-______ 2 - Orono W~ekly Tirnes, Wednesday, October 18, 1995 OWEEKLY TIMES Produced Weekly By Sonbon Publishing Putblications Mail Registration No. 0,368 Publishinig 47 Issuies Annually at the Officeý of Publicationi 5310 Main Street, P.O. Box 209, Orono, Ontario LOB 1 MO Telephone 905-983-5301 Fax 905-983-5301 Troy Young Editor * Publisher WHAT TO DO? - For those of you who have neyer written before, 1 arn going to share something with you. It is not an easy thing to do. Ofren the Ithoughts are there, but how to you get it out on paper? And some days the thoughts aren't even there. Obviously, this is one of those days. What do 1 write about. 1 could talk about what happened at Council. Mrs. Gasser was there,- stili looking for answers about the death of' her dog. But there was nothing really new there. Wayne Witzke, the resîdent at 150 Port Darlington Road, also spoke. But once again, nothing further developed inthat problem. The Apple Blossom Awards were given out at Council. -Mr. and Mrs John Hayward of 298 Andrew Street in Newcastle won the urban residential award for Ward 3. Mr. and Mrs Zdenek and Rosemarie Tisnovsky won the Ward 3 rural residential category. And Orono residentsHarry and Katherine Vanalebeek, the proprietors of Fairwinds Antiques, won for the best Commercial/ Industrial property in Ward 3. Congratulations to them ail. But other than that, Council was a very boring place to be. Nothing there to get me ail steamed up about. That is usually when I find it easiest to write. So what can I do? I could write about the Newcastle Fail Festival and the Bowrnanville Apple Fest, both held on a very rainy Saturday. Having been at both 1 must say that the Newcastle Eall Festival is the winner,-hands down. Sure there were more people at Apple Fest, and it was a littie more elaborate, but there was a rnuch greater sense of cornrunîty at the Newcastle even..I took almost a haîf a roll of film in Newcastle; I walked away f-roni Bowmanville without apicture. But that realIy is not worth an entire editorial. Kirby Ski Hill had an open house. It was windy and cold, and there was a lot of' ski equipment on sale. People really seemed to enjoy themiselves, and 1 got a few good pictures from the chair lift, but nothing really worth writing about. I could complain about thec filminggoing on n town. Quite a few residents will be glad to see it gone. To most, it was more of a disruption than a boon to Orono. No one really knows if there are going to be any real beniefits from the shoot. But, as it is almost over, there is reaîly no need to go on about it. 1 could go on about last week's editorial, but 1I have calmed down a lot since then. That is mnostly due to thec overwhelming support 1 received fromt people calling in and stopping.me on the street, telling mne.that 1 was doing a great job, and keep it up, and don't listen to people like the writer. In fact, 1 received only one response that could be called negative, and even it was offered very constructively. Other than taking the lime to thank those people who took the lime bo show me their support, 1I Icel it would bc just beating a dead horse. So 1 sit here at my computer and wondcr what 1 should do. 1 don't have to be controversial evcry week. 1 could jusIt go with what 1 have written. Or 1 could watt until the Iast minute and hope something big happens that 1 could comment about. I you sec this editorial, you wiII now that nothing big lhappcncd. 1 lave a good week. Senior Cees continued from page 1 includes S I1.00 incmhtilcrshîip in thie Unitcd Senior (Uit iz(-i1 of Ontario. Wv wchI(oiic any senior, retirec-e ( or anyone il1terested in an afternoon of lllowsllup witli the seniors to loin us. Anyone wishing mnore infrmiat ion may cal th li lresi(ieflt Mrs. Inez 1 larris 983-5766. Letter to the Editor Dear Mr. Yolung: As orgânizers of the Terry Fox Run fpr the Municipality of Claringtofl, Roz Yeo and 1 of Precàptor Delta Eta Chapter,"Beta Sigma Phi Sorority, Would like to say 'Thank-yQu" for the cover- age that yQu gave to the Run on Septeffiber 1 7th. Our cofnunity has host- ed many runs to raise money fo f Cancer Research and we afe happy to report that this year the pledges increased' substantially. Also, the number of partici- pants increased to 120 - more than double last year. They walked, ran, jogged, biked and bladed the 10 km. route. It was heartening to see s0 many people who came o ut to support Terry's drearn of finding a cure for cancer. The Organizing Cornrittee would also like to "thank" those companies and individuals who donated food, equipment and Urne to make this mun so success- fui. A special "Thank-you" to the participants who gath- ered pledges, completed the route and ensured that our cornrunity would make a difference in the battle against cancer. We look for- ward to seeing you ail again next year! With Warmest Wishes, Elizabeth P. Bateman Preceptor Delta Eta, Beta Sigma Phi Sorority, Tenry Fox Run Organizer Lette r to the Editor' Dear Mr. Young: May 1 please make some comments on the letter from "Unhappy Subscriber" criti- cizing the content of the Orono Times? Your îengthy response emphasizes that, as you- admit, you were quite upset. Mr. Forrester, the former publisher, would. probably advise yvou'that devcloping a lough hide will serve you well. 1 arn sure, that he survived many a vehement attack. 1 confess that when the "BowmanviIIe headline" jumped at me from the front page of the October 4th issue, 1 gave an indignant h uff. Afler reading the harshly critical and mainly negative letter you received, 1 re-examined my own assumplions and attitude that the Orono Times was îosing ils Orono locus upon analyzing the October 4th issue, 1 discovered the fol- Iowing rouigh breakdown of the orientation of news items: .Oronio 16, Newcastle 4;- Ker-dali 1: lownanvilîe 3; Claringt<)n 1: General Initere-si 8. So why did "unhappy subscriber: react s0 strong- ly? Probably the front page prominence of the donut article was the trigger. 1 feel that Kirby, Kendal, Newcastle, and Newtonville must receive coverage if readership is to be enhanced. The general interest articles, two of which are nutri tion anid reflexology, may nol intere-st "unhappy subscribcr", but others rmay Iild tern heilp- fui. Small town weekljes are a dying breed. We shiould be, more supportive of the efforts belng made to sus- tain our local newspaper. That does not miean we mnust be always agreeable. Perhaps it would be more constructive if we approached you with ideas for stories or requests to cover local events, and men- tle adrnonishrnents about something that annoys us. (No more Bowrnanviîle head- uines, piease.) 1 confess that 1 have been lax in contacting you about various concerns but two phone conversations and one letter later, 1 hope that I have opened the door to being more open and helpful as everyone irn the. commu- nity should try to be. Wishingyou success, Yours sincerely Dorothy Robinson St. Saviour's Antglican, Church M11.1 STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Minister: Rev. Ann Tottenham Rectory 987-5678- Church 983-5594 SUNDAY SERVICE, SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH GROUP 9:30 am 1lST & 3RD) SUN] Y 0F MONTHI HOLY COMMUNION ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Mervyn Russel Marlene r5 .? Risebrough, * .r.t~ Secretary 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 ('11UWCM SERVICES SULNDA Y, OCTOBER 22ND Ki rby U[nited 9:30 a.m. Orono Ulnited 11.00 ar. (j st S unday of Every Month Commrunlion Sunday at Orono anid Kirhy llnited Churches) Leskard Service Last Sunday of Every Month Pot-luck 5:00 p.m. Service 6:15 p.m. EXPLORERS Wednesday, October l8th Kirby United Church 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. For girls & boys ages 8 - 12 yrs. LOGOS VOUTH GROUP meet Tu esdays 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Orono United Church For girls & Boys ages 12 -16 yrs. WOMEN ABUSE WORKSHOP Satur day, November 4th 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Orono United Church Keynote Speaker: Deborah Ellioft Admission is free butregistration is necessary - please register by calling the office 983-5502 NUTURLNG FAITH IN .CHILDREN A course for parents. Monday Evenings October 16th - November l3th 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Orono United Church The main place where children learn their beliefs and values is in the home. The most important persons in helping children in the development of their Christian lives are their parents. Here is a course that helps parents to be and to do these things. A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5009 IIL