Kendal u Columni i by Phyllis Lowery Another busy week has come and gone, back to school for the kids, Orono Fair, and so many other activities have started the fail schedule, everyth ' ng seems to start at once. The fair certainly seemed to be well organlzed, with new protected areas for the crafts. The only complaint 1 had was 1 couldn't get close enough to read the names of the exhibitors. Perhaps next year they could make a list of the prize wmnners and post it at the front of each class, just like they do in the baking section. It must be reassuring to know that ail your hard work will not be handled by everyone and that none of it will disappear. There certamnly were a, lot of quilt draws, 1 counted 9, perhaps, they should be a new category and judged. I was seiling tickets on one oDf the quilts and was present on every day of the fair, this is an ideal way to meet the people. You get to see almost everyone that cornes in to the arena and to hear their coniments on the dils- plays and events and I neyer heard a complaint other than there was an odd smell for awhile, found out later it was fromi the stove and fire- place exhibit, but this seemed to clear up the sec- ond day. Despite the damip start on Thursday the remainder of the fair had sunny days. The dampness seemed to help the inside activities Thursday nlght, the best attendance for the Ambassador Contest, that I have se--n for quite some time, al the chairs were pretty well ' aken. 1 wasn't there for Friday afternoon, kids day, let someone youniger face that, but Friday night the grand- stand and the arena were packed. Saturday was a good day to o, a long, long parade, too bad that there wasn't more bands. It's a good thing they can count on the Kendal Band every year, but other- wise it was a good parade, and certamnly lnteresting to see ail those tractors and vintage cars. This seemed to be an off year for floats, but the ones in the parade were excellent. The Clarington Concert Band put on two excellent concerts and 1 don't know wjhere the band came from on Sunday aftemnoon, but they were excellent, a little loud at times but their music of the Big Band Era was a treat to hear and set many a toe to tapping, brought back many memo- ries of the nlghts spent on the dance floor in the late 30s and 40s and of some of the great show tunes. Too bad there hadn't been a big- ger crowd listening to them but, the horse races draws the peo ple outside. An excellent, Worshlp Service on Sunday, I won't aLttempt to write about it except for Rev. Russell's ser- mon. 'Holidays and Holy Days." Is It reaily appropriate to have a service like this at a fair? Jesus iikened His min- lstry to, a party, a celebra- tion. Everyone comes to a fair voluntary. You have probably attended a wed- ding or a party, where you feit that you had to, a sense of duty, and you didn't enjoy yourself. You came to the fair, voluntary and you are at the service, voluntary. Your entrance price is to show that you know what is rlght and what is wrong. You enjoy seeing what oth- ers have done, their-indivld- ual talents, that is the same as Jesus preaching of God's love. So it is appropriate to be here. You can see in the dis- plays, the wonder of God's love. God wants us to explore living in a commnu- nity, to share with others. A fair remînds us that what happens here is car- ried on ' i our community. The music at this service was good, the Devries fami- ly, Cralg Brand, and The Earth Angels. I would be remlss if 1 didn't mention ail the deli- clous food available certain- Iy the volunteers put up a great selection in the arena. Ail this certaînly doesn't help when one is tryinig to lose weï£ght. From whatI 1heard from-l others, ail the evenits hield outsîde were excellent, lots of space to roam, dlean grounds. The tractor events were a big draw, and on, Saturday the cars drew a lot of attention. The only glitch on an oth- erwise successfui fair was the accident that took place on the race track, Suniday afternoon. Thank goodness no one was seriously injured and the horses were okay. It was fun to watch the klds with thieir pets at the Pet Show, glad that this year it was heid on the stage in the arena. That stage was neyer idle for very long, this was wonderful for the fair goers, it gave them some- thing to enjoy besides rest- lng their weary feet. Next week I hope to get this column back to normal, if you have any items that you would like to have put in, please caîl me or write themi down for me. Caîl at 983-5477. Watch for upcommng news of Kendal United Church's Annîversary, in future columns. Did you hear about the moth that blundered into a two year olds birthday party? He bumned his end at both candies. Let's Party! The klds are back in school and have settled in for the long haul. Summer temperatures have given way to the cooler fail tem- peratures. It is now the party season. Ii-hiome parties offering jewellery, make-up, chil- dren's clothing, lingerie, ladies fashion c!lhing, kitchen products. and can- dles are a big hit wlth many people. A fun evening with frie nds or relatives over a pot of tea and a few goodies entices many stay at home moms who need the stimu- latung company of other womien for a few hours with- Out the stress and worry of their youngsters under foo0t. It is a time for pamnperïng herseif with the luxury of a niew nightîe or a piece of cos- tumiejewellery. Or perhaps it is a wonderful, relaxlng facial foliowed by the oppor- tunity to play dress-up by trying on new fashion colours that appeals to the litle girl inside is the choice for a particular evening. Womien who work hard al week outside of the home enjoy relaxing for a few hours with friends and fam- ily while shopping in the comifort of their own home or somneone else's home. Whatever the reason these in home parties are a hit! Generally the products sold in this way are hïgh quality. Even though most women love a bal-gain they ar-e drawn to quality and betauty in a produet. Also the type ofguarantee offered comes iinto(- play. For exarnple, one skin care product ccmpany stands 100% behind its product offerîng to adjust the product to the skin type with a replacemnent at no cost, even alter weeks of use. If satisfaction is flot found a full mcney retumn is offered. A well kniown wares com- pariy has a lifetime warran- ty on lid seals. Guarantees on workmanship and follow up service are offered by most in home parties. In-home parties are a social ritual Lhat many women enjoy, and at one tîme or other have either hosted one in their own home or have been invited to one by a friend or relative. Whenthe evening is over they return home with a purchase or a catalogue to look over. Whether they have purchased an item or not they have retumned with a better knowledge on a cer- tain product. Sometimes the evenlng can be very edu- cational, as for example a skUn care class. The women who do the bookings are women who want to eamn a few extra dol- lars, get out of the house to meet other women, or earn company glfts and prizes. And yes, a few have dreams of becouiing independently wealthy. Why nôte? We lhue lI a country where dreams, can be fulflled if we are will- Irig to work hard for them. With the middle of September rolling around in-home parties will be on the Increase as the way Is being prepared for easy in- home Christmas shopping. Egad! I can't belleve I said that. Christmas in September. But experience shows me that Chrlstmas is always here before you know It and we are stili neyer quite ready no matter how many in-home parties. we manage to squeeze in by then. Happy shopping. RECIPE 0F THE WEEK Compliments of the Orono Bulk Food S tore Hello Dollies Super easy and great tasting 1/2 cup (125 mL) butter> 1- 1/4 cup (300 mL grahamr, cru mbs 3/4 cup (175 mL) butterscotch chips or chocolate chips 1-1 /2 cup (375 mL) shredded coconut, 1-1/4 cup (300 mL) chopped nuts, pecans, peanuts, walnuts, almonds 1 - 10 oz. can (300 mL) sweetened condensed milk 1. Meit butter in a 9"x9" pan 2. Mix in graham crumbs and press evenly on bottom of pan. 3. Scatter chips, coconut and riuts on top. 4. Drizzle condensed milk evenly ail over. 5. Bake at 3500F (18000) for 25-30 minutes. 6. Cool and cut into squares. Makes 36. Put more mnoney in your pocket and a lot less in your garbage at ORONO BULKn FOODS 5331 MAIN STREET, ORONO 983-1143 V4e now have CAKE PAN RENTALS Shop at home service - pick-up or home delivery available WATCH FOR WEEKLY SPECIALS!! S SERVICES .JON STORY SCOTI STORY 905-983-5491 LAND SC API1NIG INSTALLATION - GROUNDS MAINTENANCE WATER PONDS - PERENNIAL GARDENS~ CONSULTING - DESIGN Authorized Sales & .Service Centre for: - Camoorders - VCR's Sinca - Microwaves 1982 - TV's - Accessories - Stereo Systems - Telephones - Top 100 CD's & Tapes PANAS- NI - SINS