2- c~re~no Wly Thne~ We4ae~4ay. Oc ob~r 8, ~$$7' Yrou Decide 1Municipal candidates in ward fourgot a jump on the rest of the imunicipality with their sign campaigil. There are even some reports of sign vandalism already. With thiree current councillors flot seeking re-election, and two counicillors running against each other in the saine ward, only two of the current'councillors wilI have jobs afier The November 10 election. This means of the six counicil posi- tions, no less than four and possibly ail six be filled by new face s, with'the possibility of a new person filling the mayor, chair. The municipal level of government effects people right were they live, yet -municipal elections are notorious for poor voter tum ouiit. The people running in municipal elections are people who live in or close to your community. If you dont know thern person'ally, chances a re that you know someone who does. If ane canididate running in my ward has a long list of outstandingo service attachied with his/her namre, I would check with the service grIoupIs inivolved to see how effective they were as a miember, and how longa they, were a mnember of said group., It is up toýyo0U to put politîcal promises to the test. If a canididate proised to brinig sewercis to Oronio, you should Eind ouIt how they plan ýto pay for the service. What politician does- it wanit te bring more inidustry to the municipality. Lets hear about somne of the niew wNays they plan to achieve this goal. IncuLMbenlt canididates have a past record to run on. I would like to Knowý how t1hey voted on key issues during their mandate. Sinice muchi of politics is perception,' find out if those seeking re-election have actually accomplished the things they cdaim. I would like to know howý each candidate feels about the Official Plan. This plan was implemented at a high cost to you the taxpayer. Just this w\eek coastal developments were brought up at counicil mneetinig. This type of deveilpmient is contrary to the OfficiaI Plani, yet one such developmnent lias been allowNed, anid it seemrs counc il is unable to stop a second phase. Nobody, wanits thistype of development on the wat er front, yet counIcil seemis powerless to stop it. What about agri- cultural lanids. Whiat-council will hold dear the agricultural lands in this ruLral community. It is up to you to e lect the type of counicillors that best reflect your views. Ail-1Ià The Interest of Students?ý The teachers of Ontario and the Harris govemment are knuckle to knuckle over Bfll 160 which would bring about changes to the educational systern ithRe province. By the tîme this week's Times Is published Rie two par- ties will have met and we would expect the dye would have been set. Both parties are voicing a determined 'No Give" attitude. The revamping of the Educational systern. was a major plankti the Conservative's Commori Sense Revolution. If it splirters it will be a major dent ini Rie Revolution..1 Judging Rie outcome of negotiatioris with the doctors and lawyers where the goverriment backed dlown and as well put more control of the professions ti the hands of both parties and the qulck retreat wlit the Public Sector workers Rie teachers may have a chance to reduce the passing of Bill 160 as àt now stands. 1The goverrinent on the other hand will loose most inaa retreat and much of the Corimon Sense Revolution wiIl be dera iled. It wffi require the goverriment to look elsewhere for funds but Rie cupboard is, most bare rio matter where the eye is cast. There is no doubt that Bill 160 will drastically reduce teachers' voice in the development of the provinces educa- tiorial system. There Is also no doubt there Is need for change. Closing Rie school Is flot in the interest of the students. by Roy Foireste r LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Subscriptions $2 1.50 + $ 1.50 G.S.T. $23.00/year. Publications Mail Registration No. 000368 Publishing 50 Issues Annually at the Office of Publication 5310 Main Street, P.O. Box 209, Orono, Ontario LOB iMO E-Mail Address: oronotimes@4speedline.ca Phone/Fax (905) 983-5301 Publisher! Editor Marg Zwart O RONOi %J-WEEKLY-TimEus LE1ER TO THE EDITOR. Dear Mr. Zwart: We are as1Idig for your co- operation. in locating ail for- mer day and r-vening students and teacher-8 of DANFORI'H TECH, wlcPi s located ta the east end @f the City of Toronito. This currfrit school year, Danforth te celebrating Its 75th Annli'ersary anid a Reunlon will be held at the school on M1ay 2,,1998. In order to make thils event a success, we wlish to locate as mariy form@r studerits and teachers as possible and ask for your assistance ta achlev- ing this goal. Mariy of the former stu- dents and teachers have moved awaý from the city anid riow reside throughout the Province. ,Would ycU belktid erough to flnd a spiall space in your local public;itiori for this noti- ficationi? It will assist us i locatinig maàly people. We ask-ihat theY contact the school PýY writing to: DANFORTH 75th ANNIVEP-SARY 800 GreeflWood Ave. Toronto, Ontario M4J 4B7 OR VOICE/FAX 416-393-8042 emafi: dw1750interlog.com VWwW.INPERLOG.COM/ DAN75 Our 75th AnniversarY L0g, at the top e,>f ths letter, was desigried by cartoonist .AndY Donato, a f'ormer student of Danforth. Ilhank you. in anticipation, for your assistance. Yours tlY, Arthur È. Kelly (416-691=-8375) ÇhartilulicîtY LElITER 'O THE EDIT OR Septemb@r 29/97 TO THE ÏEDITOR OF THE ORONONWEEKLY TIMES I ama wrilng ths letter in response to the proposed development at the headwa- ters of the Wlmot Creek. As a conservatiofflst, erivirotimeri- talist, birdwatcher, fisherman and hunter, I urge the citi- zens of the communlty and the local goverriment to understand the implications of the changes that will occur. My background Is ln forestry a, Sir Sandford Fleming College i Lindsay. In the first semester 1 studied the natural resources related subjects. Included were Fish and Wlldllfe, Forestry. Forest Souls,' Geology, Farm Management etc. etc. This gives me a good understarid- ingý of the natural world and thethigs that occur ln ItL When I was, a young boy, ils my brother and 1 came to fish the headwaters of thids beau- tiful stream, the likes of whlch there is no other ln southern Ontario for flsh rearlng capabilities. We cailed It the secret stream. I was six or seven years of age. Currently, at 34 I look ln, question at the proposed development. This watershed and ail the creepirig things that abound therein will be burderied heavfly. If these envronimental changes occur It Is almrost frreversible. Please understand'that I hold nothlng against some- one trylng to set up and oper- ate a business but surely a more sultable location cari be found. Perhaps dloser to L ake Ontario wlth an aburidant water supply lri lieu of suck- lng the ground water out of the headwaters of the creek. Please let us leave this nat- ural habitat the way it Is, the way Mother Nature intended it to be. Jeffrey W. Bestwlck Huntsvfie, Oritario LE1ER TO THE EDITOR Dear Sir: Receritly we enjoyed a great bus trip to Niagara 1Regioris and on arriving home we couldn't help thlnklng, what a great prize this can be for our own areas? (For Nature & Beauty). As you our readers know, we have a "proposed botanni- cal garderi and arbonlatum" for our lands that is now for sale from the province. (The former Tree Nursery) This, in this writers view, would be a -golden egg" for the entire areas of Clarlngtori, and of course for the surrounding, Orono. Wheri one revlews past bis- tory of our Nuxisery here we think of the many familles who received their employ- ment, and of course their "daily bread". On my own street young familles lost their jobs and homes and were forced to move elsewhere, and today our yourig folks are flndirig It harder each year, to firid employment, ln our areas. Our govemnment says "we don't need trees" anyrnore, well dear readers, as long as manklnd inhabits this "dear old earth" - we'll need our beautiful trees! By bringing in an attrac- tive "botannical garden » we cari commemorate ail those people who worked here ini our Nurseries, "with beauty". Today we are wtnessing a dreadful decay of weeds and rundo wn property, lets get behid M r. Markoff and facil- ities arid encourage a new regrowth of this once proud- and attractive property! 717 ý- ýr KENDAL UNITED CHURCH Kend7al, Ontario "The Heart of Our Commujnity" Sunday, Oct. 12, 1997 11:15 a.m. "Storytellers and Stories" Preacher: Mary Lofihouse Pleasejoin us Minister: Rev. David Black 786-2950 St. Saviour s Anglican Church MILL ST., ORONO, ONTARIO Minister: Lay Reader - Gordon Leek 983-9639 Sunday Service, Sunday School and Youth Group 9:30 a.m. lst & 3rd Sunday of Montb HOLY COMMUNION ORONO SPASTORAL CHARGE Minister ~VA~ Rev. Mervyn Russel Secretary Marlene Risebrough 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 CHURCH SERVICES Kirby United Church at 9:30 a. m. Orono United Church 11:00 a. m. Sunday School Classes and Nursery facilities available during Church Services A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. TICKETS Anniversary Dinner 983-5550 or 983-9308 Sing Along Messiah 983-5208 We understand several well- known groups are already backlng this prop os- ai. Arnong others of course our local horticulture, also district groups. 1We, certainly hope our Clarington Council will encourage this splendid. 'Tourist Attraction" to our fair reglons. This Is a "once i a lifetime" chance for us. Slncerely Isabelle Challice Orono, Ontario Letters continued on page 3.