Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 24 Sep 1997, p. 3

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rooweil heWdedySpebr4 9?- B frthda y Bon!/ 1/Love frorn [Mom~ Iddyý I & Teddy! Unit i U.C.W. News Bertha White, Jessie Watklns and Mary Berry pre- sented a full program of infor- mation, Inspiration and entertalnment on Wednesday, September lOth at the Unit 1, U.W.C. meeting. First, Willis Barrab al of mhe Special Gifts Comnmittee gave a brief sumnmary of vani- ous ways te contribute fIman- cially to the work of the Church. Then Bertha White led a Bible Study based on Paul'$ explanation of how he was transformed by baptism. Everyone shared thouglits and memorles of ber bap- tismal day. Bertha described lier European tour assisted by slides of siglits in Italy, France and Austria. During the Mission Moment, empliasis was placed on mhe life and times of Mother Teresa. The Oshawa Presbyterial Fail Regional meeting offers two sessions for everyone's convenience. if you prefer daytime meetings, go to the session at 12:30 on October 6th at Brooklin. An evening meeting wiil be held at 6 p.m. on October lst at Newcastle United. Don't forget to hand in knitted articles for mhe Jack Frost prograin. These will be. taken to the Regional meet- ing along wlU-i soup labels, stamps and eyeglasses. Contact Isabelle Challice. Plans are in tme works for a Collector's Show and Bake Sale on October 25mh. If you would like to display your col- lection, calI 983-5059. The flIglit cf "On The. Wing" will be rather short this week as we spent ne more than two hours blrding late Monday afternoon. Birds may have been few but the weatlier was great wltli a liglit breeze te cool mhe wann rays cf tme sun. Boeting it along the Darlington, Hydro Lakefront Trail we watclied the fliglit and liovering of a Kestrel Falcon and mhe racîig about cf a small flock of Cedar Waxwings, parents and mhe kids. Coming te the pond/marsli area we siglited a group cf Green and Blue Teal ducks aleng wlmh a few Mallards. 1Our attention was soon directed towards two Lesser Yellowlegs along with a Baird's Sandplper and a busy Sliort-billed Dowitclier prodding initme silt for food. S:tayî ng In Touch John O'Toole Durham East MPP Does anyone remember the "Social Contract"? This dread- ed NDP legislation stripped public sector union members of their negotlated riglits. Every teaclier, firefigliter, liospital worker and munici- pal worker had their con- tracts opened and negotiated privileges removed. There were ne public hearings and the legislation was forced through in less than a week. They cal us undemocratic. Bill 136, The Transition and Stabilitv Act, covers most public sector workers durig mhe restructurlng cf munici- palities, hospitais and scliool boards. Next week, The Minster of Education will introduce companion legisla- tion covering teachers. There have been meetigs with the Ontario Federation cf Labour (OFL) as weil as mhe Ontario Teachers Federation (OTF) and their affiliated unions. Last week, the Minister of Labeur and the Minister cf Education announced arnendments te their legisla- tien. The iglit te strike wil NOT be removed. Also we have elimiated mhe two pro- posed disputes resolution commissions. Principals and, vice-principals wfll be iclud- ed in their union. I believe mhat our govenment bas lis- tened and respended te changes suggested by the public sector union leader- ship, including teacliers. I belleve that both parties can now focus on ensuring ser- A Blue Heron flapped eut of siglit witli the slow beat of its curved winigs. "I haven't seen mhis for a while" I said te myself - a Rusty Blackbird scouting around on thé sandbeacli. As the bîrd was ln its wlnter coloura it was net tee difficuit te identify - yellow eye, black slasli above is eye and a rusty clîest. If it bad been in summer dress it would have been almost impossible for me te distinguisli it from its close relative - the Brewer's Blackbird. 1The Rusty passes through the area in May and back through again in late September. It nests in the northern part of the pro- vince. Tliat's It for birds this week. vice delivery during our restructuning withoeut a strike. In education, we must focus on class size and time on task. Our children must have the highest quality, accountable and cost effective system hin the world. lI con- clusion, I believe that most people recognize mhat changes are necessary. I aise believe mhat alI public sector employ- ees must net bave an exclu- sive monopoiy anky more thm General Motors lias a monopoly on building cars. The taxpayer cannot continue te pay ever-icreasing taxes te pay mhe wages and bene- fits cf public sector employ- ees. 1 also recognize that pub- lic sector employees need stability and some security during the restructurlng c-f municipalities, scliool boards and liospitals. Flnally, every citizen whetlier tliey are employed by a smail or large business, a farm operation, a service or sales organization or by the public sector recog- nize mhat nothing is certain. Ask the fanner wlio puts the seeds i the ground only te bave the weamher turm against him. Ask the car dealershîp who lias te try and sell a poorly designed product ia higih iterest rate global ec-on- omy. This past week, I was pleased te attend the International Plowing M1atch I Ivy, near, Barrie, Ontarle. The weather and mood at the show was optimlstic and our reception was very positive. The agricultural sector of our economy is growing and mhe Plowing Match, Fall Faîrs and Churcli suppers are a fine showcase for Ontario pro- duce' A number of constituents have called, asklng wliat is our Premier doing about Canadian Unity? I amn pleased mhat our Premier recognizes this Important prierlty. However, lie bas made it dlean mhat lie wants to hear from the people of Ontario. Al Canadian are equal and have riglits protected by law. Al provinces whule diverse ln their character from Newfoundland to Britishi Columbia have equallty of status and a unity as a coun- try. Canada is graced by diversity, tolerance, compas- sion and equality of opportu- nity mhat is wltliout rival in the world. I beieve that any c onstitutional change that may confer powers on one province must confer mhese sanie powers on ail provinces. I recognize the diffrences and uniqueness in Quebec's lan- guage, culture and civil law. These unique characterlstics must be protected and devel- oped within our country Canada. Our Premier wants to hear from you and lias comniitted to the public con- sultation process. For the past few years, our political leaders like Bob Rae and David Peterson, have tried to present Ontanio's position. Bomh leaders spent mucli time and effort lionestly trylng to contribute to this question. Our Premier believes it is time te listen to mhe people. This past week, 1 was pleased to be cliosen by the Premier and Minister of Environnent and Energy to a select committee. This al party committee will Investi- gate mhe safety and recoveiy plans of our Ontario Hydro Nuclear Plants. I arn pleased wimh mis important appoint- ment. I fully recognize the importance of mhe safety and reliabillty of our nuclear plants. Furthermore, mhe two facilities ini Durhiam. are very significant employers and contributors to our economlc well being. Members cf tme Speclal Coninittee frem al three parties, I belleve willl work together for al Ontanlans. We bave a moun- tain of work and a short reportlng wlndew (September te December 1997). I appreci- ate your understandi ng or any Inconvenlence this may cause wimh my constituency schedule. Sometimes we get weary wlmh our scliedules. A wlse fnlend told me, "It Is net tme load that breaks you down, It is'tme way you carry it". RECYCLE THIS NEWSPAPER Services and Repairs To Alil Makes Of Vehicles, Used Auto Parts , Complete Auto BodY Servce ê Used and New Tires Servce Cails *Camoorders *VCR's Sic*Microwaves 1982 *TV's Authorized Sa/es& Service Centre for: - Accessories - Sterea Systems - Telephones - Top 100 CD's & Tapes GOING ON A TRIP??? GETTING MARRIED??? Planning a Special Evening on the Town for Dinner, the Theatre or the Big Game??? SLimousine Service wil get you there and back in safety, cornfort and style. CALL TO RESERVE EARLY, mm . ..... ......

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