Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 5 Apr 1995, p. 2

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2- roo 0.0 yTIes1 edn.sday1April ,1#U Orouo <J4eekfy ýhiiWs 5310 Main Street, P.O. Box 209, 0rono, Ontario LOB 1 MO. TeIephone 41 6-983-5301 Roy C. Fonrester, Owner-Ed ftor 8 ubscription $1 7.00 per annum The 407 decision This corner has always suggested that other solutions should ibe developed to enhance the Greater Toronto Mcea transportation systemn other than building another bighway such as thc 407 which is now bcing pushed ahead of past schedules. There is no doubt that there is a bottle-neck in the movement of people and goods ini the GTA and it s flot likely to get better following the path as 407. We support Bob Rae with his proposai to improve public transportation of people with additional subway systems and the GO transit system. Certainly thcy should be cxpanded and enhance in thc type of service provided. It is a most cost-effective system of getting people off thc highway and into the most efficient system of transportation for people - more subways and more GO services. But Rae defeats titis move when hie announced most recentiy Uiat thc province will move ahead witb 407 bighway. Surely if hie takes people off thc roads and places them in public transit it would leave roomn for Uic movement of goods and services on the existing highways. BoUi Bob Rac and Gary Herrema contend thc higbway wiil be built at no cost to thc general public. It is quite apparent Uiat neither are aware how Uic free enterprise systemn works. The cost of Uic higbway, even if undertaken by Uie private sector charging road toils, wiil corne back to Uic general public Urough extra transit charges to industry who Uien pass titis extra cost along to Uic generai public. Indeed General Motors is going to support more and more roads aftcr ail Uiey are in Uic business of producing motor vehicles who require roads. Let's be a little more imaginative in Uis modem time rather thm regurgitating Uic sanie solutions that have littie advantages.. Area residents show interest in the operation of Brownsdale Centre Last Tbursday cvening a public meeting was hcid at Uic Brownsdalc Community Centre for Uic purpose of gauging interest Uiat Uic Centre continue to operate. The centre bad rua into problcms over Uic past year with fmnancial assistance being sought to assist wiUi cost of operations while revenue bad been decreasing. A report did corne to council suggesting that Uic property be considered surplus and sold. On a motion by CouncillorsDreslinski and Scott a public meeting was called to determine if there was stili interest ini Uic community Uiat Uic centre continue operation. On Thursday evening some twenity people attended the public meeting held ini Uic centre along wiUi council members and municipal staff. Many suggestions were made Uiat could be dcveloped to increase revenue for Uic hall andi its operation. it was dctermined dtheUi Centre should continue operation and a proposai is to be put before council and it being acceptable the municipality would caîl for members that would take part in a comrnunity hall board. Kendal ueC"olumn- by Phyllis Lowcry Well we are now into Uic 4Ui monith of 1995, it seems no time at ail that wc put up our new calendars. It is spring, I know because Uic crocus are out in ful bloomn in front of the house, skiing is ail over with at Kirby and the chiltiren are back to school after their March break ... Easter wili soon bc upon us, perhaps we wii bave a nice warmn Easter weekend for a change. 1The sympathy of the community goes out te Uic famiiy of Everctt Brown, although flot a Kentiai resitient Everett anti bis wife Gladys were weli known in thc community. Anniversary congratulations te Frank *anti Betty Stapleton on their 25th Wedtiing, Anniversary, may they celebrate many more. This weckend secs the celebration of Uic 80Ui Birthtiay of Jim Rutherforti. Jim anti bis wife Ada live on Uic brow of Uic ski bihl or as olti timers Uink of it as Brimacombes bihl, I think of it as the dividing line between Kirby anti Kential. Congratulations and may Y'ou have many more birthdays., Sunday was a beautiful spring day, sunny, still a little cool. There was a gooti turnout at church anti everyone must have rrernbered to tura their docks ahcad, no one missedtheUi service, although somne got there tiuring thc first hymn. The service opencti with Uic singing of ",Alas Anti Diti My Saviour Bleeti". Ian Savage gave the Cail te Worship anti the Prayer of Approach. The hymn "What A Frienti Wc Have In Jesus" was sung, followed by Uic Prayer of Scîf-Examination and thc Words of Assurance. Ian calleti the children forwarti, and there, was an abundance of Uicm. How nice to sec so mn prescrnt. Ian askcd Uiern, "How many of you arc popular at school?" Not ail childrcn arc. If one person isn't iiked, it is prctty hard to like that person. He told thcm to pretend that they didn't like Jeremy,'Uicn be asketi Jody how he feit about Jeremy? Jotiy said Uihat he ioved bis big brother, but Ian said, isn't it bard to tel oUiers how you feel, when cvcryone cisc tioesn't like him or won't admit Uiey like him? Jesus was in that position. Peter deniedt Uat he even knew him, Uic other s wcre afraiti to say that Uicy knew him. If you were to say to someone you know, that you hati neyer seen Uicrn before, you would bectienying Uicm. You would hurt thcm ... Peter burt Jesus. The childrcn's hymn was, "The Wise May Br ing Their Learning". The scripture was fromn Matthew 26: 69-75. Ian titieti bis sermon, "Knowing Christ". I Uink it is probably truc, Uiat we wonticr what we are matie of. It takes a crisis to show us how we would react-to danger. At trnes like this we finti out, deep down what strength we have. Wc wonder about thc safety tievices Uiat are in our cards, wil they really protect us, wc çan't test thcrn ourselves, we have to trust Uiem to work at a time of an- accident. Peter, wanted to bc wiUi Jesus at Jesus' urne of danger, but he stayeti outside anti three times whcn he was asketi if be kncw Jesus, he denied Jesus. Even though he had been scen with Jesus, Peter denieti knowîng 1-Em. Peter tienieti Jesus out of fear of Uic cross, of dying on Uic cross. Who would flot bc afraiti, even Jesus feareti it, to be naileti to a cross to die slowly is a horrible way te die... We tieny Jesus when we join others in laughing at people who believe in God. We deny Him when wc do flot want to bc an - object of ridicule for our beliefs. We fear flot bcing iiked. F.D. Rooscvelt saiti, "Uic worst fear is- fear itscIl" Peter sworc that he hati neyer seen Jesus before, that he did not know Uic man. Petcr's sin increased each Urne he tienîcti Jesus, sin increases at each tienial, it grows if flot kcpt in control. Sins do flot stay as Uiey arc, but increase more and more. Peter ate with-Jesus, walkcd witb Jesus, laughed With Jesus, Peter knew Uic, truth about Jesus, that Jesus was Uic son of Goti, but because -of fear, be denied knowing Him, he even swore an oath, he even curseti God. Can you imagine being in Peter's shoes? Hearing Uic words he bad spoken, Uic words of denial, over and over again ini bis mind.' Thrce times he spoke the, words he coulti neyer take back. How often have we said something and then wished wc had neyer said it? God hati a plan, for Peter, Uic third time Peter denieti Jesus, Uic hurt in Jesus' eyes, yet when Jesus arose from the tornb, He tolti them to tell Peter that He wouidï meet Peter in Jcrusalem in Uiree 'days. Jesus died before a'host of people, who diti not like Him, hatcd Him, despised Him, yet as He hung on Uic cross, He looketi tiown at them and Hc forgave Uiem for what Uiey hati donc. Thank Goti that Peter was given a second chance, Goti will aiso give us a second chance. The hymn, "Jesus The Vcry Thought 0f Thee,"' was sung, Uic Prayer of Thankfulness given and the Prayer of Concern andi Commutnient. The closing hymn was "O For A Thousanti Tongues To Sing". .On Suntiay, April 9 Uierc will bc an Open House, at the Oddfcllows Hall in Orono, from 2- 4 p.m. to celebrate Uic birtbday of Ewart Robinson, Happy 80th! Quotable Quotes "Happiness is a thing to bc practised, ike a violin." St. Saviour 's Anglican Church MILL STREBET ORONO, ONTARIO Interim Minister: Rev. Robert Hartley 983-9639 SUNDAY SERVIC, SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH GROUP 9:30 amn. GOOD NEWS JESUS CHRIST WILL RETURN VERY VERY SOON. God lovedtheUi world so much that He gave His only Son so Uiat anyone who believes in Hlm shah not perisb but 1have etemnal life.' God tiid not senti bis son into Uic world to condemn it, but to save it. J. 3: 16& 17 EASTER GIFTS! Gund Confectionary I Cologne Cards by Carlton CHILDREN'S DRAW > ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5009 ORONO PASTORtAL ,MReroussel 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 APRIL SERVICES SUNDAY, APRIL 9TH Kirby Unitedi 9:30 a.m. Orono Unitedi 11:00 a.m MAUDY THURSDAY, APRIL 13 Communion Supper Kirby Unitedi Church 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. GOOD FRIDAY, April 14 St. Saviour's Church 10 a.m. A joint worship service. EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 16 SUNRISE SERVICE Lange Memorial Chapel - 7 a.m. Service approx. 40 mins. followed by coffee & donuts. EASTER BREAKFAST Kirby Unitedi Church 8 a.m. - ? EASTER SERVICES Kirby Unitedi Church 9:30 a.m. Orono Unitedi 11:00 Confirmation of young persons. Dedication of Thelina Gilbank Memorial Gift at Orono BAPTISM SUNDAY, MAY 14TH If you would like to have your chilti/chiltiren baptized . or yourselves baptized, please contact Rev. Russell as soon as possible. There wrn bc a Baptism workshop on April 29th. EXPLORERS Wednesday, April 5th Kirby Unitedi Church 6:30 -8:00 p.m. For girls & boys ages 8 - 12 yrs. LOGOS YOUTH GROUP meet Tuesdays 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Orono United Church For girls & boys ages 12 - 16 yrs. A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. 1 1

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