* OonoWedlyTimes Wednesday, October 8, 1997 -13 HeSfed up and not going to take it any more ALLERGY ALERT Canadian Food Inspection Agency The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is wamning consumers wth peanut aller- gies not to eat Hellema brand Choco Sticks cookies sold ti 150 gram packages, lot coded E158. The product bas been found to contain peanut's which are not declared on the label. The Agency is warning consumers wtth peanut aller- gies not to eat Ulker Ikram brand hazelnuts crearri cook- les (also identified on the label as hazeinut cream sandwich biscuits) sold In 100 gram packages.,The product has been found to containý peanuts which are not declared on the label. The Agency is also warn- lng consurners with peanut allergies not to eat Ulker Ikram brand Chococlate cookies (also Identified on the label as cocoa sandwich bis- cuits with chocolate and cocoa crearn) sold in 100 gram packages. The product bas been found to contain peanuts wbich are not declared on the label. The importer Is recafing al tbree products fr7om the mar- ket place and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency is monitoring the effectlveness of the recall. Rod Doris is tired of flot- being taken seriously by the bank. By Friday he had su f- fered enougli humiliation at the hands of the Newcastle branch of the CIBC, and decided to go public about bis plight. Doris has been trying unsuccessfully, to get the bank to treat him as a small business not a self employ ed real estate agent. Earlier this year, Doris had over $2,00O of business cheques returned, and x as forced to re-negoti- ate the mortgage on bis home. The CIBC in Newcastle offered to have their small business personal banker sit down with Do ris with hopes that his cash flow situation would go'smoother. Four mo nths later, and still no one froin the bank has called to meet with him. Doris says that every time he has tried to talk to the manager and the personal banker, they are too busy and neyer return bis calis. "I xouldn't do this if there wasnt a good reason",_said Doris. He feels the-treatment he gets from the bank is demeaning. During our interview, the branch manager, SheIly Jobb. Newtonville Public Sehool News I stated last month this this would be a year full of change. Recently the Minister of Education introduced leg- islation which if passed would drannatically alter education in Ontario. Teacher groups are preparing activities which clearly express their concerns about this Bull. As both the government and the teachers mount media campaigris, please make the effort to be lnforrned on issues by exam- lning both positions. 1lil continue to inforrn the School Council and the school comrnunity as a wbole as events unfold. R ProIe STUDENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Tbanks to the grade 5/6 monitors who have worked during the1 montb of September: Katie, Samantha, Qana, Ernlly, Mike H., Sarah F., Bradley M., Matthew, Dana, Devon, Dan, Shawna, Sarah A., Jarnie, Meghan, Jessica, Dawn, Ttm, Daniel. Brent, Arnanda, Derek, Shawn, Greg, Katie A., Devan. Michael S., Lisa. Thanks also to the school attendance monitors Haley. Amy Lu, Sarah A., Elllott, Nicole, Mike T., Rachel. STAFF TRAINING >During the month of September most staff mern- bers have been away frorn the school to participate ti train- ing programs for computers, French tI-service or Ftrst Steps. We appreciate your understanding and the co- operation our stu dents have given to the supply teachers. STAFF We welcorne Mrs. Helma Parker back to the school. Two rnorings ti our 6 day cycle shewill be providing planning tirne for. Mrs. Butterley, Mrs. Zabri and Mrs. Randall. We are pleased she is able to return. HOUSE SYSTEM INTRLAMURAL ACTIVITIES The House Systern bas been operating for the montb of September. Eacb bouse bas selected a captain and an assistant. This year Ms. Nancy Forrest will be coordinating noon bour intramural activi- ties! OROMO PAIR Congratulations to the stu- dents for their good behaviour and active participation. Our tug-of-war'team iparticipated well. The teari members were as follows: Sarah-A, Meghan, asked Doris if he would corne inside to meet with ber. Doris refused the offer since he had an appointment to meet with her on Monday. Shelly Jobb, the Newcastle branch manager, said it was hard for her to respond to Doris's allegations because the batik is bound by custorner confidentiality. While Doris could dîscuss personal information Jobb is nable too. Jobb said she wou Id send a fax to our office on, Monday statiî1g the banks position. At press timne Tuesdav afternoon, we bad not received that fax. Shawna, Dana, Jamie H., Mike H., Devan, Dan A., Greg, Brent. SCHOOL TEAMS Scbool teaxns will be start- ing ti October. Each interest- ed grade 6 student will be allowed to be on at least one tearn. The school tearns for October will be soccer and harrier. Mr. Prole will be coachlng the soccer tearn which will have its tourna- ment on Wednesday October 15, 1997 at Orono Public School. Mr. Krlbs wlll be coaching the harrier team which will have its tourna- ment on Tuesday October 2 1, 1997 at the Ganaraska Forest Centre. GYM SHOES Wben it cornes Urne to buy new running shoes for stu- dents, please consider the fol- lowing. Please do a scuf test on a terrazo or tile floor. If possible, avoid-shoes wbich easily mark sucb floor. The custodian works hard to maintain the gyn and the scbool floors. We would appreciate your help on this matter. SpARKs THANKSG1ING FOOD DRIVE The Newtonvllle Sparks haveset up a Thanksglving -Food Drop Box- i the front ha of the school. jý0# ,Special1 ~ k Pumpkin Loaf $1 .69 Pumpkini Pie $3.50 & Teaom Proprietors: Cary & Carol Vreeker 983-9779 Main Street, Orono Closed Sunday & Monday B3ALLS RADIO0 & T.V. REPAIR REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W-T.V.s AND VC.R.s P.O. Box 27 (0)9352 R.R. 2, Orono, Ont. (0)9352 NEWCASTLE FUNERA.L HOMIE Fhuneraf Drector -Car[(Goot[ *Personal, professional, affordable service in a beautifully* restored century home. Wheelchair accessible, ample on- site parking, comfortable coffee/reception lou nges. 386 Mill Street South, Newcastle (Just north of 401 ~- Tark:tng off P1pert Street) (905) 987-3964 COING ON A TRIP??? GETTING MARRIED??? Planning a Special Evening on the Town for Dinner, the Theatre or the Big Game??? I1OURGLA55 SLimousine Service will get you there and back-in safety, com fort and style. I 4 ,CALL TO RESERVE EARLY mý . . ......... ........... ... ....... ............