Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 8 Oct 1997, p. 3

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flrnnr~W Èt+MV1~ ~uoe~ UtIOL to a Great Husband& a Super Dad! LETTER TO THE EDITOR: LETIER TO THE EDITOP, I hav e read with Interest the many letters sent to the editors of Clarlngton'!s news- papersabout the Lishman proposaI. I have also attended the two public meetings on the subi ect; one at the Municlpality and one'at the Reglon. Responding to concerns expressed by residents about future deveiopmentsas a result of and/or associated with the Lishman proposaI, our Mayor and several coun- dillors, both at tbe Municipal and Regional public meetings, stated that tbe Lishman application was deallng only witb the fur garment manu- facturing facility. Anyone who actually read the relevant Planning and Clerk's file at the Municipal offices would have seen the following statements on Page 2 of the application docu- ment, prepared by Tunney Planning Ince. July 1997: "the lands subi ect of these appli- cations are the flrst Phase Of what is lntended to be a com- prehensive redeveiopment of the entire holdings of Hannu T. Haimiùnen in 1Trust. These lands willi be the, subject of future ap plications... .for an Airpark consisting of a smali scale residential community associated witb the exidsting air strip". Those Councillors who bave not yet read tbe appli- cation and supplementary documents may wish to do so at the earliest possible oppor- tunlty, preferably prior to vot- ing on the issue, because municipal staff have been instructed that 'the applicant bas an amhbitious time-frame for the approval process" (InternaI Memo dated July 29, 1997/Planning File). Ambition is to be admired at times, but a ruthless disre- gard for due process is to be cbalienged at every opportu- nity. Candidates running ini the upcoming municipal election and ail interested parties should make themseives familiar wit tis Important issue, because the devil is in the details. More information can be found in the files at Durham Region Planning Departmnent with respect to this application, with a sepa- rate file on a Lisbman project in Scugog Township that dld not proceed. Mr. Lishman wrote a letter to the editor of the Scugog Citizen after withdrawing bis application for this compre- hensive development propos- ai In Scugog. While I hope that the newspapers re-print this letter In the interest of public education on what could be a precedent-setting application in Clarington, sbouid tbey not be able to do so I trust tbey wiil make it available to those lnterested in reading this very reveaflng document. -1 Yours slncerely, Linda Gasser Bx399, Orono (905) 983-5249 CLARINGTON FIRE CALLS The Clarington Fire Departînent responded to the following fire calîs during the period of September 29 to October 7, 1997: 1 structure fire, i fire, 5 motor vehicie accidents, 22 medical assistance calîs, 1 911 calis, 4 assist other agen- des, 5 alarm activation calis, and 8 check out cails. FROM AROUND H-OME by Roy Forrester COUNCIL- NOTES.... Lucien Lambier presenteci counicil with a petition of res- idents who would like tosece a centre line on the 6th Conc. Mr. Lambier said this hilly road was prone to fog in the Spring, Winter and Eall. Lanibier fett the travelling public w\ould be well served by a yellow ne down the centre of thie road, giviing thern a referecnce point when visibilitywa poor. The mat- ter was referred back to, staff for further study. Earlier this year counicil had joined with the other 905 area couincils to ask AI Leach, the Minister of Municipal Affairs for a years grace to see if they wanted to be part of the Greater Toronto Services Board. In a meeting with the Minister last week, Mayor Hamnre received word that the 905 area municipali- ties would get 3 years to decided if they want in or out. The Minister felt il would take that long to do the stud- ies needed to make an informed decision. 1The mnayor mentioned that when the Great Toronto Services Board was up and running,. the regional or municipal level of govern- ment wouild be removed. Brennan Paving,, and Consi. L-td. of Markhami Ont. was aw,arded the contract, to replace the sidewalk on Duke St. in Bowmanville, and replace and extend the Centre St. sidewalk in Orono. Brennan Paving wiIl be paid $72,289.20 to complete the job. Bow.t.manville To astmaste rs With which comtic strlp do you most ldentify? At the head table Toastxnaster Marilynn Dow originally felt like Woody Woodpecker banging ber head on wood but decided that Dagwood was more a iirror of what she wouid like life to be. Toastmaster Denise Marke feit a strong Identification wltb Dflbert. Chairman Toastmaster Connie Nelson chose a fanci- fui comtc front ber youth ,Mary Jane and Sniffles. Three guests shared the evenlng with its leaning and w ar ith . " Please remember that -Bowinanvllle Toastmasters wlll not be meeting in Bowmanville on October 14th, 1997 because we willl be In Lndsay sharing the 13th .Annidversary celebration of Lindsay Toastmasters. Plan to jota us any other Tuesday 7::30 - 9:30 p.m. at "The Darllngton Hydro Information Centre". For more information '~L, 19& Authorized Sales& Service Centre for: Leather - Top And Bottom 1Tbere's notbing like a weddlng to spirit Interest in the gruif wardrobe. With the big date late Saturday aftemnoon it was paraînount that 1 look for some form of improvement and the decision couldn't be put off any longer. There was need for a big 1 have found myseif iacking in footwear over the past few montbs and especlaliy of the 'dress' nature. Now I'm not one to frequent sboe stores or retail store of any kind so It is somewhat of an experience. But I had to be up to the' challenge and take the plunge. Vîting two stores being somewhat baffied at the first store selection and findlng that It took some time to sort out the men's section. Nothing. Ini the second the clerk was more interested in her conversation with a friend than with the customer. I came to the conclusion that I had to educate myself in footwear. Thank-goodness for the Sears catalogue. Surely it was on a par wit h Eatons catalogue that used to bang on the door of the outhouse. Pages upon pages of footwear. I thumbled througb tbe Reebok Classic line of Running Sboes, Court Shoes,' Tennis Shoes, Aerobic, Striders, and I shall not forget ab-out the 'Sonic' Mallwalkers. In fact there Is a sboe for every activity witb manufacturers including, to mention only a few, Adidas, K-Swiss, Brooks, Sonic and AVIA. 1 can't see myself wearing any of these sboes altbough they are popular for the general market and make their way down ail avenues, for all ages and ail sexes. It wasn't what I was looking for anyway. 1I migbt mention that Nike shoes for men and for women do provide special cushioning using a serles of condensed gases injected 0ORONO TOWN HALL EUCHRE RESULTS High - 1) Bill Grady 87, 2) Hazel Pigott -86, 3) Allan Downes 84, 4)- Helen Couroux 82, 5)Helen Thorne 78; Low,- Marion Sears; Draws - Lii Bolderstone, Minnie Taylor, Aleck Moffat, Joyce Cowan, Jean Allen, Jim Gordon. - Camcorders - VCR's 1 -t Microwaves ?82 . TV's - Accessories - Stereo Systems - Telephones - Top 100 CD's & Tapes Into urethane membranes. The gas cannot escape so enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. One other shoe style did catch my eye but it was in the ladies departinent. It did have a feature I could be Interested ln since I have lost from two to two-and-a- hall inches in height. Those high cube heels would put me back in eye- to-eye contact with some of my frlends. Now I slant my eyes upwards when in conversation. The high cubes did have another featiire that put me In line - they were plain sparkling black leather-with no design. Turning to the men's section there they were "leather, top and bottom, plain black toe cap with strap buckle. It was off to Sears, Peterborough.' It put a new life in the old boy who can now kick- up bis heels with some glitter. It really does make a difference. Wlth the new purchase buckled up Donna and I did make it to north Warden Avenue for the wedding of Angela West, daughter of Keith and Marie West to Ted Clark of the Metro area. As I understand it was a romance that started ln Metro then travelled to Japan for a year and then back to Metro. It was a joyous event among friendly people and an Interestlng settlng, a barn built in 1928 and now used for social events. PANASONIC - SANYO SONY - JVC - GOLDSTAR

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