Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 18, 19q95 - 11 Staying Kendal Hall1 On Wednesday, October 11, The Honourable Marlin Mushinski the Minister of Citizenship, Culture & Recreation tabled a Bill in the legislature that will repeal Bill 179. Our gov- ernment promised during the election to end the Employment Equity legisla- tion that forced hiring quo- tas on employers. Our leg- islation will restore merit-based employment practices in the province of Ontario. No longer will companies be required by law to MIî jobs based on the need to MI1 certain quotas. You have perhaps had chil- dren who were told ý"white males need not, apply". Today, the economy is very competitive and employers need to fill jobs with individ- uals who are competent. Hiring will now be based on menit and ability. Durinig the election and in my constituency office, I am often challenged by people of all ages looking for work. People from all races and genders need opportunities. People do not need to feel that the system is stacked against them. On the other hand, those who success- fully land a job, do not need to feel that they somehow got thatjob because of some quota. People have to work bard to find a job today and they do not need barriers. Both public and private sec- tor companies also need to be free to hire and promote on the basis of merit and ability without some govern- ment agency looking over their shoulder. Discrimination in the workplace is already against the law in Ontario under the Human Rights Code. Job quotas result in signiificaïnt costs both for employers who must comply withi the legslation and on the gov- ernment, whichi must administer the cumbersome bureaucratie system that this kind of legslation cre- ates. Our approach to work- place fairness is to develop a In Touch John O'Toole, MPP Durham East sensible, cost-effective equal opportunity plan that will support employer- and employee efforts to remove workplace barriers. In the longer termi, wewill also reform the Ontario Human Rights Commission to ensure that it fulfilîs its mandate to help any victims of discrimination. This has been a busy week as I was at Queens Park from Monday to Wednesday and in the con- stituency office on Thursday and Friday. I had several meetings with the health care community and visits from a number of con- stituents on issues ranging- from sehool busing to sex and lifestyle education in our schools. A very impor- tant issue that 1 have received a number of letters on is the delay in capital commitment for St. Stephen's Secondary School. I will be speaking, with the minister -of educa- tion this week and I will be sure to raise this issue as 1I believewe need this facility for all our children. Growth demands that a new sec- ondary school is required and with open access, this facility will serve everyone. 1 migh t add that the rent for the present facility, I arn told approximately $500,000.00 per year, is a waste of our tax dollars. 1 gave my maid- en speech in the legislature and taped my first Rogers TV Shiow. On Saturday, I went to the very wet Applefest, it is a shame the weather did not cooperate with the organizers. 1 also attended the grand opening of the Brooklin Family Heaqlth Centre with Mayor Tomi Edwards. Rýemember that no one raiseýs 1his own reputation by lowering othiers. Constiltuency Office is, lIocated atl 75 King St. E., Bowmanville, ON LIC 1N4, phone (905) 697-1501. John R. OToole, MPP Durham East Finally alî the parades, the fair and miany other summer actities over, and the Lodges are settling down to their regulàr meetings- The Mens Lodge met on October 4th: The Ladies- Lodge met oni October l2th when a praètice was held prior to the iffitiation of two new membe sf in November. Also we held a work night to make tray favours for Bowmanville Hospital. On SundaYý October l5th the Member,ýs of the Royal Black Preceptory held their News annual Ruast Beef Supper at' Tyrone Orange Community Hall, a dehicîous meal and a capacity crowd. The door prize of a wall dlock was won by Tony Horstman. 1The Hall has been used for several funictions so, far this year, a family birthday, a family dinner and the U.C,W. will be holding the sale part of the Bazaar in the Hall, the church will also be using the Hall to hold Sunday .School on Anniversary Sunday. The first card party of the season wlll be held on Frlday, October 20 starting at 8 p.m. Lunch provided. Phyllis Lowery Cool0s Off, Trhe Other, Hleats Up! Our Hottest Trade-In Deal! Push, pull, drag, or haul your old mower, rider, or snowthrower (dead or alive)-in today. Get a siarauitecd luim of $50* toward a new Toro single-stage snowthrower or new Toro rnower. Get a 'ýiiiiruumtetl mm ui muof $ 100* tow~ard a new Toro two-stage or PowerShift .nowthrower. Plis... No iterL'St aiud no pnxments un ti April 15, 1996!** Ouir best pricinig of theL' /L'tron Toro sinowttlmrowvers and inozvcrs ((hile suipplies las t. Offer L'lldS October 31, 1995! When you want it done right0 lîîîlîlîttt titi ti T&C SMALL ENGIN.ETO TUNTON RD ÇPC if! 2297 Taunton Road t 263-8469 Hampton ON LOB IJO 436-1386 - o Your Outdoor Power Eqtnipment Specialists Since 1976 Serving East Clarington since 1937