warit lu solicit your vlews at a public meeting bo be held in Port Perry at the Oddfellow's Hall, 14460 Slmcoe St., (approx. 1 km. south of Hwy. 7A on Simcoe, on the west- side) Thursday, Nuvember 20, 7:30 p.m. Your vlews wlll be passed on by me to Finance Minister Paul Martin. Mr. Martin lias announced that we wIll record an annual deficil for the perlod endlng March 31,1998 of approxi- mately $8.5 billion. This means that on a cash basis the guvemment dues not require any new borrow- ings in the money markets to finance its operations. In all likeliliood 1998-99 wlll see a budgetary surplus. 0f course this surplus per- tains only to the annual deficit. The realily is that Canada's total debt is in excess of $6410 billion. Anyway, what duoIthe peu- ple of Durham want to do once a surplus is available? This will be the focus of the public meeting. 1 want Mr. Martin bo have the views of the people of Durham as lie prepares the budget. Here are some of this issues: If we continue b stmply eat away at our cumulative debt we wlll gel cumulative resulîs as the intereslý payments on the debl continue lu subside. TI-is accelerates debt reduc- lion willi the likely result being more downward pres- Program Director. The money will be used to purchase a Bruton outpatient exam ight for the operating room. The Orono Fiddle Club bas donated about $8,000 to the Memorial Hospital Foundation to date. sure on interest rates. This in îtself is a lax cul for peuple wlth mortgages and con- sumer debl. Others suggest a tax reduction. Here Ihere are many alternatives. For exarn- pie, an outright income tax cut, a reduction in GST or a roll back of El premiums. It's unhikely a budgetary surplus ti 198-99 would be large enougli lu post a mean- Ingful across-the-board reduction in jncome taxes. And reductions In GST are considered rë9ress1ve ti the sense that alÎi trcorne groups would gel reiativelY similar reductions. A reductlofl ti El premi- ums would h4IP workers and beneflt small and medium- size bustnesèes- But the El fund will have to retairi a bal- ance to tnsuÈÇ it can sustaIi an economlc downturn. Thfen there is the question to social alterclatives, the so- called new spending alterna- tives. These de-al with lMProv- lng health cate comnments in the area of home care stice we have an aging population. O)r what about the fact thiat ticorne taxes start at such a low income level - $6,500. How is this affecting low- ticorne seniors? What about statements that one-third of our children are living below the poverty lUne and expertence problems such as malnutrition? Cari goverriments affect solutions to these problems and monitor their success? I once heard the Finance Mnister muse that having surpluses is more difficult to manage than deficits. At leasl wlth deficits y-our focus is cut- ting spendlng. With surplyses there are ultimately more cholces and more groups that want atten- tion to their own particular project. Corne out to the Town Hall meeting and make sure you take part In the decision- makçing process because the resuit wlll affect you and your famlùly. Bowmanville Toastmasters Il was a haunting nlght on October 28/97 at the Bowmanvllle Toastmaster's meeting., Toastniaster Marilyrin Dow intervlewed Halloween crea- tures for one minute each. Some of the creatures she intervlewed were a black cal, a batty bat. and the "Jack O'Lantern" of the year. The latter, guest Camn Berry won the trophy. A haunlhng slory by H. G. Wells read by Toastmaster Conne Nelson left everyone spellbourid. Demonstrating his Impromptu speaking abllily Toastmasler Mike Sullivan explalned "The Value of Halloween". Join us any Tuesday evenlng 7:30 - 9:30 at The Darlington Hydro Information Centre" anid particularly on November 25th for a llght hearted debate. For more Information please call Irene Konzelmann 983-9423, Orono. GOING ON A TRIP??? GETTING MARRIED??? Planning a Special Evening on the Town for Dinne, the Theatre or the Big Carne??'? Limousine Service will get you there and back in safety, com fort and style. CALL TO RESERVE EARLY 'Vote ta <.-E(ect 3o6 'J4)ifsher * Public Sehool Trustee for 12 years. * 3 Terms as Board Chairperson. * 2 Terms as Board Vice Chairperson. *Proven advocate for parents & children. *Clarington students need proper school facilities. e Clarington needs a strong voice on the newSchool Board. Public Sehool Trustee District Sehool Board #14 For information cati Bob at 987-4845 Last on the ballot....first with you in mind!