Taking part in interesting Fun Fair, Newcastle Public Kelly Plumbtree was one of event has been held there.- Hore events with aIl money raised many participants, at Newcastle Kelly is competing in the going towards the school's new Public School's Fun Fair held on Airpiane Toss, one of many playground. A new school is April 27. Ibis was the firt lime events held at the fair. Tickets scheduled to open on the site in in recent history that such an were required to compete in the September 1996. Ail in the aid of agood time Officer Richard Dupont is al wet for a good cause. He along with others including many teachers and Tenzin Gyaltsan of the Newcastle I.G.A. braved the cold waters at Newcastle Public School's Fun Fair. Many local Mr. Jim Richards of Orono bas been returned as Executive Director of the Friends of the Second Marsh, a position he has held for the past 29 years. In consideration of his un- tiring efforts to save the Second Marsb the Friends of the Second Marsb last week presented him with a Life Membership. They also and have established a Scboiarship in bis name with Durbam College relating te, none other, than environmental studies. Mr. Richards bas also been informed that he bas been Sorry to report that 1 do not have the scores from the card party of April 2lst. Next card party Friday, May 5. The Lodges have been busy this past month, many of the members travelled to Ottawa to attend Grand Lodge. The attendance at both the businesses donated time and items for the fair and the community response was far greater than expected. Newcastle Public School would like to thank everyone for înaking the fair a success. appointed one of seven directors on the Waterfront Regeneration Trust who has as its chairman, the Hon. David Crombie. The appointment became effective May 1, 1995. Mr. Richards bas served for the past two years on the Steering Committee of the Waterfront Regeneration Trust. Mr. Richards is supervisor of the McLaughlin Nature area on lands owned by General Motors lying adjacent to the Second Marsh. Congratulations. R.W. Men's Lodge Sessions and the R.W. Ladies Sessions, was good. mhe Sessions were mnteresting, on Thursday night 4 ladies were given the Scarlet Degree. On Friday momning the seating drill of Grand Lodge Officers took place and then the Ceremony of Draping the Warrant in memory of Gr. Lodge Members who have passed away this past year, took place. Friday afternoon the joint Lodges took part in a churcb service. A banquet was held Friday evening followed by an excellent display put on by the Junior Orange Lodge of Richmond. A dance was then held. Saturday was a busy day, in the, morning visitors were welcomed and other business attended to. In the afternoon election and installation of new officers was held. Sessions ended at 5p.m. 1On Monday evening Cobourg Lodges hosted a banquet in honour of Rev. S mythe of Ireland, following a delicious meal the Members of Brooks Memorial Junior Orange Lodge performed the Lectures and then sbowed their excellence in floor work. Many of these young people will be going to Ireland in July and ail the members have been working liard to raise the money. On Tbursday, May 4th, they wil be drawing for the name of the wmnner of the quilt. Wednesday, May 3rd Men's Meeting; Tbursday, May Sth Junior Lodge; Thursday, May 1llth, Ladies Lodge meets. On Sunday, May 14th, Motber's Day, the Ladies of the Crystal Brancb of the Orange family will be hosting a Salad Supper at Tyrone Orange Community Hall, time 5 p.m., admission $8.00. Don't make mother work on Mother's Day, bring lier to the supper. P. Lowery MERCER HEATING -Furnace Cleaning and Repairs -24 Hr. No Heat Service Over 21 Vis. Experience CALL 983-5541 On Saturday, May 6 there 15 to be a book sale at the Newtonvile United Church. Good ciean books of ail kinds are needed. Donations may- be made to the church office or by calling Richard Gondek or Wally Boughen. The members of the church would like to thank everyone who has helped in any way in preparing for this fundraiser. On Sunday, April 30, the doors of the Newtonville United Church, were open wide and waiting for ail of the people who had attended the church in the Iast 65 years. As they entered they were warmly welcomed and asked to sign the guest book as the church was celebrating it's 65th Sunday School Reunion. Everyone quickly took their seats and the service began. The pastor, Reverend David Black, u~W~si Authorized Sales & Service Centre for: welcomed everyone and thanked each one for coming and for being a part of their special celebration. Then be said a short prayer after which the congregation sang the hymn The Church In The Wildwood!. Then there was the cail to worship, another hymn and a second prayer. After the prayer the Sunday School children sang a song of welcome and the listened as Reverend Black spoke to them about God before they ail went downstairs. Once the children had left the sermon was said, the collection was taken, and the final hymn was sung. To conclude the service Reverend Black once again thanked everyone for coming, and then invited- them to go downstairs for refreshments that had been prepared for the celebration. - Camcorders - VCR's Sice -M icrowaves 1982 - TVs - Accessories - Ste reo Systems - Telephones - Top 10Go CD's& Tapes PANASONIC - SANYO SONY - JVC - GOLDSTAý Jim Richards director on, Waterfront Regeneration Trust Kendal Hall News - ANTIQUES - CRAFTS - FARMERS MARKET LEATHERCRAFTING SUPPLIES OUTDOQR RECREATIONAL GOODS GARAGE SALE ITEMS -*-OPENING MAY 6/7-4- Friday Evenings 3 p.m. - 8 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 9 a.m. - 4 pmn. Watch for our signs on the highway. Located on Highway 35/115 Northbound, l'km. forth of the 8th Concession, Orono. Telephone (905) 983-9540 Garage Sale and Vendor space stili available Cail 983-9540 for information. 1 ' 110011 tNbýý yb- J il 'Clarington's Newestand - Best TRADING PO'ST";.,ý, 1 -1 1 1 1