Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 6 Sep 1995, p. 7

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m( Oono eekl Thest, We nésiay, Sptmbr 15- Wal-k-a-dog-a-thon Ht, my name is Aspen, and I'm a Guide Dog for the Blind. I would like to thank the businesses and residents of the Municipality of Clarington for their time and patience wbile 1 was living in Newcastle. 1 came wo the home of Tenry and Jean Graham from the Lions Foundation of Canada Canine Vision Scbool in Oakville when I was on the Poster Puppy Programme. This was in October 1993 when 1 was only 8 wecks old. Newcastle was w bcrny home until I was about 14 months old when, if 1 had worked bard enougb, I would go back w dthe school for training wo quality me to help a blind person. Well, 1 did work very bard. 1 would put on my jacket "Guide Dog in Training" and bead out witb the Grabanç The'sebool said if 1 was going w nbe the eyes of a blind person then 1 must not be afraid of anything! I went wo puppy obedi- ence school; socialized at the local arenas; helped the Newcastle Lions at several functions (at least, 1 thought 1 did tbough some of the Lions doubted that 1 would ever make it); visited libraries, stores, coffee shops, sentors apartment buildings. 1 even stayed overnight in a hotel. And had lots of fun playing with theldids on the street. I guess I must have worked really bard because in November 1994 1 went back to the school for training. Everyone was a litde sad wben I left, especially the kids who didn't really understand why I had to go back w school. I was deter- mined wo work bard with the train- ers and make ail my friends that 1 had left behind in Newcastle very proud of me. And 1 did. 'Mis sum- mer 1 met a blind lady who fell in love with me. We worked togetb- er at the sebool for about 26 days wo make sure we would be happy witb eacb other and that 1 could become ber eyes. I amn now living in Kingston and 1 amn very proud of rny success story. 1 would like to thank the fol- lowing: Lions Foundation for building and operating the scbool; Raîston Purina Food for sponsor- ing ail the dog food; Newcastle Lions Club who sponsored my vet- erinary bills; Hertz Rent A Car in Toronto wbo was my corporation sponsor; and ail my friends in Newcastle. This fail my old friends at the Newcastle Lions Club are holding a "Walk-a-dog-a-thon" in Newcastle on October 14. AIl the funds they raise wili be going to Canine Vision School. Blind peo- pIe get us dogs for free and any one wbo bas everhad a puppy can appreciate bow mucb time and expense goes inwo producing dogs like me. So I hope you'll join in and "Walk yeur bestfriend --for these who need one." To get a Pledge Sheet cail Murray Paterson 987-4628; Mike Carter 786-31 11; Terry Grahame 987-39$0. Tbank you ail again. Aspen'1 P.S. Newcastle Lions bais anoth- er puppy from Oakviîke. Her name is Izzy and sbe is on the Hearing Ear Dog Programme. You may sponsor Izzy by calling any of the above numbers. CRIMESTOPPERS Crimestoppers and the Durham Regional Police are asking for the publics assistance in solving a sex- ual assault which occurred in Oshawa July il of this year. Shortly after midnight the vie- tim was jogging on the south side- walk of King Street East. As she neared Meiro se Street a maie party who was concealed behind a tree near the sidewalk grabbed the vie- tim covering her moutb. As the victim struggled, the attacker dragged ber from a sidewalk to a nearby-grassy area where shte was thrown to the ground. Attempts wo rernove her clothing failed when the victim activated ber personal rape alarmn and started wo screamn which alerted a nearby resident (wbo later assisted the victim). 'Me attacker was distracted by the victimrs pleas for help made good his escape running south through residenial backyards. The suspect is described as maie, white, 5ft. 10 inches, 180 pounds, with a large pot stomach, wide facial features witli dark eye- brows, in his 30's or 40's. Wearing dark long siceve shirt and pants.. Also wearing possibly a scarf or high neck shirt which covered a portion of bis face.. Crirnestoppers will pay a cash reward of up w $ 1000.00 for any information leading to an arrest in this incident or any other serious criminal offence. You neyer have wo give your name or testify in a court of law. Crime Prevention is a commu- nity concern. Help prevent crime in your comrnunity. Cail Durhamn Region Crimestoppers long dis- tance at 1-800-978-8477 or locally at 436-8477. SSergeant Kevin Slaney is the co-ordinator for the" IDurhami Region Crimestoppers prcgram and prepares this article in the interest of solving crime. NC> Fond is îoutnnely processed uising dîffereni w avecilcnts oi radi ant ni e lectroniae netic encrgy. These include inliared waves ised i n t raditional hIk i n, and broîIlng.ý niicrowa\es used foi- quick cooking and suinligýht for drying. These formns of cnergy arc paît nf'te lectro- imagnetic cnergv spectîtîm. shich r1ancýes fri om the low-intensity hroadl waves of radin ai ()ne end, to the very short itigh i niensit', sx aselengýths of' x-rays and gammII-a iavs ai the iîther. The latter arec used for tond irradiation processiîg. Recipe of the Week Compliments of the Orono Bulk Food Spice Cookies Mix together 3/4 cup sbortening 1 cup sugar 1 egg, unbeaten 1/4 cup molasses then sift together and stir in 2 cups flour 2 tsp soda 1/4 tsp of sait 1 tsp cinnamon 3/4 tsp of ground cloves 3/4 sp ground ginger Now mix it ail together, and form into walnut sized balis. Place thcmn 2 inches apart on a greased cookie sheet and bake at 3750 for l0Oto 12 minutes. THE CATERING CONNECTION SOCIAL CATERERSý Our Specia lîty Family Style Roast Beet Dinner Weddings- Anniversanes - Business Functions HOT - COU) - BUFFETS FRED, PATRICIA, RODNEY STORSBERGEN Box 416, Orono, Ont. LOB 1MO 983-9679 N Northcutt Elliott SEFuneral Homne THOUGHTFIULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A Family Owned Business, Offering: Traditional Funeral Services Prearranged & Prepaid Services - Cremation Arrangements Alternatives to Ixaditional Funerals - Out of Town Shipping Cary Kuipers - President 53 Division Street 623-5668 Bowmanville, Ontario LiC MZ OFF STREET PARKING GANARASKA WOLVES VOLLEYBALL CLUB TRYOUTS If you are interested in playing competitive club volleyball, the Wolves invite you for tryouts. Division Born Division Born BANTAM 1823 JUVENILE 1978-79 MIDGET 1 980-81 JUNIOR 1976-77 Contact your sohool'VolIeybaII Coach or phone 987-1965 for details concerning timne and location. Orono Figure Skating Club KREGISTRATION at Orono Arena August 29 and September 13 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. CANSKATE (2 days) $ 195.00 ADULT SKATE (Sundays) $1 15.00 10 arn. - 11:20 a.m. for Oct. - Dec. then re-register for Jan. - Mar. FEES INCLUDE CFSA & EOS FEE. 60%7, due at registration plus post-dated cheque for Dec ember 1, 1995 for balance. $ 15.00 LATE REGISTRATION FEE. H.W.J. Wood Industries Inca WINDOWS e WINDOWS * WINDOWS NOT 5 YEAR, NOT 10 YEAR, NOT 20 YEAR BUT LIFETIME WARRANTY VINYL REPLACEMENT ,Which Covers Seals, Vinyl, and Hardware *Euro-Tech Vinyl Wfindows* WE ARE Sa CONFIDENT 0OF OUR WINDOWS THATr WE WARRANTY THEM FOR LIFE Installations Available cali (905) 786-2979 Put no re rnoney in your pocket and a lot less in your garbage 1 ' at ORONO BUL.K FOODS 5331 MAIN STREET, ORONO 983--1143 We now have CAKE PAN RENTALS Shop at home service - pick-up or home delivery available WATCH FOR WEEKLY SPECIALS!!

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