Orono Publie School. News Orono Publie Sehool has a new principal Mrs. Montrevil. The followlng Interview was donc by Russell Hawley. Q.What made you cone to Orono Publie School? A. 1 wanted to be a prini- cipal and Orono seemied like a good place to start. Q. How does It feel to b a principal? A. t feels terriie because .1 get to help so0 many peo- pie. Q. How is being a princi- pal different from bcing. a vice-principal? A. As a principal you have more rcsponsibiiity to make sure evcrybody stays safe and lcarns weil, Q. Where are you from? A. Toronto. Orono School had a suc- cessful afternoon at the fair on Friday, Septernbcr 8. Our float won first prlze and 50 did our tug of war tcami. Many students won inidivid- ual prizes but, most impor- tanti of ail, we hiad a good timre. Wc are going to askz students a variety of ques- tions in the comlng year to get their opiniions on differ- cnt topics. This wcek's "Kldsvlcw" is on the fair. "VWrhat did you like bcst about the Orono Pair?- a. "I liked the Scranblcr bcst." b. "I llkcd the duck races best." c. «I likcd the duck races best because most of thc timre our side won." d. "Illkcd the Crazy Castie. I liked swinging on the ropes." Stay tuned for next week's report from grade 6. CLAS SIFIE D MAR KETP LAC E "A dvertise A cross Ontario or A cross the Country" COMING EVENTS SALES HELP WANTED BEAUTY AND THE BEAST - best tickets, best prices. Tap $Attention Students$ 15 BIKES TO DRAW. Make a lot of Dance Kid, André-Philippe Gagnon, Second City, Forever moniey selling chocolate bars NEW $200 PRODUCTS. Noth- Plaid, Nunsense Il, Chinese Acrobats, 1-800-265-0710 or 519- ing ta pay in advance. Fast delivery 1-800-383-3589. 758-8090. KATYS CLOSET. 100% Canadian direct sales cornpany fee- turing affordable ladies' fashions, needs coordinators in your 'AUCTIONS area. Eamn 30%,1 commission. Start your business with $50 GIANT BOAT AUCTION heId at Ken Mason Marine Porland. investment. No experience necessary. 1-800-563-7752. Sat Sept. 23, 1 îam. Offshore cruisers, runabouts, fsh/ski SEPTEMBER SPECTACULAR. That's right! During the month boats. QT'( new nrt eurrent b~oas. East 613-272-2835, Aero of Septemnber you cari juin Dscavery Toys and get your hoame- Marine Auction Sales 705-734-4777. basad business up and running for aniy $42.00. Cail today. Marilyn Spencer 705-295-6564. BU~SINESS i USCAPSTEES START YOUFI OWN BUSINESS for less than $10000 - no M SCLITRS inventory - no quotas. Pays weekly - graund floor opportunity. BAND PARENTS. Al musical instruments for achool class- Contact Dave, Lanechanger Canada, 613-592-9789. room use. Sales, leasing & rentais. New & used. Fast Service. STARI YOUR OWN home-based businessl Watkins la toays FREE 36 page catalogue. Musicare !nc. 1-800-361-3323. beaf business opportunityl For free information contact - Inde- pendent Marketing Director, 338 Braeshire Rise, Saskatoon, PAY TELEPHONE SERV. SK, 7V B2 1-80-23-299-PSYCHIC ALLIANCE. 100,000+ setîsfied custamers. Auguat laftery winners. Salve ail prablems...Answers about lave, BUSINESS SERVICES maney, career...$3.49/mnin.,.Taik live 1 an 1.24 hrs,..18+...alI TURN VOUR CRAFTS inta cash. Select f rom over 25 compre- calis canfidential. 1-900-451-4336. hensive, sfep-by-step business guides that will teach you how PSYCHIC MASTERSl Genuine Canadian Psychics fell ail. ta market your handmade praducts. Free catalogue. Crafts Is Answers on Romance, Wealth, Career, Lucky Numbers. Live Vaur Hame-Based Business, 430 Golf Course Rd,, Suite 301, and parsonai. 1-900-451-3778. $2.99/rnin ,18+, 1-on-1, 24 Wasaga Beach, Ont., LOL 2P0. hra. .C.C. GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Gavernmanf assistance programs HEAVENLY PSYCHIC ANSWERS. Friands of thausands, information availabie. For your new or existing business. Take muli-talented international psychics. Relianships, Future, advantage of 'the gavarnment granîs and boans. Cali 1-800- Finance, Career, Live 24 Haurs, $2.99/Min. 18+ 1-900-451- 915-3615. 37831 UNEXPLAINED POWVER! Psychic talls you things yeu may not CAREER TRAINING even want ta knawl 1,-900-870-2217. $2.99 per minute. 181. LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Sauthwastern School of Auc- tianearing. Naxt Class: NOVEMBER 18-24. Contact: South- REA.L ESTATE western Ontario School of Auctionaaring, R.R.#5, Waadstack, GOT A CAMPGROUND memnbarahip/timashara? Wall take ifl Ontario N45 7V9. (519) 537-2115. Amricas largast, oldast resala ciearinghouse. Roent Salas BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER . . . with aour grat am e-study International 1-800-423-5967. Timashara rentais neaded. Cail course. Cali for a FREE BOOK. 1-800-267-1829. The Writing 24 hours a day. School, 2401-38 McArthur Ave., Ottawa, Ontario Ki L 6R2. COUNSELLOR TRAINING lnstitute of Vancouver affers carre- SERVICES spandience courses for the Cartificate of Counsellîng studios ta bagin Septembar 30th . For brochure phonao 1-800-6t5-7044. OVER 2,000 TITLES: PAPERBACK and Hardcovar; bast sali- ara, business, haaltlh/diet, computera, rfaranca, fiction and MONEY MAKING OPPORTUNITIIESlLearn Incoma Tax non -fiction, childcare, nature, cooking, juIVanile, atc. Free cata- Preparation or Basic Bookkaaping. Tax daduci certificate logue. Boakatare nr A Box, Box 311, Caneton Place, Ont. K7C courses by homne sudy. For free brochures, no obligation, con- P1 tact U & R Tax Schools, PO. Box 6052, London, Ontario, Ni 596, 1-800-665-5144. Enquire about exclusive franchise terri-SELBULIG tories now avalabla.STE BULIG FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS - Ouonsats 25x30 $5.ý462, EDtJCATIONAL OPPS. 3üx40 $63,593, 35x50j $8,.478. Slraightwall Ouonsata 25x30 COUINSELLOR TRAINING Ibstitte of Vancouver offars corra $5.22,800x18 6.9.EdalsSiinDoricudt.Cl spondenca courses for tre certificata 0f Counisailing Studias to 8066-63 bagin Saptembar 30. For aî brochure phone Tul-frea 1-800- ALL STEEL, BUILDINJGS .. "ROCK BOTTOM PRICES!' 18x24 665-7044. $2177 20x32 $3.1i92. 25x-10 $4.550. 30x44 $6.12,4, 30x(40 MAKE A Diffarranca? Laarn ta help peopla, quit smoùking, osa $6,323. 40x48 $7.643, 40x84 $1 2.999. Othaers. Ends optionral. weighl, handia strass, increasa aath A unique saîf-imiprova- Plinear 1-800-668-5422 ment zprogram. 1-800-661-2599 Alandal School & Cinic AAI /T VE FOR SALE VICTORIA, 8.0. VWinljer ,wjtpus' Waakiy/monîhly uria 20', SAViNGS ON HEATING OIL! Champion OX healing tuai accommiiodation. Bast valua for Caniadian dIollars,. Variaty of treatmainl devalopad in c-op)aaion) with furnacae manuifactur- Vancouver Isand locations SnowBEird Retrats. Phone: (60-4) ers. Add 1 litre 10 fuel tank at bagîinrg of heatîn season and 479-1986, Fax (60411 479-999., sava. Provan oroducts f rom Champirion Petrochamricals Li snca 1946. $4995 plus shipiping and taxes. VISA, MC, 1-80u- VENDORS WANTED 409-1,888. 100%PURSHAK Crtiage 90 apsles750G $3.,180 THE BARN FLEA MARKET, Perboroughi, Ontario. Vanidors caý,psus /75MG 55aiar enquirasH1waîcoma. $uriî alas anlad, lrîendly almo,-sphara, aslablîshied flea market on) High cpunu 1-870-9095588Deaxer1 604-7vb 2337o. Prt ae, way 7B, 4km lnrm Palarboouh$2500n a week - cali ClIt @ù phon 1-80-99-348, "x 1604-96-237.(705) 745-1081 or Rosa (705) 722-8767, Feature Home of the Week CHARLIE REID Power of Sale Sales Representative 208 Coulter St., Pontypool 3 bedroomis, raised bungalow in excel- lent condition, gas heat, fireplace in 22 'Years Experience famnily room, sirngle car paved. drive, 100' x 170' lot backing onto open Specializing in: fields. Asking $129,900. RESIDENTIAL; VACANT LAND; FARMS COUNTRY PROPERTIES 1 amn Comrnitted To Serving Ail Your Real Estate Needs! -Working 364 DiJys A Year" W. FRANK REAL ESTATrE LTMITED 234 King St. E., flowmnanville Off. 905-623-3393 Res. 905-983-5914 %JEMNES mo e to buy or sel!... Orono and area's real estate rep. Krystyna Jones Z f>r98a&601 Rleoity-Net ASSOCIATES (DURHiAM)lnc. 1050 5iMCOE ST. N 9103 - OSHAWA W' >TEL:(905)721-2112 Wn E