Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 17 Sep 1997, p. 8

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E 8-Orono MWcekly 'limes,Weeda.Steer1 97 LETTER TO THE EDITOR Sept. 3, 1997 May I add my voice and a speclal note ofriostalgia to the gerieral round of applause for Ororios striking mural. Perhaps ther e are only a few of us wlio remember using that great station. For a few ye ars i the 20's before the advent of the liglit freiglit truck (first Laver then Hoar, I thirik) we shipped milk to Toronto from that station. It was my happy lot to be allowed to accompariy the one liorse democrat and the pre- cious caris of milk and to watcl'i the train pull in and out. It must have beeri on time sometimes. Orum Gamsby stood i portly splen- dour on the pordli of tlat fine bouse, riow 5161 Main- St., arid saluted everymari or beast passirig by. It was said, albeit somewliat kiridly, that lie liad riever done a day's work in iis life, but lie surely took lits responsibility for dis- pensing early morrdig cheer very seriously. I cari still hear him belting out "your gonria make it o.k. this morig". Ii those days we liad fast liorses and slow cars and there was a firiely scripted speed limit sigri higli on a pole at Sommerville St. "ORONO SPEED LIMIT 15 MILES", whicli our former race hiorse scrupulously respected because lit was at the top of the hi. Years later wlier the limit liad long since been raised to 30 mpli I took it upon mayself to update the situation by shinriying up the pole. Te museum may yet be the berîeficiary wlien I no longer need the sigri to renulind myself to slow down riglit lere at home. As a footriote, at that time higliway 35 from Newcastle to Orono was stlll gravel, so mucli so that sometimes in spring breakup'a teax nrd wagon could barely make it by liugging the fence line, especlally between the 3rd and 4tli. Does some corre- sporident remember that great day -wlier the pavement was operied into Orono? I recali only breakirig my owri speed limit on those clumsy, .out of line" roller skates whlcli I brouglit especially from Toronito for the inaugu- ration. Henry Sissons KENDAL COLUMN by Phyllis'Lowery It's mhat timne of year agairi, less mari a week until Fal officially starts. The Fair is over. Churcli is back on its normal scliedule, the trees are losing leaves and cliarging colour, kds are al back to scliool everythirig is back on track except "me", so I guess I liad better get my act in gear. This has beeri-a rather odd summer, it seemed to start so late and then ended so soon, there were very few evenings mbat a person could sit outside with- out a swVeater on. We lad the fumnace on in Juiy and again ini thec first week of September. Everyonie were complatinig that the gardens were way belinid anid nýw everythLirig is riperiing aLt on ce. Sunday was a beautiful day, it was the second Sunday ti creation and "The Celebration of New Life". Theý service opened with the Choir singing. "You Are A Part of The Family" still singing, they went out arnong the congre- gation and sliook hands witli everyone. Rev. Black then welcomed all present, and told of mhe life and work of the congregation, the breakfast get-together at 6:30 a.m. on Saturday mornings,_ the Youth Group meetings start- ing on Wednesday i 7t1 at 6 p.m. includes dinrier, xiii be meeting weekly. Sa1turday 2tli for men oniy, b)owling anid fellowship (6:45 p.m. The Christ Canmdie was lit, the gathering hymnis were, ,Biger Than ail My Problemns" and, "Majesty, Worship His Majesty". The choir then sàng, "How Long His It Been?" The chiîdren were calledi forward, Davidi asked Item if tliey cou-ld teW llm of SOMCe- thing that od lias made? They came ïIp with, lots of answers, flow.ers, birds, ani- mals, peopl&, earth. David told tliem that God also made "joy". He told thera of the lit- tie girl wlio cou1d not smÉle and asked thiem to imagine what it wvould be like if tliey could learn ti do things like these Doctors did. God loves each and every oneC of us and that gives us reason to smnile and be joyful. The childrens hymri was, ýCAod Can Do it Ag,,aini'. The pray7er of Self- Examiniation'anid the Words of Assurance were giveri. Grant Mcçoiflagliy read from the scrpturep 1 John4: 7-19. The Sermon ,vas titled, -The Heart of Ouf 'CommunitY." The lieart of anY communitY is the respect people have for each other wfether it is a vil- lage, a Cliureli, a family, the key to their rdationshtlp, and liealth, is the imeasure of respect they have for each other. How you treat others is how they will, treat you. 1Parents comtplai that they don't get any respect from their children, as thougl iIt sliould corne automatically. Respect must beearned and it is up to parents to teach their chldren to respect oth- ers. respect is not built in. Kendal United Church is here to help teacli how to leamn to respect. Tb îearn Viow God mearit us to live, this is cer- tainly not being tauglit ariy- wliere else, certainly not in our scliools, i business. The Cliurch is one place wliere you cari learri of how God cari help you to, face life. You cari be tauglit, that you are important, that God loves you. Here you will not be laughed at, you will be accepted as you are. God loves you. The liyrn, "What A Friend We Have In Jesus"' was sung'. The Prayer of Thankfuiness given anid the offering received. The Prayer of Concemn and Commnitment was, followed by the closing liymn, "We Build A New Tomorrow."I Lunch and a time of Fellowship followedin the C.E. room. 1We were sorry to hear about the accident Rowena Ttzzard hiad i which she lost an ami. Wlien Rev. Tizzard was Minister to our commu- nity, Rowena was very involved ti ail our activities anid lir beautiful sirigig was much enjoyed. We wish lier well anid our Prayers are with lier. Harland Elliott is stili waitinig for word as to lis operation. Remember, "No smile is as beautiful as the one that struggles througli tears." P. Lowery Subscribe to Oirono Animal Shelter Day at the Zoo Saturday Sept. 20 is the day the wild animiais at the zoo assist the animais we cal pets. Ail admission proceeds on that day wilI go towards the new Clarington. Animal Shelter. The folks at the zoo see this as the day the ele- phants help the kittens. RECâ'YCLE A littLe_ exerdse can go a long way! Walking 3 km in 35 mninutes can do wonders for your healh Sharing a Healthier Futurè e---ec7rTiCed!:Jiof COMPLETE CAR& TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES - CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK P.R. #1 ORONO 4 MILES NORTH ONTARIO 0F HWY. 401 ON LOB 1iMO (905) 983-9151 HWY. 35/115 MUNICIPAL ELECTION DAY Novembor 10, 1997 FILING NOMINATIONS Candidates for the following offices may file nomination, papers at the Clerk's office, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. and from 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on Nomination Day, October 10, 1997: " Mayor (Also serves on Regional Council) - One to be elected by general vote. " Regional Councillor (Also serves on Local Council) - One to be elected representing Wards 1 & 2 and one to be elected for each of the four wards " Local Council - One to be elected for each of the four wards " Trustee, English Language District School Board No. 14 (Formerly the Northumberland Clarington Board of Education)-- Two to be elected by general vote of Public School supporters. " Trustee, English Language Separate District Board No. 41 (Formerly the Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Roman Catholic Separate Sohool Board) - Two to be elected by general vote of Separate School supporters " Trustee, French Catholic Board No. 64 - One to be elected to represent Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington by general vote of French Separate School supporters " ClaringtonHydro-Electric Commission - Four to be elected by ge n- eral vote " Trustee, French Language Public District School Board No. 58 - One to be elected to represent Durham, Northumberland, Clarington and Peterborough by general vote of French Public School supporters. Note that nomination forms for thîs position miust be submîitted te the Cîerk, City of -Oshawa, 50 Centre Street South, Oshawa Ail candidates are to be elected for a three-year term. Each nomina- tion, paper must be accompanied by the nomination fee of $100, payable either in cash or by certified cheque. VOTERS' LISTS Voters' lists, indicating the names of persons entitled to vote in the Municipal Election, will be posted in the following locations: " CIl-erk's Office, Municipal Administrative Centre " Bowmanville Branch, Clarington Public Lbrary " Newcastle Branch, Clarington Public Library " orono Branch, Clarington Public Library " Courtice Branch, Clarngton Public Library Please examine the list and correct any errorsor omissions by attending at the Clerk's Office, -40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville. Revsion of the list wiIl continue until voting day, November 10, 1997. ONTARIO Date of Publication. Sept 17 1997 Patti L. Barrie, A.M.C.T. Municipal ClerklReturning Officer Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperanoe Street Bowmanville, Ontario Li1C 3A6 P 0. #5089

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