Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 7 Dec 1994, p. 2

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2- Orono WeekIy TImes,~ Wodnesday, Docember 7~, 1994 Qw*no W:ý;eef 1m~ Pubfirations Mai] Regisraton N.o, 0368 PUbishng 7 Isues MnuI at the office or publCatin 5 10 Main Street, Oron o, Ontario L.OD 1 Mo Tolephone 10351 And Off WeGo It is something like a renewal, maybe even a rebirth, with school boards, municipal councils and Hydro Electric Commissions holding their inaugural meetings and voicing their approach to the future. The municipality of Clarington appears to have a considerable amount in its bag as for capital projects over the next three years and as outlined the tax level is expected to be a level run over that saine period of drne. The school board faces possible implications fron the Fair Tax Commission as well as from the comning report from the Royal Commission On Learning. Both most interesting features that involve Uic educational system and thc future of Uic pres ent youngcr generation. The local Hydro Electric Commission is not to be left out with their eye on possible expansion into thc turf of Rural Hydre. It just may be that we will be facing more decision-making from these thrce bodies than has been seen in the past. Many of the propo sals do corne at a considerable cost and ail costs do put pressure on taxation and fées. It is ail innocent at this time but it could be that some of die proposals will be accomplished whilc others could still be hanging around at the end of Uic thrce year terni. We do wish everyonc well in their deliberations during their threc year terni of office. We can expect Uic general public to be conccrned with costs of boUi a capital and operational nature. Behind the Eight Bal No matter what is said cable users are behind Uic cight ball whcn it cornes, to controlling costs of cable television service. Within thc next month these costs will risc close to $4.00 a month for an additional seven stations. To kecp some of the few popular stations at Uis point one has to take Uic seven new prograins even whether Uiey are wanted or not. All Uic blarne cannot be dircctcd te thc Cable companies but they certainly share in Uic rising cost of television reception. Wc know that any advancemcnt in numbers is a cost to be borne by someone and in thc end it cornes down to Uic vicwer and always will. The glowing words of ncw visions spoken before Uic Canadian Radio-telcvision and Telecommunications Commission over Uic past years wcre all at Uic cost of Uic vicwer who now closes out or pays up Newcastle resident appointed (Continued frorn page 1) Govemnors is comprised of 17 members. Twelve are appointed by Uie Council of Regents from nominations representative of Uic college regions; four member again appointed by Uic Council of Regents tollowing individual elections by Uic college's student body, academic and support staff. The college president is an, ex- officio voting member of the board. Members are appointed for three years and may bc reappointed for a further thre years. Hamre outines municipal objectives (C ontinued froin page i) tourism. The mayor said it would bc Uic challenge to do alI this without increaSing taxes. "The next threc years wiil bc a challenge" said Mayor Hainre, "but facing and dealing with these challenges wiil enable us te have a positive, exciting and proud future. Kendal Column by Phyllis Lowery The mild weather is still witb us, although it doesn't belp one feel like doing their Christmas shopping Uic moisture is certainly welcome on Uic land, pcrhaps it will help those whose water levels in their wells are getting preUy low. 1Sunday was another dull day but it was good to sec a good turnout at church. Botb Ian Savage and Rcv. Black were back with us this week. Ian's trne with us is getting short, we will miss both his part in Uic service and bis beautiful singing voice. We hope that he will continue te bc part of our congregation untîl be gets a cburch of bis own. Wherever be seutles the area will be alI the better for bis presence. The service opened witb the hymn, "0f The Father's Love Begotten". Ian led in the Invitation to Worsbip and-the Prayer of Approach. The Candie of Hope was lit by Don Peddar and thc readings, were gîven by Shauna and ber father Don. The cbildren gatbered the White Gifts from the congregation and placed thern at the base of the Christmas tree. Rev. Black talked about the symbols on the trec, he asked themn what they noticed, Uicy said the star. He asked thern what they thought of when they saw the star? He told thern that maybe, when Jesus was a little cbild their age, His mother, told Him the story of bow the star shone s0 brigbt and it led Uic wiscmen and the shepherds to wbcrc He was born. They noticed the butterfly, David told Uicm Uiat ic beautiful butterfly started out as a caterpillar, that crawled on the ground, it was reborn as a butterfly Uiat could fly. The dove, Uiis is a symbol of peace and hope. Noah sent birds out from the arc and it was a dove that came back bearing an olive branch telling Noah Uiat Uic wvater was reccding. The hymn, "Once Upon A Turne They Wcnt" was sung. The scripture was Luke 2.1-7. Rev. Black told us to forget everything that we have ever beard of Uic Christmnas stories and hear Uic words of Luke. Close your eyes and picture, Mary, Joseph and the donkey wben they reached Bethlehem. They were probably very ired, as Mary's Urne was so near, Uiey had probably had to travel slowly. Picture Joseph as be stood knocking at Uic door of Uic inn, Uic door opens a crack, you can alrnost bear Uic innkeepers words, no rooms left. Then as bc looks at Mary standing by Uic donkey be tells thern that Uic only place is Uic stable, take it or leave it and siains Uic door. Picture the scene, the dirty stable and anirnals. How do you sec it after Uic birth of Jesus? Sec it as Uic wisemnen saw it and as Uic shepherds saw it. Luke is Uic only one to write of Uic bùirh of Jesus as a hurnan. There are other accounts of Jesus in Uic Bible but not of H-is birUi. Where did the s tory corne froin? Luke doesn't mention the mnnkceper, only a stable wherc he says Mary laid Jesus in the manger. No wherc in the Bible is Uic innkceper mentioned, yet we picture him as cold and hcartless. Before we condemn him, let's look at a modern day situation. When you have been travelling and you corne to a motel, a botel or a campground and you sec a no vacancy sign, you do not blame ic keeper if you have not made reservations ahead of âime.' Have you ever been in a situation like this? Finally someone takes pity on you and finds you shelter, That is what Uic innkceper did for Mary and Joseph. He was not unkind to them, he was compassionate. Close your eycs and picture hum leading Uiem to Uic shelter, telling Uiem that it was not mucb but it was the best he could do, he brought them frcsh straw. He gave Uicm Uice bcst he had. That is what God did, He gave us lis best, lis only son, who betwcen His birtb as a human howe 5d us ic ayto - le. 'Mis Christmnas, will we foilow in Uic innkeepers stcps and give of the very bcst we have, to others? The hymn, "Wise Men Secking Jesus" was sung. The Prayer of Self- Examination and the Words of Assurance wcre given. Communion was servcd. The closing hymn was "Make Us 0 God a Church".* We were sorry to learn of Uic passing of Alfred Elliott, a former resident of the Kendal arca, hc was a brother of Reg Elliott. We are glad to hear that Audrey Gauthier is recovering from ber fail, she has bad te be in Uic hospital for Uic past 3 monUis but is now at home. We hope to sec ber out and about ini Uic near future. Saturday evening Newtonville United Church presented the County Town Singers, a Whitby based chorus. This was an evening of wonderful Christmas mnusic. I strongly suggest that if you ever get a chance to hear these singers, do so, you can tell that as rnuch as you arc enjoying thern, thecy are enjoymng singing te you, a beautiful blend of voices. There will bc no service at Kendal on Christmas Day or on Ncw Years Day so look for your 1995 envelopes on Sunday, December 18Ui. There will be a cornbined St. Saviour 's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO. ONTARIO Interlm Mlnister: Rev. Robert Hartley 983-9639 SUNDAY SERVICE, SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH GROUP 9:30 a.m. service ot the Newtonville Presbytery at Newtenvile Church on Christmnas Eve, 7 p.m. Quote . . . "Hometowns sem to be lovcd most by the people who used to live there." ORONO PASTORAL CHLARGE Minister Rev. Dr. Mervyn Russel Marlene Risebrough, Secretary 983-5702 Church Offce 983-5502 UPCOMING SERVICES SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11TH WH]TE GIFF SUNDAY Kirby United Churcli 9:30 arn. Orono United Church 11:00 arn. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18TH Christmas Cantata SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24TH Christmas Eve Services Leskard 6:45 p.m. Orono 8 p.rn. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25TH Christmas Day Services Kirby United 9:30 arn. Orono United 11:00 a.m SUNDAY, JANUARY IST New Year's Day Kirby United 9:30 arn. Orono United 11:00 a.rn. BIBLE STUDY Wednesday, December 7th 8 p.rn. at Kirby United Church EXPLORERS Wednesday, December 7th Kirby United Church 6:30 - 8:00 p.rn. For girls & boys ages 8 - 12 yrs. LOGOS YOUTH GROUP meet Tuesdays 4:00 -,7:00 p.m. Orono United Church. For girls & boys ages 12 -'16 yrs. A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p. Ch ristmas Çffts fForflAd a Timnex Watches a Tiley Biilfolds S Colognes & Perfumne (singles & sets) *Boxed Confecti onary *Shaeffer Pens & Sets Gund Plush For Ail Ages ePhoto Supplies FREE GUND CHILDREN'S DRAW ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5009 m ~y

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