OrOnol WeeklY Tms ededy une 18, 199iD7 - 5 Kirby holds VIR graduation ASLAN is on-the move at Outdoor Centre Last Wednesday evenlng parents and frlends of stu- dents at Klrby Centennial Public School were present for the presentation of VIP cer- tificates and T-Shirts to forty grade Sers and 6ers. The students had complet- Stayilng in Touch John O'Toole Durham East MPP A number of my'senior cit- izen constituents, have called and written to me questioning the Ontario Drug Benefits co- payment. Our Minister responsible for seniors, the Hon. Cam Jackson and our Minister of Health, the Hon. Jim Wilson have responded. On July 15, 1996, we intro- duced a plan which meant that seniors with certain incomes would pay a $100,00 deductible as well as a dis- pensing fee of $6. il per pre- scription. Unfortunately, the $100.-00 fee did not cover a whole year. On April 1, 1997, seniors were asked to pay an additional $ 100.00. We have changed this so that the co- payment will 110W cover six- teen months from April 1, 1997 to July 31, 1998. 1 believe this change is in response to the seniors who inquired. Furthermore, from now on, seniors who enter the plan mid year will only pay for those months that they were entitled to the seniors drug benefit. 1 might add that Dr. Ann Phillips, a member of the Ontario Advisory Committee (OACHA) advised our minister, "Ontario has the best drug plan in North America." Senior citizens in Ontario pay less for drugs than any other province. The Trillium Drug Plan has been expanded to cover an addi- tional 144,000 low income citizens with high drug needs. ed the Values, Influences and Peers program provided by the Durham Reglonal Police. Groups of students, as above, provlded slts outlin- ing the aims and undertak- ings of the program. Pictured above are Shawn If you have any questions on this important'change, please cail my constituency office, 697-1501 or L/D 1-800-661- 2433. The Minister of Education announced a new demanding curriculum for students froon grade 1 to 8. The new curricu- lum for math and language lias been developed by educa- tors and will put our Ontario children at the head of the class. 'Our new Ontario Curriculum replaces the Common Curriculum intro- duced by the previous govern- ment in 1995. Parents and teachers complained that the old curriculum was vague and too broad. Our rigorous cur- riculum combined with regu- lar testing and standardized report cards will allow parents to understand how their child is progressing from year to year. Language and problem solving skills are important and we must have the best education for our children. The other subject curriculum is being developed and will be introduced later this year. Teachers wiIl receive prepara- tion over the summer and dur- îng the transition period. It is my understanding that in the fail of 1997, the secondary reform will be complete with an introduction in the fail of Rypstra, Alexandra Bliglit, Erika Schroeder and Hallie McKlnnon who had pust cora- pleted thelr act on stage. More pictures along wiffi luhighlts of the progran illl be publlshed this comlng week. 1 be lieve the, new collec- tive bargaining legislation will be introduced before the sum- mer recess. This week, the legislature will begin sitting Monday to Thursday until midnight. These extended ses- sions will allow more debate time to bring forward legisia- tion from second reading. Over the summer, most mem- bers will have a couple of we eks off and spend the bal- ance, of July and August trav- eling the province to gather input on current legislation. In the next couple of weeks, 1 will outline the bills that have been assigned for public input. If you are interested in aftending or submitting input to any legislation, please con- tact my office. 1 have been fortunate to have two co-op students assisting in our constituency office this past school year Ryan Bones from Bowmanvîlle High School and Mike Russo from Courtice High School. Both students have learned the importance of customer ser- vice, how to operate our tele- phones and computer systems as well as other duties like reading the local papers and following, up on items. Confidential information at our constituency office is han- dled by our permanent staff. 1 must thank both high schools for allowing their students to gain first hand office and political experience. Most importantly. 1 want to thank both Ryan and Mike for their very capable assistance. On their visit to Queens Park, 1 arn sure they enjoyed both the history of the legisiature and watching.the government ministers answering the oppo- ASLAN IS 0ON7T-HE MOVE!!! For its' thirteenth season, The Bethany Outdoor Theatre presents C.S. Lewis' timneless chldren's tale, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. Directed by Carol McKey and Nikki Higgs, the story tells of four children who travel to a secret coun- try, the enchanted land of Narnia. There, the adventure begins. Lucy, Edmiund, Peter and Susan figlit the forces of evil, led by the White Wltch who has ruùled Narnia with lier wintery, evil grip for as sition's daily questions. Perhaps one of these young men will some day consider seeking a public office. Next school year, we have another student and for me it is impor- tant to listen and watch the students mature in their skills and for us tounderstand what is important to our students first hand. As our weather warms up and we spend more time out- side, we must watch the sun's UV rays. My thought for the week, if you want a place in the suni, be prepared to put up with a few blisters. long as anyone can remem- ber. When the Great Lion, Aslan, returas to Narnia, He and the chidren restore peace to Narnia and spring returns. The play runs dune 26- 28 and July 3 - 6. Showtime is 8:00 p.m. The temporary home of the Bethiany Outdoor Is at 288 Bethany Hills Road (Manvers 110th Une), north of Hwy. 7A and just east of Hwy. 35. Tickets are avallable at the site. You can brlng your own lawnchalr or rent one here. For more information, cail (705) 277-1238 or 277- 2384. ~0tLOW GARI4eNs HOSTAS PERENNIALS TREES AND SHRUBS PlUS ONE 0F A KIND ART AND CRAFTS .1 ALL IN A GARDEN SETTING 5147 Pattersol, Road Orono, Ontaro LOB 1 MO (905) 983-8246 Just Grasscycle It! Grasscycling... Leaving your grassclippings on your Iawn >- no more raking and bagging >r it reduces the need for watering & provides natural, free fertilizer WE WANT YOU .. . HeIp Us Promote Grasscycling... Coul today for your FREE "We Grasscycle' Lawn sign! TAUNTON *RN AP OROO OHAPPw 51h GONG 01 NEWCA TLE'CN ýLý N"" . ---- 1 ___j