Orono Weekly TimesY WecidîesdyAgst2,19 3 ORONo FIDDLE CLuB DONATION The Orono and District Fiddle Club donated $2514 to the hospital for the purchase of a new oxymeter. The oxymeter is used to measure the ainount of oxygen in the blood and gives a good indication of how a patients lungs are functioning. It is ofien used on asibmaiics and patients under a general anaesthesia during operations. It is one of the most widely used instruments in the hospital. The Orono Fiddle Club often donaies money to the hos- pital. Earlier ibis year they made a $1000 donation io Sick Kids in Toronto. Pictured left to right are Wendell Trineer, President of the Orono Fiddle Club, Patricia Down, Nurse Manager of surgery/pediatrics, Darlene West, R.N.P., and Stan Hoy, 2nd Vice President of the Club. SPECIAL EVENTS PLANNED KIENDAL When the Durhama Central Fair opens on September 7, a new image of opening day will,be evi- dent. The gaies will officially open ai 4:30 p.m., after ail the judging of arena displays bas been complet- ed. Right away patrons will bave the opportunity to purchase tickets on the Bossy Bingo, no tickets will bc sold prior to the fair openimg. Therefore, the firsi customers will have the opporiunity 10 choose from all the blocks available. When the arena opens ai 5:00 p.m. ail the commercial displays, school, woodworking, photogra- phy, culinary arts, cultural expres- sions, art and flowers will be on display. This will be the conclu- sion of another year of planning by the many committees învolved. In the Agricultural Building tbe fair goer will find many of the agri- cultural exhibits familiar from past years, but some new features will be evident. These will relate to the theme of ibis years fair, "80 Years and 5h11l Growing". Tbis theme was cho sen by the society tb belp the 411 Clubs of Canada and the Junior Farmers of Durham East, celebrate 80 years of service to the youth of our country. The focus for the 4H Junior Farmers events will be a stage area in the Ag. Bldg. wbere live shows and demonstra- tions will be pet on every day of the fair, with the first show commenc- ing at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 7. A progrars lis of the show times will be posted on the grounds. In keeping witb the theme, A.0. "Del" Daîrymple will officially open the 143rd Annual Durham Central Fair ai 7:00 p.m. Mr. Dalrymple was very active in-4H and Jr. Farmers work during bis 25 years as Ag. Rep. for Durham County from 1958 to 1982. The 8th Annual Farmers Olympics will bc held in front of the Grandstand, beginning at 6:30 and anyone wishing to enter a teamn may eall Terry Hollingsworth 786- 2425 or Marvin Stapleton ai 786- 2329. The Durham County Holstein show will Lake place in the Show Barn ai 7:00 p.m. This show has been an annual event at the fair since it's inception in 1939. A very popular, annual event the Ambassador to the Fair Pageant will bc held on the indoor arenpa stage. Three young ladies have shown interest in competing and there is stili room for two or three more. Interested contestants or sponsors may caîl Stephanie 983- 5066 or Anttiea 983-5194. A new and expected-to-be pop- ular event will be The President's Challenge Milkng Contest. Media people and politicians will bce mvit- ed to participate ai 8:30 to attempt to milk a cow by the old-fashioned method and acquire more of the wonderful liquid than the other contestants. Finally, the midway operator, Homeniuk Amusements has agreed to put on a special deal for the mid- way crowd. All rides, games, hot dogs, french fries and candy floss will be $ 1.00. This special offer is known as Loonie Days and will be available on Thursday only. Join us to04a~ Canadian WiIdIife '~Federafion 2740 Queensview Dr. Ottawa, Ont. K2B 1A2 1 -800-563-WILD HALL NEWS On Saturday, August 19th the men of Kendal L.O.L. held their Horseshoe Tournament. Once again Don and May Hemsley kindly donated their yard for this event. lsa place went 10 the team of Norm McGilvary and Jim MacKenzie. 2nd place went to Richard Lowery and Lyle Milîson and 3rd place wenî to the faîher and daughter team of Wayne Lowery and Diane Polley. A good time was had by ail. On Sunday the Members of the Kendal Orange Lodges and famîly and friends held their annual picnic. This year it was held at Cedar Park on Concession 6, Darlington, what abeautiful spot ibis is. Lots of shade, swimming, miniature golf and lots o f room fo r games. Despite tthc- crowds of people there, no one felt crowded into a small area. Lots of food and a lovely cool area beside a pond where you could sec large goldfish swimming and a fountain gushing up nearby. This coming weekcnd as part of the Great Ganaraska Adventure, the Hall will be open for ah 10o visit. Drop in, sec some of the History of the past and sec the present as well. Enjoy a cold or hot drink with us. Ask questions and we will endeavour to answer them. Ibis is an old building with not too many modemn conveniences but we are proud of it and pleascd that ibis year, we can show it ho you, who knows you miglit happen to catch an impromtu parade if you are there at the rigbt time. Sec you, next weekend, jusi hecause ibis event is taking place right in your own backyard don't' -British Band Spectacular -The Band of the Royal Regiment of Wales will be presenting a Concert and Ceremonial Retreat , Thursday, August 31, Orono Fairgrounds ai 7:30 p.m.. This Concert isbeing sponsored by- tbe Claringion Concert Band and the tickets are $5.00 per person and are available ai the Apple Blossom Shop. Children 12 and under are' admitied free. The Band of the Royal Regiment of Wales has, a versatility of style and repertoire whicb is both unique and highly entertaining. Whether on parade or in the concert hall, their playing, marching and singing portrays ihat musical quality for which Wales is renowned. The Band and drums are based ai Newport in Gwent. They bave performed ai major events, including Royal occasions in Great Britain, and have ioured extensively in Europe. The Corps of Drums consists of Fife, Drums and Bugles. They perform as a Corps or combine with the Regimental Brass Band to stage spectacular marching routines. Spectators ai ibis event will be think you have seen everything, I found many strange and interesting places and things last year. P. Lowery able to enjoy the Band in Concert as well as on the Parade Square as they perform a traditional Ceremonial Retreat. The Band of the Royal Regiment of Wales is on tour in Canada from August 24 to September 7, 1995. The Band will perform at Niagara-On-The-Lake, Queenston Heights, Fort Henry, Kingston, as well as at Orono. Cedar Valley Resort Relaxed Atmosphere SEASONAL TRAILER CAMPING $ 968.00 Service Incl 7 kms. eastcf Orono/Hwy. 115 Enter Cla rke 4th or 5th Conc.LUne 1-905-786-2562 JON STORY f~I~rbcItSCOTSTORY SERVICES 905-983-5491 L AN DSCA PI1N G INSTALLATION - GROUNDS MAINTENANCE eWATER PONDS - PERENNIAL GARDENS* CONSULTING e-DESIGN* THEN CALL USE FOR YOUR BE 0ER * IC Authorized Sales& Service Centre for: - Camcorders - VCR's1 SincE - M icrowaves 1982 - TV's - Accessories - Stereo Systems - Telephones - Top 100 CD's& Tapes PANASONIC - SANYO SONY - JVC - GOLDSTAR FOR OPENING 0F FAIR