)RONO WEEKLY TIMES Serin astClaintonand1»odsce 193e7 650 GSThctad Wednesday, February 5.,1997 Fire on Main Street Orono Kidney Foundation Annual Dance Heatlng was the cause of the cal panel. The apartmnent trafflc jam. was vacant at the time. The The fire started In the . ire is under investigation by kitchen area near the electri- Ontario Hydro. Local band, cornes to the aid of Newtonville Fire -Victim AI Hayward and Andrew Maxwell from the Band "Groovechicken" heard about the pliglit of Yvonne Riggers and her 2 children aged il and 8, on the car radio. The family lost everything when their house on Newtonville Rd. bumt to the ground in the wee hours of January 9. Withîn two weeks Hayward and Maxwell along with the their band memnbers had a benefitdance organlzed. The dance was held Saturday niglit at the Port Darllngton Marina and ail the tickets were sold out. Yvonne Riggers and the Groovedhlcken band mem- bers were overwhelmied by the great response by the com- munity, Twenty-eight local businesses donated goods to be raffled off lncludlng a twelve-strlng guitar donated by Hands On Music In Bowmanvllle. Chris Heayn of Bowmanville, won the gultar expression of the commnuni- ties caring will be remem- bered by the Riggers family for a long tirne. Orono residents can circle their calendar for the l6th Annual Kidney Foundation Dance to beheld March 1, 1997. The dance being held in the Newcastle Communlty, Centre is organized by the Ransbenry famlly in conjunc- tion with the Durham unit of the Kidney Foundation. The unit serves residents across Durham Reglon, including. Orono. .Once again. Bill Taylor and The Tradesmen, a five piece country band, will provide the music. The fun also feature square dancing under the direction of Harold (Mac) Ransberry. Tickets are $25. - a cou- ple. For tickets cail Don Ransberry at 983-9678 or Joan -Ransberry at 430-3134 in Whltby. Tickets will be available at the door. People are remlnded to corne at 8 pim. This marks the 16th year the Ransberrys have- hosted the dance. Don Ransberry explains that interest in the Foundation stated in October 1968 wheti he under went a kldney transplant. It was a day that medical history was made: The then 21 year old Ransberry was one of five recipients to take part in Canada's first multi-organ transplant procedure. The event domlnated the front page of newspapers across Canada. At the time, organ dona- tion was in its pioneer state. Ransberry had no cholce. "It was my only option. Disease had destroyed my kidneys,- he said. A few weeks ago. Ransberrys marked his 5th birthday. Since the hife sav- lng surgery was performed, Ransberry bas lived a healthy and prosperous life. Also, over the years, the outlook for kldney patients lias improved greatly. "Kidney patients In Durham Region no longer have to travel to Toronto for treatment. A ful kidney treatment centre runs out of Oshawa General Hospital., Also, patients on the transplant list do not have to wait too long." said Ransberry. Ransberry said he'll neyer forget the support shown to hlm and his family by the Kidney Foundation and from (continued' page 4) BgBrothers presentftag and two free lessons. Alex Shepherd was on hand to present Mrs. Rlggers wlth a Canadian Flag. The benefit raised $ 2,700 which will go a long way to replace some of the posses- sions lost ln the fire, but more than the money ralsed, the Big Brothers present flag to Town Councîl in prepara- tion for "Bowl for Millions Week." February 15 - 22. Pictured above with council members are: Nancy Scott, Executive Director, Sally Barrie, Jili King. Ray Siniser, Gloria Gordon, Jim Shaw. honorary Chair for Bowl for Millions Campaign. Also in the picture are Mr. Jim Schell of St. Mary's Cernent, ant Mr. Troy Yonge of Sonbon Homes. who co-sponsored the -new flag for Big Brothers. Vo-lume 61, Number 5 Main St. Orono was blocked by emergency vehu- cles late Frliday aftemnoon. A smnall fire ln one of the apart- mentS on top of Jackson Subsoriptions are now due: $23.O0 per year. Please make cheque payable to Orono Weekly limes, P. 0. Box 209, Orono, Ontario LOB 1 MO ýffl 1 ýýý 1 -- - lýllýIUM