Il - OronoVkekiy ~1bnes~ Wednesday September I3~ 1995 Ô"ît&'5744ô Kids from ail the local school's came out to have their own parade ta the fair. This years theme to the fair, as evidenit here was "Stiil Growing", in dedication to the 8th anniver- sary of the 4-H Club. The flddle contest was one of many shows held on the arena stage. The Dernolition Derby has always been a long trne favourite at the fair, if not the best attended event. Joshua Chase of Wasaga Beach was the youngest competitor at the Falrs fiddle contest. He Is five years old and has been playlng the flddle for 2 years. This was his l2th contest this year. He won a third place at a recent competition. His teacher Is Eleanor Townsend. The Fat Steer auction was Just one of rnany such events being held at the Llvestock Areas this past weekend. Anost ail of the steers for sale were raised by, kids. Hats off to them, as It mnust be qulte a job to ralse thern that big. Brad Adams of Pontypool was the big winner at the dernolition derby, drlving a car adomned with the Energizer Bunny. The car just kept going and going and goîrng!