Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 20 Sep 1995, p. 6

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6 rono MWeely lýmes, WýednesýaySeptember 20. 19ý95 ý N Kendal Column by Phyllis Lowery We have been expenienc- ing reai late summer, early fali weather, it seems that we went directly fromn having the air conditioner on to turning on the furnace, there was no in between., Suddenly everyone seemed to be wearing fail ciothes, they had to get them out even before starting to put away the hot weather clothes. As you look over the countryside you can see the odd tree turning colour, they seem to change right before your eyes. Saturday night the crickets were in fine voice and on Sunday night not one could be heard, guess they didn't like the change in temperature., Sorry to report that Alta Langstaff of Crooked Creek passed away on Saturday. Alta was well known in the Kendal area, Ariel Langstaff is stili a patient in Bowmanville Hospital. The sympathy of the comm-unity goes out to Ariel and the family. On Sunday there weren't too many out to church, guess people have just not got summer out of their sys- tem yet., Rev. Black is suffering from a bad cold and his throat was bothering him, so Lorraine Black conducteil the service. With Helen Wood at the organ the service opened with the singing of three songs, "Amazing Grace", 'Lord 'm Coming Home", and "He Is Lord". Lorraine weicomed ail. The first hymn was "He Hideth My Soul", foilowed by the Cail to Worship and the Prayer of Approach. The hymn, "Stand Up and Biess the Lord" was sung, the Prayer of Self-Examination was said and the Words of Assurance given. Lorraine cailed the chul- dren to the front, she toid them that once there was a boy named Jerry and he was aiways getting into trouble. One day when his father came home from work, Jerry was no where to be found, his mother caiied him, his father called hlm, but Jerry didn't show up. Finaliy Jerry came in and sat down, he was very quiet, he knew that he was ti trouble, big trouble, he had broken the window in the garage. His parents had told hlm that he wasn't to play bail there, but he did and broke the window. He told them that he had broken it and would pay for it out of his ailowance. His parents for- gave him and told hlm they ioved hîm, they also sail that God would forgive hlm too when he confessed his sins. The chiidren's hymn was "Jesus Loves Me." The, scripture was 1 Thessalonians 1:1 -10. The sermon was titled, Faith, Hope and Love. Rev. Black said that this was based on the, letters from Paul to the Thessalonians. These are the earliest wrltings, ti the New Testamnent. They were written for people who were havlng difficuity in deter- mining what it mecant to bc a Christian in a worid not too different fromn our own. Many of the people expected the world to end durlng their lifetimne, they iived in a comi- munity' that devaiued human întegrity, and increased human nùisery. These letters were not meant to conivert nlon-beiiev- ers but to encourage those who had already discovered peace in life because of Jesu s Chri st. The Christian Church in Thessalonica, was started by Paul, people who -were dis- satisfled with life, who had been attracted to the syna- gogue by the ethical demands and moral order of Jewish life, as weil as the teaching of, one God. but, they were unwilling to assume the welght of Jewish Law. These people were attracted to Pau's message of Hope. These people were tempt- ed to keep this message to themselves and flot to let others know, but Paul wrote to them and toid them that. they must spread the mes- sage, share it with others. People tend to retreat into their own worid, smali cliques form, the church, even this new church, was in danger of this. Even today we are like that. Paul said share, the good news, care for others. The people of Thessalonica beiieved that the worid was going to end, they wouidn't work, they wouidn't store seed for the next year, why bother. Paul wrote to them to tel them, to get busy, care for others, share their Faith, the worid wasn't ended yet. Paul did flot expect the foi- lowers of Jesus to hide themselves ti a cave, in iso- lation. He taught them to reach out. The Thessalonicans rites of reli- gion was rituaiistic, they engaged in brutal sexual activities which demeaned the people. Paul had known a differ- ent life, he had been brought Up in a worid of Hope, Love and Falth, the Love of God. This is what he brought to the people of Thessalonica, that God was there for them, whatever their pain, their needs. The message is this, by sharing God's Grace, God wiil neyer lead you where His presence cannot keep you. The Prayer of Thankfuiness and the Prayer of Concern and Commltment was given. The closing hymnwas, "Al The Way My Savlour Leads Me."1 Sunday evening a Potiuck supper and Hymn Sing was enjoyed by ail who attend- ed. This was a time when we could get to know the Benders, Lyle and Yvonne better and they could get to know us better, we know them through their music and until now they only knew us as bodies sitting in the church, now names and faces become one. Lyle and Yvonne have three grand- sons who are following in the aduits footsteps by pro- viding enjoyable music and we understand that they sang at three different churches on Sunday. Sorry that more weren't out to enjoy this evening of music and friendship. It seems that we are pro- ducing a whole generation of young people who have no place or time in their lives for, church or religion. I must own up, that there was a timne in my 1fr that I didn't have time for church, but down underneath there was that basic training that I had as a child, attending Sunday School, singing in the choir, attend.ing Young Peoples, so that in time when I felt something missing, 1 went back to church. Sports are more important these days. Sunday while the church has no young people attend- ing, the parks were full, both bail diamonds were busy. People go to Auctions, Flea Markets everywhere but church. Where will they turn when theywant their children to be, Baptized, when their daughter wants to be married, when some- one they love dies? WiIl they go to the basebaîl coach, the auctioneer, wil they ask to hold a service on the ice rink, the bahl diamond? They may have to, if they don't support their church, remember it is your church, the place that your ances- tors worked hard and sacri- ficed much, to build so that the future generations wouid have a place to wor- ship. Tell us, what must we do to brtng these people out to church? A church with- out worshippers is just another building, a building without heat, without love and care, it becomes an. empty muin. A place where people say, I remember when it was the centre of al the activity, whatever hap- pened? Is this what you want? Cedar Valley Resort Relaxed Atmosphere SEASONAL TRAILER CAMPING $968-00 Service mci. 7 kms. east of Orono/Hwy. 115 Enter Clarke 4th or 5th Conc. Line The Newcastle Historical Society wili be holding their annuai Fail Show on Tuesday, September 19 in the Lion's Room of the Newcastle Community Hall., Staging time is from 6 p.m. untIl 7 p.m. Everyone is lnvited to attend the meeting after the show. The meeting will start promptly at 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker for the evening -will be Dennis Fiannigan. 'He will be taling about gardens. They hope you will plan on attending. For the first week of schooi students from several of the local schoois were busy planning and preparing their floats and costumes that were in the parade that went through the downtown core of Orono and ended rip in front of the grandstand of the Orono Fairgrounds on Frlday, September 9th. Everyone was in hlgh spirits that day. Once the parade was over the students partlclpated in several schooi competitions that had been pianned for them. There was a tug of war, a three legged race, a sack race and a few others. It was a, day that was filled with a lot of schooi spirit, fun and excitement. The students were aiso able to view the exhibits that were both inside and out'of the- buildings before they had to board their buses and return once more to their schools. Some of the students remained at the falrgrounds with' their parents and were able to be a part of the Demolition Derby that was held later that night. It really was a long day for one and ail. THE CATERING CONNECTION' SOCIAL CATERERS Our Speciality Family Style Roast Beef Dinner Weddings Anniversaries - Business Functions Hockey *Basebali - Bowling Banquets HOT - COLt) - BUFFETS FRED, PATRICIA, RODNEY STORSBERGEN Box 416, Orono, Ont. LOB IMO 983-9679 SN Northcutt Elliott SEFuneral Home THOUGHTFULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A Famlly Owned Business, Offering: Traditional Funerai S ervices Prearranged & Prepaid Services -. Cremation Arrangements Alternatives to Traditional Funerals - Out of Town Shipping Cory Kuipers - President 53 Division Street- 623-5668 Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 2Z OFF STREET PARKING PORT DARLINGTON MARINA HOTEL A Delectable Dining Experience in a Unique Wateirfront Setting Discover Durham Region's best kept secret. The Port Darlington Marina Hotel Overlooking Lake Ontario Serving lunch Monday to Friday, a delicjous Sunday Brunch, a la carte dining Monda>' to Frida>', our ever popular, Wednesday evening Two can dine for $1995 dinner specials, Elaborate Seafood and Beef Buffet Saturda>' Evenings, Sunday Evening frorn 4 p.m. Family Buffet, ail make for a very special dining experlence.. We cater parties from 50 tu 200. Shooters Sports Bar open Nightly for pool, dancing and DJ. music BECOMIE A MEMBER 0F OUR POOL LEAGUE. For information cali George or Wayne. for Reservations cali (905) 623-4925 Exit 432-Hwy 401 Take Lake Road off Liberty Street South to 70 Port Darlington Road, Bowmanville

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