Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 28 May 1997, p. 3

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Orono home dama ged by tire David and Ellen Webb of 62 Andrew Rd. Orono lost nearly ail their earthiy goods due to a house fire on Saturday, May 17. Neighbours noticed srnoke coming from mhe bouse and cailed the fire department at 2:.24 in the aftemnoon. TÈhe fire department reported mhat mhe lire started in a roomn in mhe basement and extended. Tbough mte l'ire was basicaiiy confined to the basement, mhe remainder of the bouse suf- fered smoke and beat dam- age. The family was not home at the time of mhe fire. Last week the couple were faced with the beart wrench- ing task of going mhrough A their personal beiongings and saivaging what little tLhey couid. Every item mtat David mhrows in mhe dumnpster bas a story to go witb it (like the Afghian David and Ellen cro- chet together wben tbey first got married). The sense of compassion mhat a sail community offers by Phyllhs Lowery KENDAL COLM At last, warmer weather appears to be bere, the trees are al leafmng out and every mhing looks s0 green, except for the dandelions. It is s0 nice to be able to stay outside witbout shiver- ing almhougb mhe wind is stili quite strong. On Sunday Lyle and Yvonne Bender were in charge of mhe Service as Rev. Black is away. The Service opened wVith tme Ligbting of the Cbrist Candie. The Gatberîng bymns were, "Heaven Came Down and Glory Filled My Soul", 'This Is The Day" and ýJ oy Unspeakable". The choir sang "I Don't Know About Tomorrow". The Miles to Manitoba col- lection was made, we bave now passed the Soo.. The children were called to mhe front. Yvonne brougbt out a Puppet, she said bis niame was Otis and that be was scared because it was the first tine that be had been in Church. She told him to calm down and quit shaking, she asked Otis to count mhe boys and tben tme girls, then be iooked 4around and spotted Don Peddar and then be saw Jack Westiake be yelled out, Hi Jack. Yvonne told bim that he must neyer do mhat if be »was in a planie or it would. frighten ail the passengers. ,Then he whispered in 'Yvonni-es ear ,anr1d she said, Yes Jesus Loves You, be wanted everyone to sing it for him, we dîd.'Yvonne then said to hlim, now that wasn't 50 bad was it? Do you like Cburcb? Otis sbook bis bead yes. Presentations were made to mhe SS cbildren for atten- dance and memory work by Joyce Boudreau and mhe 55 teachers. The Lords Prayer was said and the Hymn, "Jesus Saves" was sung and mhe chiidren left for class. Lyle and Yvonne sang, "Unworthy". The Scripture reading was from Hebrews 11, verse 1 and 6. Lyle told us that Hebrews was called mhe Faith Chapter. be said that be would like everyone to take mheir Bible and read this Chapter this week. Al mrougb mhe Bible we are toid about Faith, quot- ing fromn many verses Deuteronomy 32 v. 30, Matbew 6-30, Math. 8-10, chapter 9-v22 and 29, Mathew 17, v2, v. 21, 23. Mark 4; 22 and 24, Luke 1- 50, 17-5, 18-8, 22-32. Lyle asked if we had Faitm? We miust work for the Lord, you mnust aslç wbat you can do0 to hieip. You. must have Faith to be heaiedl, you shiou]ld share your Fimt with, others iot, be afraid to let oth- ers know that you .are a Christian. 'fle dictionary defmecs faith was very real to David and Ellen. Within hours of the fire, severai bags of clotbing were dropped off at the end of their driveway. People have constantly brought mneals over. Lunches for their three schooi age children have been provided eveiy day by differ- ent People. Currently the Webb fami- iy is living in the Holiday Iinn in Oshawa but they hope to mnove tIo a rentai home in Orono, within days. as, "belief wthout proof espe- cially in God, confidence, reliance, loyalty, fidelity to an agreement or promise, a reli- gious creed". Do you have Faith? The hymn, "Trust And Obey" was sung followed by a Prayer of Thankfulness and the Offering. received. The closing bynmn was "Spirit 0f The Living God". A time of fellowsbip fol- lowed in the CE rom. 1June 7tb xiii be the Sunday School picnic at the home of Joyce, and Harry Boudreau, Pot Luck Lunch, everyone weicome, bringa lawn chair. Starts at 10:30 a.m. There will be a Ham and Salad Supper at Kendal United Cburcb on.Saturday, June l4tb serving 5 to 7 p.m. Prayer Breakfasts are stili going on, Saturday mornings 6:30 a.m. you are welcome to come out and j oin them. Ibis group have been instrumen- tal in many great tblngs hap- pening in the Cburcb. Next Suinday, Grant McConagby xiii take the Service and on June 8th. Members of the Kendal Orange lodgeswxiii be holding their annuial Church Parade and joining in the Service. Don't forget that the Kendal Men's Lodge M11iibe holding their annual Salad Supper at the Orange Hall on Sunday, June lst, everyone welcome. June thie 2nd, of course is Election day, you xii bc vot- ing at the Orange Hall.' D affyni tion s._.Par tly cloudyf'orecast. .Hailf-at-nice- day. P. Lowery It Happens That Way For no particular reason I had decided to take a rest from birdwatcbing over the past week-end. As you would imagine it now appears that the Warblers were in full fligbt especialiy in Prince Edward County and at Presquile Provincial Park. The two sights are not mhat far apart. The two previous week- ends 1 bad traxnped around the supposedly bird bot spots în the County notlng an average, but somewhat disappointing, numnber of Warblers. This apparently was not tbe case over the past week-end. Reports show a real flusb of retuming birds sighted in the County and as weii a near full list of returning Warblers on Saturday at Piresquile Park. Early Sunday evening I did drop into Presquile Park with the intent of waiking the lakefront nature area designated for Shorebirds. First I was bit with a Mike Harris charge now levied at the Park. Somne years ago admittance was free. Then it went up to $3.50 for Seniors and Sunday I paid $5.25. Wben I arrived for tbe Shorebird Nature area I found the walkway flooded with water due to mhe bigb lake level. It did put a damlper for Shorebirds whicb were not mhat plentiful arywýays. I did mentton of the big flush' of Warbies on Saturday and many many were stili present on Sunday flîtting througb the tops of the trees. Darkness was ciosing in and mhe evening of birding was over. Eariier during mhe week I did walk mhe Crombie Trail alongside the wooded area in the Wilmot Creek Nature Area. You migbt call it a flash flush of Warblers over a period of ten minutes. During this time eigbt different species were noted in a Hemlock tree. They included tbe Black and White, Nashville, Black Throated Green, Black- burnian, Chestnut Sided, Myrtie, Magnolia and a Yellow. We do bit luck some- limes. 1 have beard many reports over mhe past couple of weeks of Rose Breasted Grosbeaks feeding at area feeders. 0f course it is a colourfpl bird especiailyAximh that splash of blazing red down its throat. Tbhree reports of Indigo Buntings aiso at feeders. That's it for now. THEN CALL US FOR YOUR BETER PsI Sinac 1982 Authorized Sales & 1Service Centre for: *Cameorders *VCR's - Microwvaves - TV's - Accessories - Stereo Systems - Telephones - Top 100 CD's & Tapes. * À - .I - SsNa 1

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