)RONO WEEKLY TIMES S eivg Est Claigo e yondiee- 1937 650 GSTlnclUded Wednesday, October 18, 1995 EndIs Near for OronoForestry It is "absolutely defînite" that the Orono Forestry Station wvill be closing with- in the year, says Katherine Cox, of the Ministry of Natural Resources. According to her, -nothing can be changed" to stop the closure of three different nurseries. "It is in the pro- cess of wrnding down... the three- nurseries will be closed by July 1996." The closure of the Orono nursery will put nine ful time staff out of work, as well as 10 seasonal and 25 full time/part timle employ- ees. The nurseries find themselves the vict-ims of government stream-lining and an overaîl reduction in govemnment emiployees. The government said thjat the, expected demiands for- trees for reforestation projects is' dropping, so the nurseries are flot needed. Thie gov- emment believes that the St. Williams Nursecry located near London, as well as pri- vate nurseries will be more than adequate to handle all of the required tree produc- tion. Over the next two years, the Mnistry will rec- ognize over $2 million in annual savings.',' The land's future is uncertain. The forestry own 1350 acres of land in the Orono area. The govern- ment is acceptîng proposais to sée what wJll be done with the land and the assets. In the event that no onec comnes forward with any proposais for purchasing and using the land for agricultural or horticultural purposes, the lands under production and structures couid be sold publicly. Forested lands would not be made available for sale. What will happen to the employees is also up in the air. A re-deploymnent advisor will be coming to Orono to see if the full time employees could be used elsewhere. Every effort will bc made to find places, but their are no guarantees. Mike Hutton, a resource technician in charge of pest management, does, not feel very optimistic. "I've got zero chance of new placement. They are saying they'll n-ake every effort, but there is no place for them to go." Mr. Hutton will flot be one of the ones to qua1ify for replacement. The closure was not entirely unexpected. Mr. Hutton says: "we all expect- ed it, but it is still a shock. lt's always disappointing when you lose your job." The government is offening a severance package to the workers, but that has not been discussed with them. The forestry was scheduled to close in 1992, but was saved by Gord Milîs' inter- vention. No intervention wxll be able to save the forestry this time. More information will be available by the end of the week. open Ho use at Kirby Ski HiIi The Oshawa Ski Club held their open house up at the Kirby Ski Hill this past Sunday.- Th is year marks the 4 1st year that the club has been located in Kirby. The Ski'Club is situated on300 acres, but only 55- 65 acres are actually used as ski trails. There are 23 dîfferent trails, with two chair -lifts, 8 t-bar lifts, and 1 cable tow. Over 6200 people belong to the Ski Club, making it the largest single club of any kind in all of Ontario. Here. Brendan, Jessie, and Ryan take advantage of the day to ride the chair lift to the top of the hil and back down again for free. Orono Sr. Cees. Meeting and Card Resuits The Orono Sr. Cees met in the Oddfellows Hall on October 12 at 1:30 p.m. There were 22 attending. After thle business was taken care of we played 8 games of euchre. The min- ners were Normna Moffat - 58; Marie Gibson - 57; aiid Stella Carson - 57. Low was Hilda Caswell. Bingo prize for the last lone hand went to May Tabb.. On the second 'Thursday of every month except July and Auguist at 1:30 p.m in the Oddfeliows Hall1 we have a short business meeting followed, by 8 games of euchre. The ladies bring lunch which ends an enjoy- able afternoon. For our November 9th meeting we hope to have the Rebekahs serve us our Christinas Turkey Dinner at noon before the meeting. Our membership féeis $3.00 for the year which 1continued on page 2 Volume 59, Number 40 Happenings... Festive Lifestyle and Fasion Show Orono's "Festive Lifestyle and Fashion Show" is taking place at the Orono Town Hall Sunday October 29th from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. See displays of art, antiques, -fashion, jewellry, travel and much miore - 2 p.m. fashion show. Tickets available at the Oronio Weekly Times or cail Sally Staples at 983-6430. Ail proceeds donated to the Orono Town Hall. 125 Anniversary Kendal United Church will be holding a special service to mark its 1251th year on Sun day Octoberi 22, at 11: 15 a. m. Choirs of Yesterycar anid lunch m nade available. i ' IN C 1;11,iil'ii iii!li!ii! l ilý!lil :il iiiiiiel qui 1 ii jqI