Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 8 Feb 1995, p. 3

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Orana Wee dy-T ..............................8 Celebrates 6Oth Wedding Anniversary in Orono by Lisa Nikiork Saturday, February 4th was a very special day for Ben and Nina Madfli of Oshawa, formerly from Orono. Family and friends beld an Open House at tie Oddfellows Hall in Orono to celebrate Bon and Ninas 6Oth Wedding Anniversary. The Open House was extra special because it also served as a clebration for Nina's 8th Birthday upcoming in Mardi. Ben and Nina met in Toronto when a friend of Ben's introduced them. They were married on February 2nd, 1935. Ben described the weather as, "fifty below and a sunny day," when they were married. The wedding took place in Matheson, which is Most of the mail 1 have received in receut weeks are about conccrns that Uic provincial goverumont bas no jurisdiction over. Things such as the taxing of RRSPs and pension funds, guns, immigration and refugees along with pensions paid to reccntly retired MPs. Beieve it or not some of the mail was addressed to Gord Milîs House of Commons Ottawa! I have gotten use to being blamed locally for everything from thc wcatber to static cling but give me a break - Gord Mils doesu't need Uic added blame- for tbe federal goverument' s action. 0f real concern to me are tbe letters 1 received whicb arc anonymous. These letters mostly blame oui governmont for a variety of things tbat are nothiug to do with tbe provincial goverument wbatsoever. Last week 1 received a five page letter written by a person who refused to say wbo Uiey were,.thereby leaving me no opportunity at all to respond or refute anything, Please, if you do write tw me, give me Uic courtesy of being able to reply to your concerns and allegations. Last week, the Minister of Health annouuced wbat I consider to be-tbe most compassionate, caring, announcement made by any government for many, many moons. Rutb Grier announced The Trillium Drug Program wbich will, comînencing this haif way betwecn Kirkland Lake and Timmmns. 1946 was the year Ben and Nina came to this area. They bad a farm on the Sixtb Line in Kendal for many years. Tben in 1963 the couple moved to Orono. Bon worked for tbe Orono Telephone Company whicb was taken over by Community Telephone and later sold to BelL Nina worked at tbe Clarke High Sebool Cafeteria for 17 years. Ben and Nina bave three cbjîdren, Bill, lune and Ben. They arc also the proud grandparents of six grandchildren and eight great- grandchildren. The celebration was organized by the Madil's cbildren. Bon. and April 1lst provide financial bhelp for more than 240,000 people and their families wbo face unmauageable drug expenses. I would bave thought this kind of news would bave warranted cousiderable media coverage. But no, just precious few limes tucked away in corners of ncwspapers that somcbow can't bear to print anythiug good about the NDP Government of Ontario. How comne I wonder, do theso same newspapers-give beadîjues and ultra coverage wo stores that said, for example, thc govemment was banning Cbristmas in public buildings, as just one of mauy examples we bave seen during the last 4 years or so? The new program is designed for those wbo need very expensive drugs and for those wbo have bigb drug costs relative to Uieir income. For many people, tbe new program can mean the difference betweeu risking their beaith or bciug forced to quit their jobs and go on social assistance. Tbis plan will allow Uiose People i lower paid jobs without a drug plan, to continue wo work, and at Uic same timo get dic prescription drugs Uiey ueed. Starting on April lst, 1995, al individuals and famiies with bigb drug costs and no drug plan sbould start saving tbeir drug receipts. Once tiey have paid a specified portion of their taxable family income on tbeir drugs, Nina would like to tbaenk their children for organizing Itbis memorable day for them. Tbey would also like tb ank tbeir family and friends wbo belped make their day so special. They had a great turnout, it was estimated that around two hundred people came out to the Open FHouse., Ben and Nina moved to Oshawa tbree years ago and stîli reside there today. Congratulations to Ben and Nina on sucb a special occasion and best wisbes for Nina's 8th Birthday. Pictured are tbe Madill family (1-r) Bill, Nina, Bon Jr., Ben Sr. and lune. they become eligible wo apply for Uic Trillium Drug Prograru. Once approved, tbey can thon use their Healtb Cards at their pbarmacy for the rest of tbe fiscal year to receive, without cost, prescription drugs approved by tbe Ontario Drug Benefit Plan. I sec this plan as being a vital tool in the encouragement of people on social assistance, to take tbose jobs around tbe minimum wage level, witbout drug benefits. Jobs that they now refuse because of the loss of their social assistance drug benefits associated witb some types of emfploymeut. Watcb for brocbures soon at your local pbarmacy, doctor's office, and hospitals. For aimost two-buudred years, rural communities bave relied on farmn mutual insurance companies for financial services sucb as farmn, residential, commercial and automobile insurance. Tbey bave been restricted by current Ontario law tbat dates back to the 1920s, wbicb restricted tbeir ability to grow and diversify in a cbangmng competitive financial market place. Our' Bill 134, "Tbe Financial Services Statute Law Amendruent Act"' will allow faim mutuals, individually and collectively, to provide greater access to a wider range of insurance and otber financial services for tbeir rural customers. Some people continue to say tbat pboto radar is a "casb cow". I dou't know bow you feel over that name but 1 couldn't care less wben photo radar is able to take a picture of a car being driven at over 200 km/br, as was Uic case recently on Highway 403. Iu dic month before the trial period of Councîl Briefs Inspector Jim Adams of the Durham Regional Police made a Police Status Report for the Council on February 6. He hoped that these reports could bc made more frequently to keep botb sides informed. Inspector Adams reported that there was a decrease in the number of break-mns at schools and residential areas. Commercial break-mns, as well as car tbefts and bicycle thefts bave undergone an increase. Cases of Willful Damage (under $1000) bas also undergone an increase, from 417 reported cases in 1993 to 549 reported cases in 1994. Young offenders are predominantly to blame. Tbe police deparinient bas bad photo radar commenced, 997 vehicles were photographed travelling more tban 150 km/br. Tbe same road location in December, showed the number to bave dropped to 287. Drivers bave slowed down everywhere, Most people agree that tbe annual $9-billion cost of trafflc accidents was to much of a drain on our health care resources, and had to be addressed. The program to issue new' Health Cards will commence shortly. Pbotographs and registration will bo carried out i n local Motor Vehicle Licenses offices. Certain rural arcas will be served tbrougb mobile offices. Be prepared to prove, witb original documentation, tbat you are eligible for OHIP. More tban 60 fraud-management companies were consulted in order to get tbe best possible tecbnological solutions to the problem of Health Card ftaud. On Sunday afternoon February 12, 1 will be coacbing the Ontario Legiskaters Hockey Team at St. Mikes Arena iu Toronto against tbe Toronto Celebrities in a gaine to raise funds for the Toronto Ortliopedic & Arthritic Hospital'. increased cails for service with a reduction in employees. Officers now work roughly twelve hour days. To belp the force wîtb patrol problems, proposais for a parents organization to belp with problem times like Halloween or the opening night of fishing season, Bill Hesiuk of R.R, #3 Bowmanville made a request for a traffic light to be installed at the corner of Holt's Road and Hwy. 2 just west of Bowmanville. He dlaims that driving across the highway, or when farm equip- ment is involved, is almost impossible during the busy periods of the day. He told council that he bas waited up to twenty minutes to be able to turn. Farm equipment frequently crosses the road at the intersection. Council bas decided to discuss this matter furtber. As coach 1 get the cbance to tel tbe Premier to get moviug or sometiuing like that. The Toronto team is alleged to bave Doug Gilmour on their side! Tickets are only $5. Keep Marcb 22nd open. On tbat evening tbe Ontario Legiskaters will be playing in Uxbridge against a teain of local selects (municipal politicians and media types perbaps?) to raise funds to purcbase special equipment for tbe Uxbridge Hospital, Port Perry Hospital and Bowmauville Memorial Hospital. Larry O'Connor, MPP for Durham York wilI be assisting me that evening with the coacbing duties. More, announcoments will follow dloser to date of the gaine. To caîl a member of tbe Legislature a '"liar" is taboo. How about saying, "the Honourable members is being somewbat economical with the truth". Would the Speaker accept tbat is tbe question? Until next week - age isn't about years - somne are boni old, and some nover grow so. Don't Be Late For Glass! Register Now for High School Credits In An Aduit Environment THE CENTRE FOR INDIVIDUAL STUDIES 1 2226 Maple Grove Road North 46: The Northu-berhd-CIarington Board of Education leadersin Learnng 623-6505 New Classes Beginning February 6, 1995 SHOP AROUND, GET YOUR BEST PRICE THEN CALL US FOR YQUR BETTER PRICE We use the futi 7% G.S.T. Credlit to give you the maximum $$$ for your Tradle-In. Toit Fre e from Area Codies 905, 416 or 705 at 1-800-36148154 or local catis 885-8154 --a t' i i ~ ~ I Le] ~ V~ I Miel ~i M ~ ~i I U kSYd ~ FRANK LAUIA PONTI IAC Bi U1I 11[ a v m

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