Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 3 Jan 1996, p. 2

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IIIIIIh( -Orono Weekdy Tlmes, Wednýesday, Jaiuary 3,19ý96ý QRoNo WEEKLY TIMES Produced Weekly By Sonbon Publishing Publications Mail Registralion No. 0368 Publishing 47 Issu-es Annually at the Office of Publication 5310 Main Street, P.O. Box 209, Orono, Ontario LOB 1MO Teleplione 905-983-5301 Fax 905-983-5301 Troy Young Editor * Publisher HAPPY NEW YEAR! 1 hope you ail hiad a safe and wonderful holiday season. It neyer sceems to be long enough. Hopefully everyone got what they wanted from H1 o 1Ho. 1995 f'or me was perhaps the busiest year- of my life. It ushered in mtore changes for mie personally than any other year. lt started out by working two days a week here at the Times while stili living in North York where 1 was atterLding York UJniversity. Then came graduation. It was the end of an era for mie. Since thec age of four 1I ad been going to school. Suddenly that was comning to an end. With it went al of the security that huad developed during this time. School has a way of sheltering you fromn the real world. It is a very safe environment, flled wth many others just like you~, facing the samie problemns that you are. Then came the Orono Weekly Times. 1 flnished mny final examn on April 28 at noon. 1 packed up myi ~aparti-ent.and unilpaded everything at my parents at 10:30 p.m. April 29. At 8:00 a.mi. on April 30 1 was at work. Not m-uch timie to adjust. 1 went from sehool to thec 'real' world in less than 12 hours. Was 1 ready f or it? Not really. It was a difficult time to adjust to my niew fle. But with a ittie hard work it becamie easier. So things were starting to look up, almnost becoming easy for a while. So then what, did 1 do? 1 go and get marrieti! That was in August. Just when that begins Io becomne routine, in Decemrber, my wife and 1 complîcate our lives with a new introduction to our famiily: a bouncing 8 pound baby called Mickey. We hati bought a puppy!. He hias done nothing but bite us, pee on the floor, and tear up our house. I miust be insane! Anyway, 1 sure hope that 1996 progresses at a miuch sîower pace. Hlere's wishing a very good year to each and everiy one of you. Perry Family continuied froôm pIage Mr. Perryv. The imoney Traised 50 far will go towardis Ithecon- struction c'osý t ofthe new hiouse-. 'ThwEmedci's;, owners of a lumiber yard, hiave pledged to donate thic nec- essary umer Mr. Emledi believes that thie house will cost around I$50,000 to build. More moneyv is still needed before the lhouse cari be rebuilt. 'Thei house will be built on the samne lot, but not on the old foundation, Construction should begin in the spring. Anyvone wishing to donate mlonley to thie cause can make, donations to Robert Perry in Trust at the Tor-onto Dominion Bank in Bowmianville, or you can mail thenii to Mr. Perry's sis- ter- Esther Clodld, Box 3051 Pince ,(Albe(rt, Ont. L,6L ICI. Cheques should be made payable to) Robert Perry in Trust. Anyone else wishing to hielp in ways other than mionetary can contact Kris Emiedi at (905) 263-8058. CEL ERRA TING OUR 60TH VEAR You may not have noticed, but the Orono Weekly Timies is entering its 6th year. The paper was first publishied on January 28, 1937. (The officiai 6th year aniniversary will not be until next year) The first issue was-simipIy called New Oronio Newspaper. It wasn-'t until the followin.g week that it becamne the Orono Weekly Times. Back then, a local newspaper was very different from what we have corne to expect. The Orono Weekly Times of 1937 was almost a smaller version of today"s Toronto Star. It hiard pictures and stories fromn arounti the world, carried syndicated columrinists, talked about national issues, as weil as carrying some inuteresting tidbits of information. The ty pe was very smnall and a iïttIe difficult to read, but the paper was just brimming with information and ads. Back thien, niinche days before television-,thie newspaper would have been the main source ofinterational information and passing on pictures to people. The paper hias changed a lot tin the past 60 years. It hias hiad three owners, and progressed throughi a variety of technologîcal innovations. Everything is now done on computer (except for the layout,), but looking back, the newspapers of yester-year seemn to be mnuch better than today's papers are. Not, just mine, mird you, but al] of the newspapers. 1 don't kniow what it was, or liow they did it, but yoùucannot fault aniy of the old newspapers. By comparison , their modern manifestations are paled by tlie past. it seemns that local n-ew,,spape)rs are a dyinig breed. The ifformation highiway is threatening to for-ce thlem in to extinction. Most people get their news off of television these days, or the large daily newspapers. The internet is placing iniformiiation right at your fingertips in your own homne. Eventiually you will download your local events and hockey scores fromn a web site rather than gio to the corner store or have it delivered to your hlouse. Let's hlope that thiat day is s1tili far away. Orono should consider itself ver-y lucky to still have a fu-nctioning comnitrity newspalper: it is just one of the things that makes Orono the special comminunity that it is. Let's hiope thait fthe Orono Weekly Timecs will continue on for another 60+ years. I Stephen's I Sporting GOOdI ii St. Saviour 's Anglican Church MILL 1STREET ORONO, ON'TARJO Minister: Rev. Ann Tottenham Rectory 987-5678.- Church 983-5594 SUNLDAY SERVICE, SUJNDAY SCHIOOL and YOUTHI GROUP 9:30 a.rn. IST & 3RD SUNDAY 0F MONTH HOLY COMMUNION ORONO PASTORAL Minister Mlervyn Russel Risebruitgh, Secretar% 983-5702 Chuircil Office -983-5502 CIIURCH SERVICES Sunday, January 7th Kirby Unlited 9:30 ar. Oronio United 11:00 a.m. (1lst Sunday of Every Month Communion' Sunday, at Oronio and Kirby United Churches) Leskard Service Last Sunday of Ever'y Monthl Pot-ILuck:00 P.11. EXPLORERS Wednesdayv, januas-y 10 mecet ait Rosaly n Aluns homec 4:00 1).m1. - 6:30 P.m1. For girls & boy S ageCs 8 - 12Yr-S. LOGOS YOUTH GROUP meet Tuesdays 4:00) - 7:00 p.m. Oronio United Church For g"irls & BoyS ages 12-16 yrs. meers e-,ery Thursday 7-.30 p.rn. ""l""-l""ýýl 1 1 ý7 1

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