B - Oono W.klylimes W.demd............109 Oshawa Ski Day raisesfundsfor Memorial Hospital Bone-chiliing temperatures donated to the Memorial Hospital club's executive handed over a didn't stop an enthusiastic crowd Foundation to help with special cheque for $6,000 for the We're of skiers from showing up at equipment purchases. Last year, Better Together equipment Oshawa Ski Club's annual men's organizer Bob Corbett and the campaign. day. Proceeds from the event are It, Uic incident, started with my need te hurry, my sheer laziness and an obsession with being alert te my surroundings. 1 try to bave some sense of my surroundings no matter whcre 1 amn. Inside and outsidc, my senses collect information like radar: Is this a 'safe' place? Do ail the people around me 'look safe'? Do 1 'feel safe'? This is, sadly, the way it is for many of us, especially those who are vulnerable, such as women. It, Uic incident with a moral, began with laziness born of my desire to hurry. I parked, like a civic criminal, under the 'NO PARKING' sign before entering the pet store. "l'Il only be a couple of minutes" 1 think as I usher the boys in with hurried sweeps of my bands. Inside, 1 anxiously bld my sons: "Pick your hamster --- fast". As if a pet can be picked in a hurry! These things take time. They take care. t must be the right pet, and only their instincts inforîn my sons of thc important qualities the right hamster will possess. First, she must be female. A breeder. Colour matters. How she looks at Uiem matters. Finally, a long 8 minutes later, the perfect hamster is chosen. Her name will be Jenny. 1 pay -- quickly. On our way out Uic door Uiere are birds and puppies and kittens and fish to oggle. t has now been 12 minutes. Now, a glance out the wîndow reveals the familiar cap, the familiar pose, the familiar blue uniform standing posed at thc front of my car, peering at Uic front of my car-- at my license plate ~~@~*" Thinking 1 mîght draw on. some of the feminine charm of my youth, 1 rush out to capture the blue uniform before be concludes his business wiUi my car. As I do this, my woman's radar captures Uic scene. There arc people down the, street, people up the street, the blue uniform, and people across the street. There is a man across the street. My radar hones in on hiru. The questions begin to form Uiemselves in my mind.~ Is this a 'safe place'? Do ahl the people around me 'look safe'? Do I 'feel safe'? This is whcre it, Uic incident with a moral, bappens. 1 amn certain the man is looking at me. 1 amrnfot thinking about my feet as they take me out of Uic pet store, as Uiey move to step off Uic curb. The man is stili looking at me witb empty, glazed cyes. He is crossi ng the street, coming towards me, stili looking at me. The beard bides any expression. The cap sbades bis face. TMe long coat is somcUiing froîn Uic 1940's. My mothcr's voice then enters my hcad: "He's just one of life's lost souls". Someone else might suggest he was stoncd. I recal tbat there is a balfway bouse nearby.- I've lost track of ail time and place: except, Uic man with the glazed empty eyes and tattered coat and bearded, shaded face. The man is approaching. My left foot steps off Uic curb as 1 clutcb my purse a little tighter wiUi one band and reach bebind me for my sons wiUi Uic other. I baven't noticed Uic sewer grate. 1 only notice tbe man. 1 only wonder wbere Uic blue uniformn is as my body begins thc fail. In my need to hurry, in my desire te prevent thc ticket being made out, in my uncertainty, I bave fallen bard onto the pavement. Only when the pain i-aches my stomacb, tbreatening to evîct my lunch, do 1 realize bow bard we can really faîl! I stili bave my purse held firmly in one hand.-The other, along wîth my bleeding knees, bas prevented my face from meeting the pavement witb trembling force. And Uic foot, ic ones wearing Uic tattered Sam Spade coat, are coming toward me. A glance tells me the other feet, the ones belonging to the blue umiform, are also making their way-- first around Uic front wheels, Uien past the rear wheels-- doser, both pairs of feet move toward me. There, on top of the sewer grate (don't ask me where the boys are by now) I am perched, on ail fours, in confused pain, watching two pairs of feet make Kendal Hall News by Phyllis Lowery On Friday, February 10, 9 fearless card players tumned out to play cards. High score went to Lena Clysdale wiUi 84, 2nd high to Robin Alldred. The draw was won by Dora MacDonald and free admission for next card Party on Friday, February 24 went to Wayne Lowery. The weather was very bad as everyone knows and it is very bard to now what to do, the people come frm 50 many areas, to cancel'and let everyone know is an impossibility, so bai-ring a major disaster,, the card parties carry on. 'lb 1The Ladies Lodge wllb holding a Penny Sale and Bake their way towards me. Ail other sound, traffic, people, is lost to the pounding of my heart. Guess wbich pair of feet reached me first? 1I look, first, at thc feet. Then up, way up, only to fmnd my gaze met haif way by the bearded face and glazed eyes which have been bent down towards me. The mouth asks me: "Could you please tell me where Charlotte Street is?". Uncertain whether I've bumped my head too, I turn to look for the feet of the blue uniform. Thcy have arrived and Sale on Saturday, Mat-ch 25. The Bake Sale wil start at 2 p.m. the drawing of Penny Sale prizes wil start at 8 p.m. You will- bc able to put your tickets around anytime between 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. If you can flot be there in the evening you can leave your.name and ticket numbers with a member of the Lodge and any prizes won will be delivered to you. The annual Bowling tournamnent between the Men of the Order and the Ladies of the Order will bc held on Sunday, February 19. Be at the Bowling Lanes in Bowmanville between 3 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Supper to follow at the Kendal Hall. $10.00 for bowling and supper, supper only $5.00 I have lost track of who are in Uic lead, the men or the women, so 1 wil wish you all luck, especially the men, they will need it. guiding the feet of the lost soul onto Uic curb. Stili on ahl fours, I'm wondering wheUier the rush was worth the bother. And I think, "Yes, I know where Charlotte Street is. You take a left turn at Uic next corner --and-- watch your step on Uic curb". After he bas helped me up, Uic blue uniform apologizes as he hands me a ticket for parking in a NO PARKING zone. 1 learned my lesson that day -- - 111l neyer park on ail fours on top of a sewer --- Nope, neyer, ever again!