Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 25 Oct 1995, p. 7

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Orono Weekly Tilmes, Wednesday, October 25, 1995 -7 Kendal Column 1by Phyllis Lowery Thank goodness that there ai-e people out there that do read this column, as you may remember i wi-ote, about the trouble we had with oui- car on a trip to see the colourful leaves, well we have had the car in for repairs twice since then, the last time. was this past Friday and on Friday night a lady called from Oshawa to ask if the car was a '94 Caprice, it is. She had had the same problems and said that 1 had wiitten about her experiences, she was able to tell' me what the final out- corne was with her car, a new transmission and it looks like that is how oui- car will end up, thank goodness for wairantees. Sunday stated out wet, cold, windy, just miserable but you would neyer know it by the warm feeling in church. One hundred and twenty-five years of continu- ous service to the Kendal, community by this littie white, church, was celebrat- ed, Sunday. It was so good to be greeted by the wonder- fui sounds of the old pipe organ, to see so many for- mer members retumn to visit their moots. The choir loft was filled and some had to sit on chairs at the front of the Sanctuai-y, 1 counted 24 -or 25 plus Fei- Foster at the organ, and Hlelen Wood at the piano. Enid Brewer playïed the old organ before and after the service. Many of the choir members we had at one time or another sang in the choir and have since moved away, today they came back to make a j oyful sound of celebration. There were many former residents who returned for this ser- vice, miany had famnilies that had attended when-this church \vas a Methodist church. It was good to see the younger people out, many had parents who grew up attending this church, were Baptized, and mariied in this church, some of these young people are now bringing their childi-en and some were just visîting the church their parents attend- ed. B3efore everyone got into the church, it was standing roomn only, chairs were brought in fromn the C.E. room. If, only it could be like this every Suniday, why does it take a special occasion to bring people out? Isn't every Sunday special? Rev. Black welcomed everyone and gave the Invitation to WorshÏip. "T1he Chou-s of Yesteryeai-"sang -The Church In' The Wildwood". '1Rev. Black spoke on the history of the church and the hife and work of the con- gregation. The hymn, "On This Day 0f Celebration" was sung, the Invitation to Worship, The Prayer of Approach were repeated. The Hymn, "Holy, Holy, HoIy" was sung and the Prayer of Self-Examination and the Words of Assurance given. The chîldi-en were not called foi-ward due to the crowded seats. Prayer wlth the childi-en and the chil- dren's hymn, 'Jesus Loves Me" was sung and then the childi-en departed to the Orange Hall for their special classes. The choir sang the anthem, "How Great Thou Ai-t." .Rev. Black chose Matthew 28: verses 16-20 for the sciipture reading. The ser- mon was titled, "Now What?" It is only by facing the future squarely and honest- Iy that we can achieve what we want.* We can not live in the past.. Oui- ancestors, here in this very building met sev- erai times a week,,to wor- ship, to learn by studying the Bible, to have times of fellowship. They travelled by foot or by horse and buggy in al kinds of weath- er, they had no hydro, had to chop wood to heat the building, they had none of the conveniences that we have today. They must have thought it was worthwhile. Today, reminds us that this church was founded in Faith. The childi-en -of Christian parents who were Baptized a hundred years or more ago, are no different than the children who were, Baptized here last Sunday and the Sunday before. They were and are bemng raised by parents who love them. The young people get- ting maried now are the same as years ago., they wish to be, joined in a Christian life. On a sadder note, we bring our loved ones here, tobe given a Christian buri- al. This building was a build- ing of Hope, built by people who got together, worked together to build a place where they could corne to worship, a place where their children could leamn about God, a place to meet for fel- lowship, a place where they came together at suppers at young people's meetings, a place where many made life- time friends. Today, we are faced with fewer and fewer coming out to church, this building is used once a week for an hour, and it is hardly ever haif filled and yet when we leave church we see the park filled with people. People are either too busy, or too tired, to get up and corne to church. Rev. Bibby says, "In the next 20 years, the Uniteù Church atten- dance wilI drop by 50%.7 As we look around at few;er coming out to church we also see that our expens- es are, growing, we feel a sense of helplessness, and yet, people today are no dif- ferent than the' people of yesteryear. They stili want their childi-en to have the best, they want a Christian Baptism, they want the chil- dren maried in a Christian service. When you ask people even though they do attend church, they still believe that when they die they wvill go to heaven, most believe that there is a greater being. If we do not want this building to bec'orne an .empty monument" to the past, we- must start Itoday to work for our church. An elderly lady that was finally' gettîng to see Westminster Abby, was lis- tening to the guide tell al about the kings and queens and ail the important peo- pie that had attended at the Abby, as hie paused the lady asked this question, "lt is al wondei-ful- but, has anyone been saved lately?" It is not important to tell people what God can do for them as it is to tell them what God, has done for your life. The Offering was present- ed, Susan French accepted two Memorial Plates fromn Pat Atkins in memoi-y of Catherine Stewart. The Prayer of Concern and Commitment was given. Rev. Black announced that everyone was welcome to remain following the ser- vice and take part in lunch and a time of visitinig with old friends. The closing hymn was "Speak Forth Your Word." A wonderfui time was enjoyed as friends spoke of old memories of attending church and Sunday School here. A book titled "Memory Lane" and a beautiful Comm emorative plate is available,, if you did not pur- chase one after the service and you wish to have eithei- or both, contact Helen Wood or Thelma Westlake. The - Xs continued on page 10 ,S BSCRIPTION OFFER- During the next few weeks these specially commissioned sales representatives will eau on area residents off ering subscriptions to: THE OONO EKLY TIMES' at £'PCJrAL RATES This offer is being made available to new readers and existing subscribers. These individuals have been authori zed to represent The Orono Weekly Times during this, special subscription drive. Please consider the offer they present carefuily as it Cannot Be Repeated And Is NOT Available Through The Office. Take advantage of this special offer when these individuals cali and enjoy Your Community Newspaper ail year round.

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