)RONO WEEKLY TIMES- Sevig as Carngonan e. inee*1937 Wednesday, June 25, 1997 Eagles don't soar like they used toi The 1976 Kèndal Eagles chaxnpiooship team held an Oldtimer round robin tour- nament with their old rivais last Saturday. It was a great day to renew acquaintances wlth players who hadn't seen each other for over twenty years. Wlhen the Kendal -Oshawa ganie was tied at 0-O after three lnnings, the umpire commnented that "lt was not a defensive battle, but a lack of offense"! The Kendal Eagles 21 years later, and with a few bail games under their beit are: back row, left to right - Eric Moore, Bob Robinson, Doug Rickard, Jamie Wright, Bill McCullough, Rolph Kennedy, Steve West. Front Row - John Mather, J.R. Robinson, John Robinson, Pete Maartense, Pete Henderson. Absent Joint bussing gets thumbs down from picture is Dan Norton. The four teanis playing in the tournamient were the Port Hope Flyers, Bowmnanvîile Electrontcs, Oshawa Legionaries and the Kendal Eagles. Ail the par- ticipants had such a good time there is talk of another kick at the can. The event also raised alot of money for minor basebali in Kendal. Parents of children in the Separate Sehool board, met Thursday night at St. Francis of Assisi school in Newcastle. to hear about the Joint Transportation Proposai pre- sented by Mr. Ray Stewart, supervisor of transportation. This being the third year of reduced funding from the Provincial government, the school board is looking at ways to cut costs. One of the ways to cut transportation costs is to share bussing ser- vices with the public sehool board. The plan presentedby Ray Stewart, would have busses picking up students from JK to grade 12, and dropping them off at their respective schools. In order for this plan to work schools would have to have staggered starting and closing times. This is were the plan met heavy opposition from the parents. The proposed plan means that chiidren living in Jean Hoy retires After 35 years in the ciass- room as a teacher, Jean Hoy calîs it quits. She has taughit grades 1 - 8 in ail the area public schools. Grade 3 was Mrs. Hoy's favorite grade to teach. Mrs. Hoy ended her' schooi teaching career at Newcastle Public School. Thiere are many thing Mrs. Hoy plans to do with her time these days, one of them being some interior decorating. Pontypool would be picked up at 7:05 a.m. Small children would be standing beside a busy highway in the dark waiting for the bus. One par- ent pointe d out that in the winter the sanders and snow plows don't start titi 7:00 a.m., and roads are often unsafe before the road crews get to work on them. Inspite of ail the other problems with this plan, par- ent Louise Mroz sees it at a safety issue. With Il busses and parents in cars ail arriving at 2:40 to pick up children at the end of the schooi day it won't be long before some- thing happens to one of the children. Parent Steve Chartrand wanted to know what plan "B" was. "You can't corne to us on June 19 with a proposai fuît of holes that has to'be running in September. This, is not going (continued page 14) Mrs. Hoy also looks forward to skiing in the daylight. In attendance at the retire- ment tea Thursday afternoon at the Newcastle Public School were: grandson Graham, daughter Lisa Hoy Pressick, and husband Leonard (Ben). Daughter Heather was unable to attend. In the end Mrs. Hoy said, "I've had a wonderful career, 1 wouidn't change a thing." Volume 61, Number 241 Happenngs.. COUNTRY VIDEO DANCE PARTY Country Video Dance Party at the Orono Arena on Saturday, June 28th from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Tickets $10 at the door. This is a fundraiser for the Durham Central Fair. CROSSROADS CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY Crossroads Christian Assembly celebrates 'Friend Day', Sunday, June 29th, at 10:30 a.m. Bring a famnily picnic ta share on the lawn at noon. Outdoor Gospel-music concert, jumping castie for the boys & girls, refreshments provided and hot dogs available. A fun day for the entire family. Crossroads Christian Assembly, 978 North Sti, Newcastle. For more information cal[ 987-9955. MILLBROOK ONTARIO SUMME R CRAFT SHOW Saturday, JuIy 12, 1997 f rom 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Millbrook Arena featuring 'award-winning artisans, 60 quality craft booths, food and refreshments provided by Millbrook Figure Skating Club., Admission $2.00 - children free. NEWTON VILLE UNITED CHURCH ANNUAL BEEF BARBECUE Tuesday, JuIy 1 st from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Newtonville United Chu rch yard. Tickets $1 0.00 for Aduts children 12 and unider $5.00, presehoolers are free. Tickets available at Dulees Restaurant in Orono and fromn Inez or Wally Boughen at786-2239. AIl proceeds for Church Work. l4th ANNUIAL JURIED PHOTOGRAPH-Y SHOW On display now at the Visual Arts Centre of Clarington and running until JuIy l8th at 143 Simpson Avenue, Bowmianville --623-5831. WHAT TO DO 'CANADA DAY'WEEKEND seepae6.