September2, 23 and 24, 1995, Clarington, Ontario eW.S Circulation - 100,000 YIPPEE˝ KI YO ¿mrAMWAw¿aw la av I YAY la Rodeo Championship Has 'Em Riding High Wess 0t t- f Rodeo Finals .....2 Ticket Information A"And Sohedules. .3 Bareback Brono Riding .. .. .. .. ..4 Steer Wrestling. .5 Steer Riding.... Team Roping . .. . 7 04 Cowgirl Breakaway...8 Schedule of kActivities. .. .. ..8,9 Mutton Bustin' . . . 9 Cowgirl Barrel Saddfle Bronc Riding .. .. . . . Caif Roping....2 'Y Bull Riding .. .. ..13 Ertertainment & Dances.. .14,15 Pick Up Vour Souvenir Ccipy of the 1995 Program At the RodÈo Finals Cla Ing HssExcitingRdoFnl Regarded as one of the most dangerous and'exciting events in the world, the Ontario Rodeo Championships will take place September 22, 23, and 24th at the Durham Central Agriculture So- ciety Fairgrounds, Orono, On- tario. The event is a joint venture of the Kinsmen and Rotary Clubs of Bowmianville.1 Culminating, the Ontario Rodeo Association season, the O.R.C. hosts a mini stamnpede, with three rodeo shows of the top qualifying amateur competitors from the season's fourteen rodeo dates tbroughout Ontario. The ORA regular season tours beginis June 3 and 4, in New Liskeard, and continues through to Cam- bridge, September 9 and 10., Over-all winners in seven standard and two optional events are determained from total points over the week-end event in Orono. Winners in each category receive prizes, prize money and championship belt buckles. in conijunction with the three rodeo performances, the ORC has planned a Western Mail of vendors where the urban cowboy can obtain everything frm cow- boy hats to1 cowboy boots. The avid rider can obtain tack or western wear. For the country music enthusi- ast, dances in the big tent will keep everyone entertained, with recording stars One Horse Blue performing Friday, September 23rd, and Chaser on Saturday, SepteImber 24th. Ail proceeds from the Ontario Rodeo Championships benefit the local communities through the, service projects and dona- tionsof the Kinsmen and Rotary Clubs of Bowmanville. Last year, these two clubs were re-' sponsible for renovations at the Agriculture Society Fairgrounds, constructing a new horse arena and bleachers, making it a suit- able location for flot only the rodeo, but many other horse shows in the 1995 season. This is the third consecutive year the O.R.A. Finals have been held in Claringlon. Leoin IV Production Decome A Votunteer a:il ody or Workshop Dates. R6GE´R S Community 1 .... (905) 436-4141