Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 12 Mar 1997, p. 1

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Volume 61., Number 10 1 S-ervig astC eigto ad*eyo ne 1937- air hangs Up the moose horn At 80 years of age. Ethel Keast cf Newcastle is quittlng the competitive moase calling circuit. Mrs. Keast spent Sunday, her birthday. at the sports- man show in Toronta com- peting in lier last world cliam- pionship competition. In 1980 and 81 Keast won the world cbampionship, but the- most memorable campetition was in 1996 when she was just 3 points away from the world champlonshîp and landed second place. It was not the wlnning of the cam- petitions that was important ta Ethel, it was more the 1fel- lowshlp with th.e other callers whom she has gotten to know over the years. Ethel can still do an excellent moose cail but says she just hasn't got the wind to do repeated caîls in an competition any more, This past weekend was a flurry of activity for the great- grandmother. Family fram B.C. surprised lier by turning up at a birthday party on Saturday: then on Sunday. it was off ta the Sportsman show in Toronto where Keast was pulled every which way by reporters and camera crews. Ethel didn't mmnd the extra attention. She wanted ta go out with a bang, and she surely did. The living room in Ethel's home is testament to her love of the outdoors and her many years of hunting, much of it alone. The walls are cov- ered wth awards and prizes, antiers, hunting related arti- cles, and many photograplis, each one with a storey behind it. In 1992 and 1995 Keast wan awards for shooting the biggest bear. On another the wall liangs a prlzed bear skin from a 300-pound bear that reaches from floor to ceil- ing, that Ethel shot by her- self. In another corner stands coyotes and raccoons that she shot and stuffed lier- self. There are lamp shades made from sticks she collect- ed fromn varlous hunting sites. There is not much this woman can't do with lier own liands. In this front page picture Ethel is wearing a buckskln coat she made lierseif complete with bead work, and bear claws. Ethel plan~s ta go on hunt- ing for many years yet. Friends will drop her of in the woods and pick lier up at the end of the day. Witli lier hand made horn she will make the moose caîl and sit down and wait for the action. Many afghans were croclieted during these long watts. Ethel says the Lord lias pro- tected lier from danger alI these years and there is no reason to quit dolng what she loves now. No increase expected in Municipal portion of tax bill This is the fifth consecu- tive year that the municipal portion of the tax bill lias not lncreased. Accordlng ta Bill Stockwell, Chef Administrative Officer, "ýone may not look forward ta a 0% increase next year." With a 3%ý/ tax increase this year a second ice pad at the Ga.rnet Rickard Recreation Complex could be built and better accommodation for the anim~al shelter could be found. The treasury depart- ment says there are other way to finance these projects like taking nmoney from the shel- ter's -reserve fund, or from development charges. Clarington Council expen- ditures accounit for 20% of the local tax bill with the regional levy accounting for 19%. Regional taxes could go up 2.3%, about $10 per household. The regional level of government pays for police services, welfare costs, garbage disposai, homes for the aged and the 911 emer- gency telephone service. The police budget is lncreasing by $2 million but garbage fees are going down $15 per liousehold. The finance com- mittee recommended the region give $350,000 as the first part of a five-year coin- mitment to a university at Durham College. Finance committee will also consider spending $60.000 to televise the region- al meetings. Anyone wishing ta com- ment on the municipal bud- get rnay do so at the next gen- eral purpose and administration committee meeting on Monday, Marih 17 or at the following counicil meeting on Monday, Mardi 24. To have your opinion heard at a council meeting you must register with the clerk's office by noon on the Wednesday before the coundcil mieeting. lI qmow 1997 Happenings.. ORONO TOWN HALL EUCHRE RESULTS 1- Ait Pigott 84, 2 - Kay Beggs 80, 3 - Lorna Crockett 77, 4 - Aleck Moffat 76, 5 - Vi Hayward 75 & May Tabb 75; Low - Bernice Partner; Draws - Hazel Pigott, Jim Gardon, Orland Drinkwalter, Arvilla Partridge, Paul Mucka; Everyone wel- corne every Wednesday night. BLOOD DONOR CLINIC On Wednesday, March i 9th at the Bowmanville Lions Centre tram 12:30 ta 7:30 p.m. Blood pressure and temperature wilI be taken before giving blaod. ORONO HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY 'ST. PATRICK'S SHOW' Thursday, March 2th at 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker - Judy Hurvid. Topic - "The Ecology Garden". Ail wei- corne. For additional information cail Carol 983-5326 or Flora 983-9761. CLARINGTON OLDER ADULT ASSOCIATION The Clarington Older Aduit program on Tuesday, March 18, 1997 includes line dancing at 9 a.m. and car-ds at 10. The Osteoporosis Support Group meets from 9 ta 10 a.m., at 10:15 Dorothy Tickner wilI speak about "Sharing & Communication". Donations for the Food Bank are requested, preferably baby food, canned stews or other camplete meals and canned meats. Square dancing starts at 1 p.m. Lunch at noon and local transportation for a small f ee can be arranged when requested in advance by Monday noan. Programs are held at the Lions Community Centre, 26 Beech Ave., Bowmanville. Phone Cammunity Care at 623-2261. lOth AN NIVERSARY SCIENCE FAIR The Central Lake Ontario Regianal Science Fair Commitee (formeriy known as the Northumberland and Clarington Regianal Science Fair Committee) would like ta announce that they will be hasting this year's lOth Anniversary Science Fair at the Northumberland Mail located an Hwy. 2 West in Cobourg an Friday, April 4, 1997 trom 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. Please came down and view the excellent work that these Grade 7 ta OAC students have compleiedk For information please contact Gord Kribs, Committee Chairman at Newtonville Public School, phone (905>786-2550. ATTENTION CUBS, LEADERS, FORMER CUBS & LEADERS & ALL INTERESTED.. DUST OFF THE KUB KARSH! Register for the "Annual Kub Kar Challenge". Races will be held on Mon., March 24 at Orano United Church at 7:15 p.m. - registration at 7. Admission is $1.00, concession items available. West Durham District Rules will be in effect. Cal Akela at 983-8276 ta register and ta abtain copy cf rules. ROBERT McLAUGHLIN GALLERY presents... a new exhibition of photagrapy "BEFORE/NOW' Phatagraphs fram the Bouckley Collection of Historia Phatagraphs & Re-photagraphs by Blake Fitzpatrick (phatagraphs of Oshawa sites past & present). Exhibition dates - 20 March ta 8 June. Public invited ta attend the apening reception Thursday, 20 March, 7 - 9 p.m. Gallery Admission Free; Gallery Hours Tues/Wed/Fri 10-5pm; Thurs 10-9pm; Sat & Sun 12 noan ta 4pm; For information cal] Alexandra Marin (905) 576-3000. BIG SISTERS Oshawa-Whtiby-Clarington "Orientation Meeting" Oshawa Big Sisters O-W-C wili be holding their manthly orientation meeting on March 19 from 7 ta 9 p.m. Ail interested cammunity memrbers are invited ta attend. The office is located at 555 Wentworth St. E., Unit 1, Oshawa Cali 725-9300 ta reserve your seat today! Il'

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