Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 8 Feb 1995, p. 12

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( 1~ - Omno We.kly Tlme.~, Wedné~fty, Psbruaiy B~ 1~9B )~ WINTER FIRST AID AND SAFETY TIPS Thrills, chilis and... spilis (NC)-Tbrills are a hig part of winteî sports, whether youre skating. sknng, or snowmobiling. But alon2 with the excîtement come the chilIs of our -reat Canadian winter. And if vou're not careful. you could take some nasty sptlls on the ice. hilI or trail. The satety experts at St. John Ambulance bave some good news: more than 90 per cent ot injuries are preventable. Here are some tips to keep you in shape for fun this winter. Use your head-and cover it up! You cao avoid many of the hazards of the winter wonderland by using common sense. - Several layers of loosc-fitsing clothing keep you warmer than one thick constrictive item. You cati lose a lot ot heat from your head, hands and feet so keep themt covered. If you feel uncomfortably warm, open your jacket-but keep your hat on! *Any moisture on x'our skin increases your loss of body heat, so try to keep dry. But if you fali through the ice, don' t sake off your wet clothing until you have someshing to change into or you're in a warm place. *If you're out on a frozen lake, river or pond, make sure the ice is at least four inches thick for skating and six inches thick for snowmobiling. Look for warning signs and obey them. And stay off the ice when break-up ime approaches in the spring. - Don't face winter alone. Take a friend when you go skating, skiing, tobogganing or snowmobiling. If you have to go alone, make sure someone knows your rýoute and when te, expees you back. Check the weather forecast- and don't stay out to0 long. .1Is Jack Frost nipping at your nose? If you're nos careful, he'll go for your face, fingers, cars and toes too. If you'rc frostbitten-your skin will feel white and waxy-wait until youre inside to thaw out so there's no chance of refreezing. Warm your frost-bitten parts gradually; don't rub them. The best kind of heat is body heat; you could warmn your hands, for example, by stuffing themn in your armpits. You could also ry breashing on the frost-bitten area. If the skin is blistered, carefully apply sterile dressings. If your skin fecîs cold anid hard, it may be frozen solid. Go to- a hospital where you can thaw out under medical supervision. Cool moves on the siopes For sheer exhilaration, there's nothing like downbill skiing. But don't forget about safety, or you mighs get carried away -literally. ýRememher: " Cet ready for the ski season by doing conditioningexercises. " Check your binding releases betore your first run. "Keep to, familiar slopes, and don't push yourself beyond your limits. "Ask for help, if you need it, on tows and lifts. Skiing in traffic Tbcre arc more people than ever on the slopes. Hilîs tend to be over-groomed and skis are longer shan they used to be, so many people don't realize how fast they're goîng. The resoIs iv more collisions. So ski dctensively. " Stay in control so you can stop or swerve t0 avoid biting other skicrs (or trees!). " Don't stop in the middle of a traîl or in a spot where you aren't visible fromt above. " Yield to other skiers when you're entering a trail starting downhill. " Ohey aIl sigos and rules. And stay off closed trails. Dashing through the snow Every winter, people die in snow- mobiling accidents. Studies show thait 80 per cent of' these victiîns had heen drinking. Alcohol and siownobiles just don't inix. Besides stayîng sober, there are other ways you cao avoid snowinobiling injuries. *Always wear a belmiet and eye and tace protection. " Dion't wear anything (like a loose scarf) that could gel cauight iii the snnwînobile belt sor (ontrees. - Make sure your machine is working well and bas enough gas, " Cross ighways. railways and ce with great caution. " 1)00 t drag your t oot when you i(uni corners. " Stick (oc lamiliai and wcll-gioonmcd trails whcre yon Woni't collîde uncxpcctedly wîth snow covered rocks. lence posts. te ncecwirîîîg and ( et i eady loi anothier excit îîg se.ason of' w i nîc spor ts by wax irng your skis. sliarpenýiiiig y or skates and takiiîg a course iii tirsi aid and saietly. St John Aînbuliece Nature's perfect diet ingre dentf by Dallas Clouatre, Ph.D. (frC) Losing weight is hard to do. Most experts will tell you to get plenty of exercise and eat a reduced-calorie, low- fat diet. Fine. We've ail tried that with varying degrees of success. We've also tried diet pilis, diet clubs, diet foods, diet programns. diet this and diet that, but none of these man-made solutions seem to be able to resolve this largely man-made problem. Now, nature may be able to, do what man has not-cure obesity safely and naturally. As science and nature merge, new discoveries have unearthed natural remedies for cancer (Taxol frorn the Yewv tree), heart disease (Digitalis from Foxglove), and now, possibly, obesity. Research by the pharmaceutical giant Hoffmann-La Roche and others have found that a rare natural compound caled (-)hydroxycitric acid (HCA) can curb appetite, inhibit fat and cholesterol production, and increase energy levels- without chemnical stimulants or artificial ingredienis. HCA is an organic acid similar to, citric .acid, ýwhich is found in oranges and soda pop. But unlike citric acîd, which is plentiful throughout the plant kingdom, HÇýA is limited to, only a few plant species\called Garcinia native to Southero Asia. The fruit of Garcinia has been used for, centuries in native food preparation as at spice and to make meals more "filling."ý HCA is extracted from the fruit rind of Garcinia. The (-) form of HCA (indicating a particular molecular configuration) is the naturally-occurring formi which exhibits HCA's potent weight loss properties, as reported on over 100 television news programs. In addition, acute toxicity studies show that HCA is as safe as citric acid. For these reasons, somne people are calling HCA "nature's perfect diet ingredient." HCA can help curb appetite and inhibit fat production HCA works by temporarily in- hibiting ATP-citrate lyase, the key metabolie enzyme in the body res- ponsible for converting carbohydrate into fat. Whcn food is eaten, calories which are not immediately used for energy are stored in our muscles and liver in the form of a special starch called glycogen. If we over eat. excess calories are convertcd to fat and cholesterol with the help of ATP-citrate lyase. By inhibiting ATP-citrate lyase, HCA decreases fat and cholesterol production and increases glycogen formation. It is believed that filling glycogen stores sends a satiety signal te, the brain telling your body it's fol, thus suppressing appetise and reducing tood intake. Animal studies have shown that HCA can reduce fatty acid production by 40-70 % tor eight to twelve hours following a mneal. One study showed that people taking t-CA for two months lost an average of more than Il pounds and reporcd reduced appetite and Family planning (NC)-Many famiilies do 'n't address eider care issues until an aging parent or other relative is sudidenly hos- pitalized. There are a number of important questions to consider in planning the future. " Who will be the primiaiy caregiver? " How will caie responsibilities be divîded anion- faînily nienibers or other caî egiveis? " How wîil i nformat ion bc shared between tainily memibers and the healîh care tean " Under what circunistances would tlic tam i ly'nlt)ve the agi ng par>ent i ilto an extended-care flîcili ty 2 " How can the tant ily st i nanicia I resourices bc used wisely? " VVhat is ftle current stattis andi location oi the parent's will and i nftormat ion about the executor?) Thius i nfIormnation is sponso.red by- thi e Rcgstei-ed Nuises' Association os ()ntario. a hi oad network of' îegýister-ed noises who arc the str*one., credible voice leadîng tlle nursino Profession to idvoca.ttc.loir c. îthy public. pslicy in tlie provincec. Stress reducers t NC)-l10w to cope with stress? Listed below are unine techniqunes for redLcing stress. You iniogbt want to t ry aI I oit hemi to lt nd the oneés t bat woî k best t'or you. 1 <. De.I)ep breathi ng is one o the best sîîess bîîsing techniques. Take. 'j, 7 c- As part of a complete diet plan, HCA may help you contraI appetite and inhibit unwanted fat. NC increased energy along with fewer cravings fur swects. HCA is flot a chemnical stimulant UCA also has the advantage that it is nos a stimulant. Most appetite sup- pressants work by stimulating the central nervous system. This often leads to side effects such as nervousness, insomnia, depression, hypertension and rapid heart rate. The body also tends to develop a tolerance towards stimulants, which eventually renders them in- effective. HCA won't resuit in tolerance or cause the side effects associated with these compounds. HCA is a nutritional ingredient which cao be found in a wide variety of natural health and dietary produets, but check labels carefully. Look for the (-)hydroxycitric acid content, not just *'Garcinia,"~ which may contain as little as 2-3% HCA. Guaranteed potency pro- ducts, such as CitriMax contain 50% HCA. This means that 1,000 milligrams of CittiMax contains 500 milligrams of HCA. As part of a complete diet plan, UCA may help you lose weight safely, effectively and naturally. For maximum weight Inss, supplement ycnr diet with HCA 30 to 60 minuses befote meals.i Dose of between 250 to 1,000 milligrams of HCA taken three times per day work best. Free brochure Nu-Life, the manufacturer of Nu Body, a product containing guaranteed potency CitriMax, bas developed an informative brochure about HCA. as well as information about the availability ot HCA, For information caîl Nu-Life Vitamins at 1-800 NUBODY4. Dr. Cloutarre, a graduate qotSrantôrd Universit 'v inCaliornia, is ci hcalî'h educ.aror and? auorof utAti-Fat Nutrients and The Diet acnd Healsh I3enefït.s ofJHtA (HývdroxYCitric Acid). for 7 seconds. then let it out slowly through your moutb. Do this three to six times. 2. Sauile. Your mnood cao stress or relax you. If you smile, you'll feel better about yourself. and chances are people wiII smile back. 3. Lau gh. A sense of humour is your best defencee against stress. 4. Let jr aont. Always keeping- your frustration locked inside will show on the outside. Instead. shink about a particuîarly stressful situation Iter. Uiiacknowledged tension will eat you up. but delaying your reaction cao be construictive-you'*re iin control, 5. Tale a I-iniuite cac.atjon. Pictître yostrself anywbere youi'd love to be. doing somnething for fun-but onîy for a minute or two. Losing aIl sense of lime andI place cau help case your stress. 6. Relax. When you tighten your muscles. yc.u hc.id in tension. lnstead, try isoinetries: relaxing specîfie muscles or muoscle groips. 7. Os)tacize. Organize your pritîrities ai woî k and at hom1e to give you a sense of control. 8. Tic/I. positive. Constantly talking negative wtlI only reantot ce your stress. so vent your ainger atnd fruistra- tion iin positivec ways,. Shai gwib o workers will hclp yc.u gains new ideas for batidl ing si nilar ones. c. laki, a ciltlh breakI..Make yc.ur normnal breaks itito stress hireaks. Consitler wal ki ng ouîSic.e o 01ttsiti- with youireyes closec. for a few inlitintes. Bring bealthy stnacks and juice tii woî k iiistead of 1c.tik food. Thîis inilonatioii is spoiisored by the Reý,istcrec. Nurses' Association otf Onîtario. a hi oad ntewo.rk oif recisterec. nurtises w ho are the strouio. credible v oice ae ili ale frnur-sing epirofessionIoti adNoateforlicaltliy public policy iii tlle pirovincec. NEVER<AAN a War AmnPs vice eieOsefe 27 R rjd rv ris Tcr (13) 731-3821 ( 1-00-2e8882 THE CATERING CONNECTION SOCIAL CATERERS T N Our Speciallty Family Style Roast Beef Dinner Wedings- Anniversaries- Business Functions Hockey, Baseball- Bowling Banquets HOT - COLI) - BUFFETS FRED, PATRICIA, RODNEY STORSBERGEN Box 416, Orono, Ont. LOB IMO 983-9679 COMPLETE CAR & TRUCK REPAIRS DIESEL ENGINES - CUMMINS, DETROIT & CAT RADIO DISPATCHED TOW TRUCKS MOBILE MECHANICAL SERVICE TRUCK R.R. 1, ORONO, ONTARIO 4 MILES NORTH 0F 401 LOB81 Mo ON HWY. 115&36 PHONE (905) 983-9151 * Z A*, -1 BALLS RADIO & T.V. REPAIR REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W T.V.s AND V.C.R.s P.0, Box 27 R.R. 2, Orono, Ont. (905) 983-5721 MSARu KARATE rlC L UB tm SHORIN-RYU Classes for Chîldren and Aduits NowAalbl. atIlAt Sple Rick Jones, Newtonville 905-786-2793 NNorihouit Elliott f)E Funeral Homne THOUGHTFULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A Family Owned Business, Offering: Traditional Funeral Services Prearranged & -Prepaid Services - Cremation Arrangements Alternatives to Traditional Funerals - Out of Tobwn Shipping Cory Kuipers - President 53. Division Street Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 2Z 623-5668 OFF STREET PARKING GANARASKA LEATHERCRAFT Phone ahead or by chance 8335 Hwy. 351115, Orono LOB 1 MO (905) 983-9540 401 I . . ... . . . . . . . . . . m

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