Toronto recently io receive the seconds and one third placement îhre awards for excellence in in three of the sixteen categories. Economie Development, two The awards were presented by the Clarington winner of three Ontario Excellence awards The Municipality of Clarington received threo awards for excellence in Economic Development at the Annual Economic Developors Council of Ontario (EDCO) "Ontario Marketing Awards" Competition. Clarington received second place honours for its Development Brochure and the "Clarington Day at the Ext The House That Jake Buit" special event. Clarington also won a third place honour for its newsletter "Report On Clarington". Thero were over 197 entrios li 16 categories. "The success of our Economic Development 'efforts continue," said Mayor Hamre, "These awards clearly indicate that we're Thoughts From The Top: 1What lies ahead for semester two? Cover Stoîy: Everything (has become) quiet since the exams. But when sehool starts up again on February 2nd there should ho something to talk about. First off, Clarke wilI have 10 gel used to their new classes. Thon on Wednesday, February 8, the final report cards from Semester One wilI bc handed out. Student council wilI bc kceping up1 the trend for the csteemed Valcntine's.Day. In thc works is the Valentine Dance, Spirit Days and a Valcntinc's Candy Gram Carnation Sale, where students send carnations Io cach other. l's also a good way for thc school t10 make money. Rumor bas it, student counicil is preparing somcething major for thte end of February. Al 1 bave heard is that it's going 10 bc an cxciting event. heading li the right direction. Economic Orowth, Prosperity and Jobs, that's what the Economie Development Office is working toward. I also extend my thanks to many local businesses that have participated in our marketing program. Thes awards arc vcry much a reflection of their tine and effort-" "I'm pleased that our programs have been recognized for excellence by the Provincial Council", said Economic Development Officer Todd Lotts, "Whaî's more important though is that the message be reinforced that Clarmngton is a great place to do business.* These excellence awards reinforce that message." Clarke sports and the mu sic departmnent are heating things up in February with hot competition and rock hard performances. 1 will keep you updated on al the major events of semester 2 in future columns. Critic's Corner: "I think Carnation sales at Clarke is a good idea and 1 hope that il is successful."- John Kwaschen. Lotsa Complaints: "I like the Carnation idea better than the candy gram idea because thecre is a iittle more thoe h it it." - Decek Barton. isemansAdie "lt's good thcy brought back the carnation sales. The last time they sold them 1 was in grade 9, 1 think they wilI selI wel with proper marketing anid positive support" Famnous Last Words: 1Curiosity takes us over thc hill, only to find ... another hill. Far-away Fiolds There is a saymg that far-away fields are greener and no doubt il was wiîh this in mind that Bill Bunting and 1 left Orono early Sunday morning for the shores of Lake Ontario in Burlington. It has been reported , off and on, that the lake frontîng the Burlinglon area doos attract a lot of diving ducks during the winter and we would have hoped that Scoters and possibly an Eider or two would be included. With some side-trips along the way it was late morning by the time we arrived in Burlington. Unlike the Clarington area where sunny skies did prevale the lakefront at Burlington was in a bit of a haze nol the best to sight birds out some distance in the laite. No Scoters, or Eiders but thousands upon thousands of Common Goldeneye both near shore and out a fair distance into the lake. Possibly the most noteable inc ident of the tip had tn lbe the prevalence of Red Tail hawks in a distance of five kilomneters of 401 in west Mfississuagua on our trip home. We counted twelve within this distance perched in trees beside the highway -and it is most likely that we missed others. The habitat in titis particular area is open unfarmed fields which could be home to a good crop of mice. The land, we thought, is just waiting to be used for industrial development. JUST PERFECT 1 have often written that a tcmperature of minus 8-is just perfect t0 put on Cross Country skis and take off for the Orono Tree Nursery west lands. The temperature right and of course that made snow condition perfect and the sun was shining - what could bc more cnticing. This area following the dcvelopment of a small parking lot for cars off O'Chonski Road is On the cutting edge of excellence with three hits Alunii night at Newcastle It iS Alumni Night at the Newcastle arena on Saturday, February 4th when hockey fans wil bc treated to the antics of the Fiftieth Anniversary of Men's hockey in the Newcastle com- munity. Frank McMullen, one of the first presidents of the league wil be on hand, as will other past presidents, ail taking part in the opening ceremonies getting underway at eight p.m. Economic Development Counicil Howard Quinney-cornes, out as of Ontaro. ýcaptain one of the Alumni teains with the other captained by Pat Gardiner of Kendal. The two Alumni teams, al aged over forty, will meet at centre ice at ight p.m. and wil play Iwo periods of hockey or as someone has said, a resemblance 4f of hockey. Following this encouniter two teas of prescrit day players will being well used for recreational tako to the ice to complete the purposes, especially walking. hockey programa for the evening. This was the case again on The price of admission is Sunday afternoon for both right, $2.00 or a donation of walldng and skiing. Non-Perishable Food. I'm always available to address any of your questions, and for your convenience, i- home appountmnents are 1$ avaiable any time! 1 -800-361 -8154 Sales & Leasing !MIFÉITRHOP Clarington counicillors Pat Pingle, Mary Novak and Ann Dreslinski were present in Imps t Whether it's a letterhead, business card or mail-out flyer it is the fn-st impression that counts and gains attention. Look to the Orono Weekly Times for your printÎng needs be it: * Letterheads* Envelopes * Business Cards * Invoices * Bookiet s* ProLgrarns Sce the wide selec tion of papers and ink colour combinalions and do compare our prices. Orono Weekly Times Phone 983-5301 Main St, Orono ............ ..... ...... ......... ...