Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 14 Dec 1994, p. 14

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O1a4 WéekIy TMmea, Wdne àa" Decambéer14,19 J ~ .. . . . .. . . .... .. Deadline for Service Directory -rit Friday Noon SEJ, XTIC ' x U 1Tl 8350 Apple Blossom hope FLOWERS & GIFTS Orono 983-9155 Oshawa 433-2515 We don ljust specialize - We make every order special "Hair With Flair! For LADIES and G EN TS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 Orono Electric Ut. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs- HI-Fis Sales and Service Hotpoînt -R.C.A. Whte Westinghoause Frigidaire -Whrlpaai Waads Freezers Magic Chef- Hoover 983.5108 Barnna Home Check -Vacation Home Checking - Let us make your home look ived in *Wedding Day Services Reliable References INSURED Barb Shetier - In& Cor NE WTN VILLE (905) 786-2996 FLOWERS PLUS FLOWERS G IFTS and CRAFTS 46 King Street East Newcastle, Onario 987-1500 Betty Lycett 983-5908 Wida Midieton 963-9819 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLI N 1 5 George Street, Bowmanville, Ontario 623-4473 GRUNDY'S Country Upholstery Quality Work In Upholstery R.R. 2 Orono, Ont. 983-9874 Bryon Grundy Su~ ~0LJIVWI 4 paR TIt7PaLTiDfl LOWERY - Kevin and Sharon are proud Io announce the bîrth of their daughter Coileen Marie, born on December 2, 1994 at 10: 15 a.m., weîghing 7 lbs. 41/2 ozs., ai Port Hope Hospital. A little sister for Thomas. Proud grandparents are James and Doreen Lowery, Orono and Marina Botsford, Cainpbellford. 7,ac The family of the late Margaret Linton wish te thank friends, relatives and neighbours for their cards, flowers and charitable donations. Special thanks ta Doctors Angl and Shrives, Special Care nurses of Bowmanville Hospital, Morris Funeral Home, Rev. Mervyn Russell and the Orono Rebekahs for lunch after the service. Our sincere thanks Florence Allen and Farily 14,ap OIJTSTANDING BOXING DAY ESTATE AUCTION SALE MONDAY, DECEMBER 26TH il a.m. SeliIng at the Ganaraska Leaftercraft Building 115/35 Hwy. north 20 kms. from 401 or 2 kms south of 35 Hwy. Auction features the exceptional contents from the home and Estate of the late Agnes and Ted Woodyard, long time residents of Orono. Watch next week's paper for partial list, a must attend sale for one and ail. MacGregor & Wst Auctions Mike MacGregor 905-987-5402 Junior West 905-983l-55 14,ac Folk Art Supplies and Classes Studio open Wed. & Thurs. 12 noon - 4p.m. - Other times by appointment - 86 Church St., Orono, Ont. 983-6408 A *Building Supplies and Hardware Barn Steel * Sikkens Stain - Hemiock for Fonces .and Stinus 'A Cntre for A YourBufifr'Q Neeti (705> 2773381 or (905) 434-6665 <eentr08) ON HWY. 36,2 MILES NORT OF HWY. 115 AUCTION SALE Grist MIII Auction Centre Newtonville FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16TH 6:00 p.m. Selling the contents front a Cobourg home including 80 Linited Edition prints from a Gallery Liquidation; pair single beds; queen pmne bed; queen waterbed; dressers; chests; chesterfield, loveseat and chair; occasional tables; 5 pc. brass dinette;, 4 color T.Vs; 3 stereos (Lloyds, Hitachi, Yorx); desks; lamps; Apple Computer; occasional chairs; sewing machine; vacuums; VCR; crocks; dlocks; pictures; books-, garden tools; electric mower; gas mower; gas barbeque; dog kennel; rototiller; counter sink, 2 deacon benches; small bar fridge; and numerous other articles; prints by Romance, Bateman, Serrey-Lester, Lesperance, Kingsland, Casson, etc. Also signed sport photos by Carter. Potvin, Gilmour, Beliveau, Bower, Hull, Clark, etc. This is a large auction with 2 auction blocks operating and startingat 6:00 p.m Sharp. Great Christmas Ideas- Jomn Us For The Fun! TERMS: Cash Approvod Choque, Visa, Interac ,AIJCTIONEER Frank Stapleton 905-786-2244 14,ac DENNEY, Marg (nee Miller) - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville on Friday, December 9, 1994 in her 76th year. Marg, loving compantion of the late Jack Gray. Loving mother of Elaine Werheid, John Jr. and Wayne. Dear grandmnother of Joe Werheid and his wife Barbara, Michael Werheid and his wife Tracey, David Werheid, Marc Werheid, John Denney and Richard Denney. Lovingly remembered by 5 great- grandchildren. Dear sister of Doug Miller and his wife Dorothy, Bruce Miller and his wife Dorothy, Beatrice and her husband John Morissette, Audrey and her husband Fred Holroyd. Friends were able to caîl at the Morris Funeral Chapel, 4- Division St., Bowmanville on Sunday. Funeral service was held in our Chapel on Monday at il a.m. Interment Bond Head Cemetery, Newcastle. Donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be gratefully appreciated. 14,ac WOOD, Wesley R. (0f Orono) - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville on Saturday, December 10, 1994 ini his 92nd year. Wes, beloved husband of Myrtle (Hmncock). Dear father of Dick and his wife Ruth of Maple Grave, Keith and bis wife Helen of Kendal, Ralph of Orono, Boyd and his wife Doreen of Orono, Norah and her husband Paul Hetherington of Oshawa. Loving grandfather of 9 grandchildren and 15 great- grandchildren. Friends were able to caîl at the Morris Funeral Chapel, 4 Division St.. Bowmanville on Monday. Funeral service was held in our Chapel on Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. Spring interment Orono Cemetery. Donations to Memorial Hospital Foundation or the charity of your choice. 14,ac ~ , ~ B.M. Bradley' SWELDING LIMITED (905) 983-6753 "Mobile Service Truck» GENERAL REPAIR - HEAVY EGUIPMENT CUSTOM FABRICATION * GENIERAL CONTRACTING BRUCE BRADLEY ORONO] SHEET METAL DESIGNS Custom Made Shoot Metai Work Gaîvanized, Stainiess Steel or Black iron Tig and Arc Weldîng î , Barclay Crozior Stephen Crozier 983-9311 983-6301 IIF YOU CAN DRAW IT, WE CAAI MAKE IT CLASSIFUED' MARKETPLACE "Advertise Across Ontario or A cross the Country" BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FACTORY DEALERS NEEDED. Income $800-$1000 weekly. Con- tact retailers, take orders, we ship & bil customers. Sampes investment $233.17, begin immediateiy. Show N' Teli 1-800-581-9988. EMPLOYMENT OPPS. INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL EXCHANGE - Ages 18-30 with agni- cultural, experence to live/work with family in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Japan. Costs/detaîls- 1- 800-263-1827. #206, 1501 17 Ave., S.W., Calgary, AB, T2T 0E2. FLEA MARKETS CALABOGIE FLEA MARKET open Sundays 10-5. Nostaigia, antique fumiture, botties, tools, glassware, cracks, books, crafts, collectables. Vendors welcome. Now open Coun- try Corner Gifts, Collectables. Cal 1-613-752-2468, SMITHS FALLS FLEA MARKET, 613-283-8448 every Sunday 9am- Spm year rounid. A real inside fiee market, good clean merchandise from cratts ta collectables, solid Wood fumiture. SALES HELP WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ make a lot ot money selîîng chocolate bars n your ares in your spare time. Nothing ta pay in advance, fast delivery 1-800-38-DELUX.- CANADAS LARGEST CALENDAR and promotion advertising. company needs self-starters ta seil ta local businesses. Up ta 33-on-(A), 13-on- (G) for Expenienced Agents. ODon- nelI-DRG 487-16, Westney S., Ajax, LI S 6W8. 905-427-8520. SUPPLEMENT '<OUR INCOME. Home-based part-time business. Earn in excess of $1 ,500/month ser- vîcing regular pet food customers. No door-to-dloor or MLM. Minimum învestment requîred 613-825-2754. MISCELLANEOUS POETRY CONTEST $24.000 in prizes yearty. Possible publication. Send one original poem 20 lies or less: National Library 0f Poetry, Box 704-1367, Owings Milis, Md 21117. MUSICAL INTEREST LEARN TO PLAY Musical Instru- ments the new, easier way, with Self Teaching Vîdeo Tapes. Free cata- logue. Best prices on ail musical 361-3323. PERSONALS IMPOTENCE EASILY corrected. Overcome ail erection problema caused by agîng, surgery, meýdîca- tions, diabetes etc. Get the facts: Performance Medicai, Box 418, Valemount, B.C. VOIE 2Z0. 1-800- 663-0121. SINGLE? Dîscover how.thousands have met, fallen in love or marnied through TOGETHER. Cali us today and get a great relatîonship Togeth- erl 1-800-667-0117. WHAT MAK ES PEOPLE TICK? Find out! Buy DIANETICS: The Modern Scienice of Mental Health - AS SEEN ON TV - $39.59. Cai 1- 800-661-5808. REAL ESTATE IMAGINE OWNING/LEASING your own 2 or 3 bedroom cottage on waterfront, 9 cottages ta choose from starting ait 126,200 AIli are fur- nîshed, children's play ares, swim- ming, boat rentais, east of Toronto, 1-905-662-6533. GOT A CAMPGROUND member- ship/timeshare? We'll take if1 Ameni- ca's largest, oidest resale clearing- house. Resort Sales International 1- 800-423-5967, Tîmeshare rentais needed. Cali 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS .. .Straight sîded quansets. 20x4O $3,675,00. 25x30 $2,999.00. 25x44 $4,488.00. 30x42 $5,144,00. 30ý56 $6,859.00. 35x60 $8.269.00. 40x54 $7,944.00, 40X88 $12,944.00. Ends aptional. Pioneer 1 -800-668-5422. SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS LTD. - Top Ouality Straightwali Wood/Steel & AI I/Steel Buildings, CSA Certîfied, Workshaps, Barns, Arenas. Stables, Etc. Large or SmaiI, Contractîng & Fînancing Avaîlabie, 24 hou me 1-800-561-2200. STEEL BUILDINGS - QUONSETS 25'x30' $2,179.00, 33'x36' $3,741.00, 35'x5O' $6,037.00, 42'x56' $7,157.00, 45'x66' $7,894.00, 48'x80' 110,588.00, 50'xloO' $14,970-00. Many ta choose tram. Ends aptianal. Future 1-800-668-8653 DURA BUILDING SYSTEMS - Win- ter Special - Standard buildings for delivery in Jan u ary, February or f March - 10% discount. Lîmited tîme offer. Visît us at 8100 Lawsan Rd., Milton or caîl 1-800-663-7538. - ItIs Affordable - It's Fast , ItIs Easy - One Bill Does It AUl -Northern Ontario $63- Eastern Ontario $91 -Western Ontario $162 - Central Ontario $168 -AIl Ontaro $380) -National Packages Avaitable - Caîlttins paper for detaits' 1994 Deer Hunt - Warm Weather - Success? Hunters expectations for a successful deer hunt in the Northumberland, Peterborough and Victoria Counties' six day shotgun season were high this year. The November 7th, laie than usual opening should have had deer on the move due ta cooler temperatures and it being thc peak of the rut or breeding scason. Even though the rut was on, war above season temperatures kept deer bedded down most of the day. Groups of bu nters who were able ta get deer up and moving were more successful than individuals. Conservation officers checked 796 hunters in the field. The hunters had harvested 91 deer resulting in an 11 percent success rate. This is a little lower than last year's 14 percent. Forty (40) percent of thc harvest based on preiminary deer jaw teturns were fawns. This is avcraging a little higher than last year's 32 percent and indicates that even though we had a several wiîîter last year and coyote populations arc high there was good-fawn production in the spring of 1994. Final statistics on the 1994 deer hunt should bc available carly in 1995. Conservation Officers laid 41 charges against hunters involved in illegal activities. A majority of these charges inclstded hunting without a deer licence, having a Ioaded firearmn on the roadway and trespass. The Miiistry of Natural Resources reminds hunters to be familiar with ail the current hunting regulations. Should you have aniiîto;question we encourage you to obtain a copy of the 1994/95 Hunting Regulation Summary available at your local hunting supply store, licence issuer or local NM office. Women in Abuse Relaionships For HeIp Cal "The Denise Hou,, For Women and Childre'i TORi Free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-73 11 Confidentially Assured If you want to drink, Thats your business. If yuu want ta stop, cal Alcoholics Anonymous Lakeshore Districts (416) 728-1020 r- STAFFORD- MONUME 143 Kîng St. Bowmanville, Olnt:-,.,:, ,Phone 623-8150-- OUT OF TOWN CALLTOLLFREE 1-800-461- 4848 GRANITE MONUMENT91., MARKERS and CEMETERý LETTERlkel .,ý,?,RIVATE HOME -'SHOWROO PPOINTME L -a iRy Xv: à

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