Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 20 Sep 1995, p. 14

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14 - Orono Weekly Tiiues, Wednesday, September 20, 1995 R-eaily, not a lot. But governiments can fos- ter a climate where the pri- vate sector can create those jobs. Canadians are reeling from job losses due to açlvances in technology, downslzing and lack of. investment. Our youth have few. opportunities upon gradua- tion. And those who are successful, in maNy cases, are underemployed. Middle-aged Canadians are also finding it hard. Downsizing has created hiavoc with their profession- aI lives. The first thing gavern- ments have to do is focus an debt and debt reduction. High public-sector debt causes interest rates to remain hlgh. This is a sure killer of business formation. Governments can also rrestructure the income tax system to foster the growth of small and medium-sized businesses. Right now the current pal- lcy of granting a $1 billion tax credit to multi-nationals for scientific research, who, I might add, have head offices outside Canada, is wrong. Tax credits of this magni- tude should be remaining in Canada and given tb small business. Next, goverinent needs to put more vitality into cap- ital markets. People should be able to invest in local businesses where they know investment asslsts. their family and communlty in Keuýndal Hall NEWS by Phyllis Lowery Once again the Kendal Band took part in the Fair Parade and once again was the onily Band. The Members of Kendal rL.O.L. 405 had a booth Just north of the arena where they sold hamburgs, hot- dogs, coffee and pop and they certainly were kept busy. The Men of Kendal L.O.L. 405 also had a booth inside the arena where they hand- ed out leaflets gîing infor- mation about the Order and they also sold tickets on a money draw. The wlnner of the $100.00 draw was, Normnan Thomas, London St., Peterborough. The wlnner of the $50.00 was Don Green, Bowmanville. The Fair Ambassador drew the win- nlng tickets. The Ladies of Kendal Hills LO.B.A. 1420 once again sponsored a candidate for creating jobs, findrng jobs and putting local resources to work. Our capital markets are too concentrated in large centres. We must retumn to community-based banking. Obviously people who are willing to ïinvest in their own communities must know their inviestmuent is protect- ed. But the fact remains current mnethods of equity financing and over-the- couinter Ifinancing 15 cum- bersome and out of reach for small businesses. This will have to be addressed by gov- emiment if we are to com- pete worldwide. Finally government fias to get out of the way of people who are prepared to start businesses. Heavy paper burdens, the Urne it tiakes to fMI out forms and duplication between dif- ferent levels of government, only fru strates and ulti- mately discourages business formation and expansion. While approximately 25,000 jobs have been cre- ated in the private sector, these gains have been wiped out by layoffs in the civil ser- vice. (This is the irony of deficit reduction.) Job creation and deficit reduction should be the pri- mary concerns of this ses- sion of Parliament. Unfortunately govemment's timne is gomng to be spent on the nonsensical debate over Quebe's separation. Let's get it out of the way 50 we can get on with the real business of nation building. Fair Ambassador and once again we sponsored the win- ner, Miss Heather Malcolmn. We wlsh her a wonderful time during her relgn, we hope that she wlll enjoy every minute of it and that she will mnake new friends. The Ladies also had a table in the arena where they sold tickets on a handmade quit, this will 6e drawn for on the flrst week of December when our Prov. Gr. Mistress Carol Mitchell will be visitlng and helplng mark the 1Oth Annlversary of the formation of Kendal Hilîs L.O.B.A. 1420. We hope that Bras. David Thrower, Arlel Langstaff and Sis. Alta Langstaff are on the road to recovery and willl soon be back in aur midst. Remember, regular meet- ings are once again being held, hope you had a won- derful summer and are al ready to get back to the day to day routines. Watch for this column for the date of the flrst euchre Party. Change is anl important part of growth. Al towns, large and smiall, go through different cycles of change. The coming and going of new and old businesses are dictated by the changes in lifesjyle, inecase ,or decrease in population, abil- ity for a particular business to be comipetitive and fu]lfill a need within a community. The reasons for success or failure are numerous. The singular miost impor- tant thing to' rememiber about theýse businesses is that they gave it a shot. Often a failure can lead to a future success. Newcastle is currently undergoing a few changes. Some businesses are chang- ing hands, some have closed their doors, and others are Just launching new busi- nesses. Cheryl Woods, a youing woman from Newcastle has a vision for her new busi- ness located at 10 Church Street in Newcastle. "The Book House" is many things in one. It is a "Life Enrichment Centre" with unique programs designed for the various needs within the community. Cheryl hopes many wlll take advan- tage of the special order desk offering 5-25% off retail pnices of books and videos. 0f special interest to the- health conscious might be the Monday evening Walkers and Wellness Club dcsigned ta prom-ote healthy life skills throughi the use of semi- nars, videos, presentations, and caoking demonstra- tions. Time has been set aside for a Kids Pro Activity Club on Tuesdays for childrèn 8 to 1 2 years of age. For all those womien who want a shor timre éach week spent in the company of other %women, 1the Wednesday afternoon Women's Weekly group is a great way to spend an hour sharing experiences and inspiring ot hers over a cup of coffee. Also a pragram is avait- able for teenagers on Wednesdays. Hopefuilly they will make use of the work- shops, computers, videas and guest speakers offered. This is a business airned at catering to the needs within the community. Call Chieiyl at 987ï-2154 for fur- ther informnation on how to utilize these terrific pro- grams. Some of you may have heard of the Newcastle Family Connectian, but many 1 arn sure have not. It is a cornmunity resource centre for parents, care- givers and their children. this non-profit organization operates on a 100%/ volun- teer basis. Newcastle Family Connection offers a drop-in play group for chidren from infant to six years old. A toy/resource lending library offers a wide selection of toys thiat miay be borrowed up ta two weeks and a resource library contaîning child care and related reading materi- ais for adults to borrow. "The Newcastle Family Connection believes that al familles need support and resources in order ta benefit from positive family experi- ences. NFC aimis ta provide this support and resources to the familles in the Municipality of C1arington." Currently experiencing financial set-backs, the Newcastle Family Connection will be looking ta the'cammunity for sup- port for this expanding cen- tre. During the next two weeks members from the And of course look at the Orono Weekly Times! Talk about a change for the bet- ter within the cammunity. Hopefully everyone will sup- port the cost of change with a yearly subscription. Then you can become avid From the Heart re-aders. Yes, constant change strengthens our, conimumi- ty. It gives us a chance t.o try new experiences and benefit from the knowledge of others. Take a look around you. More thanJust the colour of the leaves on the trees are changing in our community. Those spots on your driveway (N)If fluids a ýre leaikingfr011 Om yor Car, two things are CCeainfII: \y11 Ineed repairs an]d yfleiacig h elnvironlment. 1Here, S ao-a pto oe appear on the driveway: Black or dark brown i drippings mlotor oil or ges Yelwor green drippingts coolant or anti-freeze Pinikor red dripp-ings = trawýnission filuid Clear drippings = or gasolilne For- more information on how" you canl a\oid atmoietrouble spot', eaul thle Aulto$mrart Hottine at I 800O(-387- 2000. WINDOWS # WINDOWS * WINDOWS NOT 5 YEAR, NOT 10 YEAR, NOT 20 YEAR BUT LIFETIME WARRANTY VINYL REPLACEMENT Which Covers Sc-ais, Vinyl, and Hardware *Euro-Tech Vinyl Windows- WE ARE SO CONFIDENT 0F OUR WINDOWS THAT WE WARRANTY THEM FOR LIFE Installations Available cal (905) 786-2979 For Free Estimates

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