..........WRlU y O nay 1,1 I The cost of being Cariadian Within a day of one another David Crain, a financial editor of the Toronto Star and Dalton Camp, a special feature writer, came out with similar themes relating to the fedemil budget and how it could affect what we bave enjoyed over years - living the Canadian way. It is impossible for anyone of late to miss the great message of cuts to reduce expenditures and thus the deadly deficit. And also to bear remarks as put forth by the president of the Toronto Stock Exchange "Is Canada Just like Mexico or worse?" David Crane states that our civic society is in danger of becoming an uncivîc society being driven by individulismi, special interest groups and confrontation tbat make compromise impossible. >The Reform party contributes their point of view that taxes are nothing more dma legal confiscation of people's wealth and eamnings. 1David Crane weil makes tbe point that taxes are the means that make us coilectively better off with our scbools, clean airand water, healtb caxe and as weil as a redistribution of income in order to belp tbe less fortunate. Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society and this has been the Canadian way over the past decades. Crane states that people must trust one another, share and compromise for the common good. With these attributes a Society functions much better socially, politically and economicaily than those that don't. Looking our for Number One only erodes saciety's foundation and this bas shown up ail over tbe world. Paul Martin, the finance minister for Canada, bas been pressured as no former finance minister. It wiil be he and tbe goveriment of the day tbat will ensure tbat we continue to be a civic society and one tbat shares and cares. As Crane states "tbat's wby preserving and strengthening tbis civic society in a period of deep structurai cbange is our Number 1 challenge today. A good idea It seems ta tbis corner that the introduction of the Ontario Savings Bonds is one real good idea. In fact it is tbe best we bave beard of from any of the political parties of late. Wby not invest in your own country, aur own province or perbap even our own community. Wby send interest payments out of tbe country, Keep tbe money at bome. Ontario Saving Bonds can be purcbased in $ 100 amounts up ta $ 150,000, tbey pay 8 percent, can be sold tbrough a dealer or cashed in at six montb intervals and guaranteed by tbe province. The Bonds are on sale until Marcb lst. It will be interesting ta see tbe interest in this offer creates for tbose in Ontario. Happeu-nings. St. Stephens Secoidary School Advisory Council The St. Stepben's Secondary School Advisory Council wil be basting a Parent and Teen night, Tbhursday, February 23, 7:30 p.m. at St. Stepben's Secondary Scbool, Bowmanvile. Fatber Begley wilI address the topic of "teens and Sexuality". All parents and their teens welcome. No admission. Furtber information cali 623- 3990. Orono Town Hall Euchre Winner of the eleven tables on February 8th. Higb score Carolyn Priestley 87; Shirley Gardon 78, Aif Pigott 77, Gladys Greenwoad 75 and Paul Mucba 75. Low score Alex Moffat. Draw winners: Roy Hayward, Clara Meuleman, Wally Boughen, Marlene Stacey, Edgar Milison and Norma Moffat. Eucbre every Wednesday night commencing at 8 p.m. Lunch served, Kendal Column by Phyllis Lowery Another weekend of stormy weatber, no great amount of snowfall but tbe wind caused whiteouts and did a good job of polishing the road surfaces. Cars were gomng off the road aIl over, saw one almost buried itself at the top of the ski hill by Rutherford's driveway. Wbile at church another car was off inwo the deep snow as it was being parked. There was an accident at the corner of County Road 9 and Church Street after cburch. We could see two ambulances ', two fire trucks and twa or more police cruisers. It looked like a car and a smail truck were involved. The east side of the ski bul and the flats before you get to Kendal can bc very deceptive, they look bare or wet and they are really quite icy. Sunday was the 6th Sunday of Epiphany, the service opened with Rev. Black welcoming everyone. The opening bymn was, "What A Friend We Have In Jesus", the Invitation ta Worship was given followed by the Prayer of Approach. Tbe hymn, "Ail Hail Tbe Power of Jesus" was sung and the Prayer of Self- Exam ination and tbe Words of Assurance given. The children were called ta the front, it was s0 nice ta see 50 many out ta church. David. asked themn the question, "Why do people came ta chutch?" The children's answers were, "ta worship Jesus", "ta think about God", "ta see each other", "ta sing praises ta God", "ta meet with friends", "ta learn mare about the Rible". 1Most times these are the reasons but sometimes we must also meet ta do the business of the church, sometimes we meet wo share a meal and fellowship. But always, we meet ta share in the fellowship of God. The children's hymn was "Wide, Wide As The Ocean.' A taped anthem was played, "Follow in the Footsteps" sung by Keith Barrie. The scripture was from John 10: 1-18. The sermon was titled, "The Conversion of Mary Magdeline." Mary Magdeline was one of the eartiest leaders of the Christian community. If you stopped someone and asked themn wbo Mary Magdeliue was, most would answer, that she was the prostitute that 'was saved by Jesus but, there is uotbing in the Bible ta couneet Mary Magdeline ta, this suggestion. The Bible does say that she was beset by demons. Mary and some other women accompanied Jesus on His journeys and often supported them, it appears that Mary Magdeline was a wealthy wamanï. She and the other women were excluded from the daily ritual of the men. Mary did flot witness or take part in the last supper, it does flot say she was prescrit when Jesus went inta the garden ta pray, but she was always close by Jesus. On the day Jesus was crucified, it was Mary Magdeline that stood at the foot of the cross, she supported Mary the mother of Jesus. It was Mary Magdeline wbo prepared the spices wo put on the wounds in Jesus hands and feet, the disciples ail staod back. It was ta Mary Magdeliue that Jesus showed himself ta the morning the tomb was found empty. It was ta Mary Magdelmne that Jesus spoke and told her ta tell the disciples that lie would came ta them. There is no doubt of the closeness af Mary Magdeline and Jesus, Mary's whole life had been filled with troubles and pain, Jesus, toucheil ber and she b-camne a whole woman. She was filled with demons. We don't know haw she was afflicted, maybe she suffered from acute depression, maybe she was violent, the pressure of life to *much for ber, maybe she drank,. used drugs. Maybe in ber early life she h-Ad benabused Maybe yau eau think of many more demons that may have been hurting her. We do not know, we will never know. Sbé was totally beset, screwed up ber life be-yand ber control, ber life was not worth living and then one day she met Jesus, the Bible does flot tell us how or where, the important thing is that she met Him and He healed ber. The demons were driven out, they couldn't stand up ta the Power of Jesus. Before this happened she was down but afterwards she was a woman ta be reckoned with, a woman of decision, she decided ta fallow Jesus, ta support Him, ta be there. Mary Magdeline was there, she was at the cross, she stood by Jesus' mather, she was at the tomb. She was there and was the first ta see Jesus and ran ta tell the ailiers and wo give themn Jesus message. The power of Jesus love removed the demons and made Mary whole, you too can experience this if you are touched by this love. Only you can make the decision ta live in that relationship with Gad, this is a lifetime commitment, you must renew it constantly, if you let there be a chink ini it the demnons can slip i. The hymn, "Standing On The Promises", the Prayer of Thanksgiving was given. The clasing hymn was "How Firm A Foundation." Following the service the congregation shared a pot-luck lunch and then the Annual Congregational Meeting was held. Don't forget ta attend the "Time and Talent Auction", this will be held in the CE roomn at Newtonville United Church an Saturday, March il at 7 p.m. Lots of gaod baking, lots of handmade articles. Frank Stapleton wil be the auctioneer. Camne ou out for an evening of fun, you neyer knaw what treasure you may go- home with. This event is being sponsared by the Manse Committee and the Central Treasurer. The date of the Official Board meeting is Thursday, March 9 7:30 p.m. at Newtonville. Zero tax hike for 1995 Pickering cauncil w little debate gave appr( their 1995 budget total million. There will be no in taxation for the mu portion of the tax bill. Ed and Regional tax rates haý be set. The only increasý budget was a new cost ci $800,000 for ten add firefighters at the town' fuil-time fire hall. ith very val for ng $35 ncrease nicipal ducation ve yet ta in the fabout litional i's third St. Saviours Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Interlm Minluter: Rev. Robert Hartley 983-9639 SUNDAY SERVICE; SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH GROUP 9:30 a.. ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Mlnlste Rev.Dr '~\-Mervyn Rse Miarlene o ,, Risebrou, Secretr 983-5702 Chnrch Ofice 983-5502 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19TH Kirby United 9:30 a. Orono United il1:00 a EXPLORERS Wednesday, February l5th Kirby United Church 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Forgiris & boys ages 8 - 12 yrs. LOGOS YOUTH GROUP meet Tuesdays 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Orono United Church For girls & boys ages 12 - 16 yrs. A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p. ~J~U15 LIVING STONE Miniature Life-Like Aduit & Puppies ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5009 ................ -101 JIL