m..m..oem...e( 1 Orono Wéekly Timtes, Wednesday, October 4, 17~5 LONG SERVICE AWARDS FOR HOSPITAL STAFF The Memorial Hospital of Bowmanville presented some of its staff members with prestigious Long Service Awards i n a ceremony last Thursday night. The awards recognizing many years of service to the hospital are given out in 5, 10,, 20 and 25 year intervals.' Pictured above are sorne of the recipients for the evening. by H. JIII Booker Marie Nelson Certified Nutnitionist 983-8278 Nutrition Counselling & Lifestyle Balancing Rernember the good old days when the 'F word' had four letters? Well, now that it only has three, let's take the tinte to talk about FAT. The word, FAT, is used to describe the farnily of cont- pounds known as lipids. Liposuction is a surgical procedure -involving the suc-' tion of lipicls front the body. Wouldn't it be wonderful if this surgery could !suck al the liplds front your body? Well, not really, because ini addition to being SKINNY you would also be dead. The liplds play an important role in our health. The flrst member of the lipid farnlly Is the triglyc- erides. This is the cornmon form of fat found in foods. The triglycerides bring fat- soluable vitarnins (A, E, D adK); give food flavour, tendemness and arorna; they also slow digestion which helps you to feel satisfied and full. Once in the body, the triglycerides are used to provide energy, padding to protect the body organs frorn physical shocks and insulation against heat and cold. Excess triglycerides are used to make saddle- bags, love handles and thunder thighs. Those unwelcorne additions to our body shape simply represent energy waiting to be used. You should be aware that the body c an convert excess carbohydrate, protein and alcohol into triglycerides and throw thent in the saddle- bags too. Triglycerides are better known as saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Saturation refers .to the chentical structure of the fat. In general, the more saturated the fat is, the more solid it will appear and the longer it wil take to go bad.- The debates continue over which type of fat is bet- ter for you, however, rnost researchers agree that the saturated fats, such as but- ter, -lard and tropical ofis are associated with raising blood cholesterol and should be consumed in small amounts. The polyunsatu- rated fats, like safflower o11 and vegetable oul, are asso- clated with lowering the "bad" cholesterol (LDL) and rnay be the best choice IF they have been protecteri frorn light (dark bottie), heat (refrigerated, cold-pressed) and oxygen (vitamin E and C added). -The monounsatu- rated fats, such as olive oil, provide many of the same benefits as the polyunsatu- rates and they are rnore sta- ble. Monounsaturated fats still need to be protected front light, heat and oxygen to ensure they retain their quality. Hydrogenated fats are mono or polyunsaturated fats that have been artifi- cially -saturated. This is done in varying degrees in order to prolong the sheif- life of the more delicate fats. For example, hydrogenation tumns vegetable oil into mar- garine. Unfortunately, research now indicates that the hydrogenated fats seems to have the sarne effect on the body as saturated fats. In. addition, the body appears to have more diffi- culty using and eliminating the hydrogenated fat than the naturally occurring sat- urated fat. Health and Welfare Canada recommrnends lirnit- ing -fat intake to 3S"/o or less, of your total daily calorie -intake. This means a per- son consuming 2,000 calo- ries a day should get no more than 600 calories from fat, or about 66 grams. Less than 100/o (22 grams) should, corne from saturated fat. To put this in perspective: there are 3 grams of satu- rated fat in one cup of 2% milk 5 grams in one avoca- do, 13 grants in, 4 ounces of pork spareribs. Almost all foods contain fat. The fat in and from veg.. etables (particularly soy- beans), nuts and seeds are usually good quality choices, but even these can be con- surned in excess. Variety and moderation are the keys to healthy eating. Next week we'Il take a dloser look at the rnost notorious member of the fat farnily - cholesterol. A Ioaded rack, (NC)-Because of the extra baggage space they offer. roof-top carriers may allow you to meet ail your driving needs with a smaller car. However. when you're on the highway, a loaded rack can increase fuel consumption by opte, five percent. Even the most streamlined empty rack will bump up your fuel eosts. Here are two things you can (10 to decrease the pocket-book pain: " If your carrer isn't permanently fixed to hie roof, remove it when you're flot using it " Invest in a heavy duty suspension system. It will improve handling and is stronger and longer lasting than its standard counterpart, The added weight, energy and cost penalties are nominal. For more information on how to buy, drive and maintain your car the Auto$mart way, cal lI1800_387-2000. RECIPE 0F THE WEEK Compliments of the Orono Bulk Food Store Turkey Tetrazzini 1/2, lb. spaghetti 1 cup ight cream 1/4 lb. fresh mushrooms 2 tbsp. sherry 5 tbsp.- butter 2 cups diced cooked turkey 1/3 cup flour 1/2 cup grated parmesan 2 cups turkey broth or cheese chicken consomme salit and pepper First, you cook the spaghetti according to directions. Sice mushrooms and saute them in 1 tablespoon of the butter tilI lightly brown. Blend 4 tablespoons of butter with the f lour in the top of a double boiler, add the turkey broth, and c00k, stirring tilI smooth and thick. Add the cream, sait, pepper, and,,sherry.. Divide sauce in haif. In one half put the turkey meat, and in the other haîf put the mushrooms and cooked spaghetti. Put the spaghetti haîf in a greased casserole and make a hole in-the center. Into the hole pour the turkey haîf. Top with parmesan, and bake, uncovered at 4000F for 20 minutes. Makes: 5-6 servings . Great way to use up that Thanksgiving Day turkey leftovers or any chicken leftovers. Put more money In your pocket and a lot less in your garbage at ORONO BULK ,IuFOODIS 5331 MAIN STREET, ORONO 983-1143 We now have CAKE PAN RENTALS Shop at home service - pick-up or_ home delivery available WATCH FOR WEEKLY SPECIALS!!11 THE CATERING CONNECTION SOCIAL CATERERS Our Speciality Family Style Roast Beet Dinner Weddings* Anniversaries - Business Functions Hockey Basebal - Bowling Banquets HOT - COU) - BUFFETS FRED, PATRICIA, RODNEY STORSBERGEN Box 416, Orono, Ont-. LOB iMO 983-9679 NNorthcutt Ellijot Ï EFuneral Home THOUGHTFULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A Family Owned Business, Offeing: Traditional Funeral Services Prearranged & Prepaid Services - Cremation Arrangements Alternatives to Traditional Funerals - Out of Town Shipping Cary Kuipers - President 53 Division Street Bowmanville, Ontario Li C 2Z 623-5668 OFF STREET PARKING z. i GANARASKA LEATHERCRAFT Phone ahead or by chance 8335 Hwy. 351115, Orano LOB 1 MO (905) 983-9540