OnoWeekly Times, :WeM 'd d~,Ags 3 995 - 7 ne y Ags CLARINGTON EAST FODBANK BARBECUIE Marie Nelson Certified Nutritlonist 983-8278 Nutrition Counseliug& LitestykeBalancin In one end and out the other. Bctween the start and the finish line'is almost 9 meters (26 feet) o f specializeci tubing known as the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The GI tract keeps what we eat separate from other parts of our body and this allows some control over what gets used and what gets deposited in the toilet. Staring line: the mouth. Prior to entering the rnouth the food gets checked out by the eyes and Over two hundreci people were on hand to e njoy the foodi and music at the Claringtpn East Food bank Barbecue and Gospel Hyrnn Sing on Sunday. Over $1000 was raised for the food bank whilgh is scheduled to open in mid-September. Many of the locatchurches have joinecl together to make the food bank a reality for the needed. -people in East Clarington. Kendal Colu-mn On Wed. AuÜgust l6th a packed Church bid a saci farewell to Bonnie Lee Tbompson- Michaud. Altbougb Bonnie and ber husband Steve and their cbildrcn were fairly new residents of Kendal, they soon became involveci in the Cburch and in the community, Bonnie taugbt at the Sunday School andi Steve accepted the position of a steward, both, soon founci a place in the hcarts of ail wbo knew thern. It is always'sad to lose a lovcd one, a friend, but seerns harder when such a young person dites, sorneone who leaves behind a young farily, sorneone who should bave had the years to sec their children grow. The sympathy of the community goes out to Steve andi the farnily. Sorry to report that Ariel and Alta Langstaff of Crooked Creek, both well known in this arca, arc both patients in Bowrnanvillc Hospital, we wisb tbern both a spcedy recovery. On Sunday the combineci congregations of Kendal, Ncwtonville and Shilo attendeci Service at Shilo. The Church was full and also a fcw extra seats. Rev. Black welcorned ail, the Service openeci with the singing of 3 hymns, "Frorn The Rising 0f The Sun, "Unto Thec O Lord", andi "Surely Goodness Andi Mercy". Ian Savage gave thc Invitation to Worship. 1The hymn, "Praise My Soul", was sung. Rev. Black read frorn Phillipians 1;1-11. Yvonne andi Lyle Bender sang, "Getting Uscd To The Farnily 0f God". Ian Savage took the Sermon, titled, "Waving Goodbye". Ian said that as we ail knew this would bebis last Sunday with us. He saici that be haci learneci a lot frorn bis colleague, David. Sucb as, "Don't make comments about having a sore knec, or that bis contacts were not in properly s0 havinïg saici that, bc just wiped bis brow, (It was bot in Churcb). Ian saici, "today I will just say goodbyc to eacb and evcr.y one. I don't like the kind of goodbyes,. wbere the hostess says, I don't know about you,, but I amn going to bcd. Or where the people corne out andi wave goodbye and as you pull away, you sec ail the lights go out and you know tbey are already heading for bcd. Ian told us aboutvisiting an aunt and uncle wbo would stand out on the porch and wave until you were out of sight, it made you feel that you were wlcome and made you want to go back. So today I arn saying goodbye to you. Each and cveryone of you have rnade me feel welcorne and bave become a part of my life. I, believe that each is a friend, 1 can't believe that I1arn leaving even one encmy. I arn confident of eacb Cburch, 1 believe that there will bc new babies, new converts to a belief in God. So I'encourage David and all Preachers to follow, to Preacb the wbole Gospel. I arn not saying, that 1 will pine away, but there will be imes wben 1 will think of Kendal, Shilo and Newtonville and remember the good times. I will think back and wish 1, we back, but God knows that. 1 will rernember the fun trnes, the times I have taken part in the different functions, the times of good food. The welcornc I have receiveci in David and Lorraine's home, the discussions with David. 0f the warm welcomc I recceived in every home wbere I visitzd. So now, I Wave Goodbye. I know I will be busy in rny new Charge, but I will bc back". The byrnn, "Jesus The Very Tbought", was sung. David asked Glen Stapleton, chairman of thc Officiai Board to corne forward andi make a presentation to Ian'. The gift of a -Preaching Scarf" was given to Ian, David explaineci that in the Britisht tradition, this scarf when womn, gave the person wcaring it the right to speak, it is a symbol of authority, it means that the speaker knows wbat hie is talking about. We know that Ian will use it well. Members of the congregatioti werc given the opportunity î@ spceak and many spoke of their memories of different thifigs where Ian was involved andi Many gave thanks for the beautY of Ian's rnany musical rendilions, andi of how they had enjoYed bis Sermons, or wbat it has meant to us to have Ian's presence arnong us. Ian thankett evcryone for the gift and said hP would use it well. We then enjayed two beautiful songs sung bý Ian, "Fairest Lord Jesus"' and -j Need Thee Every Hour". The Service closed witb, The Offenng, the 1 ymn, "Guide Me O THou Great Jehovah" followed by the Conimissioning and Benediction. Following the Service a time of FellowshIP was held in the C.E. room whçre we had a chance to say our personal farcwells to Ian and bis §onsflIan will be serving a paWih in Orillia, a new ministry with the Cburcb of the Good ShephecId, a mission Parish of the, Refprmed Episcopal Church. If you are ever in Oriîlia and can, attend it will bc held every Sunday begining Sunday 27th of August at Il a.m. in the T.I.E. Seniors Club, 56 West Street North. We are sofry to bc losing Ian, he bas becn active in- Kendal Cburch since bis return to Ontario from the East Coast. Ian bas taught SundaY School be bas given us mueb pleasure witb bis great voice, and we are glad that he wanted to do bis student internsbip liere, we wish him well, and hOPe that be will be able to rcturii and visit with us whenever ho can. We will also miss seeing bis boys, they bave changed from young kids to young men, rlght before our eyes, we hope they will bc happy in Orillia. Don't forgct the big weckend coming up on Saturday and Sunday, Aug115t 26th, 27th. Visit the Church, the ladies will be serving lunch on Saturday but not on Sunday. Visit the Brcwers and learn some of the history of the Ganaraska as it was and is now. G et a taste of home-made icecream and donuts and perhaps pick up a few fresh vcggies,, and, don't forget ýto visit the Orange Hall. There will bc rnany things for you to sec and many surprises in store, last year I1rnanaged to get to 22 différent locations, it is nice to be able to pick the places you would like to scecand then drop in on some others and be 50 glad you did, Enjoy, it sbould bc a great weekend, perhaps 1 will mun into you somewhere along the way. P. Lowery 1 nose to make sure it looks and srnells acceptable. Once in the mouth, the teeth and ton gue go to work breaking big pieces into small and mixing saliva into the food. The tongue checks the food for any prnhlems the eyes and nose rnay have rnissed. The saliva begins the digestion of carbohydrates and makes it casier for the food to move to the stomach. When you swallow, -the epiglottis close to prevent the food (now called a bolus) from entering your lungs. It then continues down the esophagus to the cardiac sphincter (sphincters are like one way gates) wbere it enters the stomach., The stomach is one of the continued on page 9 Orono figure Skating Club at Orono Arena August 29 and September 13 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. CANSKATE (2 days) $195.00 ADULT SKATE (Sundays) $1 15.00 10 a.rn. - 11:20 arn. for Oct._ Dec. then re-register for Jan. - Mar. FEES INCLUDE CFSA & EOS FEE. 60% due at registration plus post-dated cheque for December 1, 1995 for balance. $15.00 LATE REGISTRATION FEE. PORT DARLINGTON MARINA HOTEL A Delectable Dinfing Experience in a Unique Waterfront Setting Discover Durham Region's best ke t secret. The Port Darlington Marina iNotet Overlooking Lake Ontario Serving lunch Monday ro Friday, a delicious Sunday Brunch, a la carte dining $Monday to Friday, out ever popular, Wednesday evening Two can dine for $1995 dnner specials, Elaborare Seafood and Beef Buffet Sarurday Evenings, Sunday Evening from 4 p.m. Family Buffet, aIl make for a very special dining experience.. We cater parties from 50 to 200. .Shooters Sports Bar open Nightly for pool, dancing and D.J. music for Reservations cal1 (905) 623-4925 ýExit 432-Hwy 401 L ~Take Lake Road off Liberty Street South to 70 Port Darlington Road, Bowmanville lu .. .. .. ..... ... un