n Orono WeeklyTlmes~~~~ Wedn~ ,Nvmer1,t~ Anew fa.ce at council Regional Councillor Ann Dreslinski who was successful in hier bid for a second terni of office congratulated Pat Pmngle of Bowmanville who will be a new face on council. Mrs. Pingle topped the poli in the Ward Two contest for local councillor winning out over two other Four boys iay in the grass watching wisps of cioud pass overbead. "I'm neyer gonna iss a girl," declares one. "Especially if she kisses me first! " "If one kisses me, I'm not going te be ber friend anymore," one of my sons says. Another son deciares outright: "Kissing is one of the grossest things! Why do girls have te have these ideas, anyway?" I listen, not tea far away, ta, four buddies discussing human reiationship. Smatterings of tbought are woven inta the tal grass wbich tickles their imaginations. "Girls? ,Who needs 'em anyway?", one asks. I guess mothers aren't girls .. . perbaps neyer were in the minds oftheir sons. If tbey were, they certainly wouldn't be the kissing kind. Imagine! Such frivoiity among responsible members of the parenting league is sîmply unacceptable ... unthinkable! When I was small, I seldam saw my parents kiss ... reealiy kiss. Occasionaliy, when Dad left, for work, he and Mom, would sneak around the hall corner at the bottom of the stairs and kiss eacb other good-bye. My brothers and sisters and I would watch from the top of the landing ... Experience and enthusiasm- Ross Metcalf, a resident of the Bowmanville area, bas taken over the position'of organist and choir master at St. Paul's Presbyterian, Church in Port Hope. SFor those tbat know Ress t is., of course, ail experience and. enthusiasim contenders. AI incumbent counicil members with the exception of Carson Elliott retumn for the next three years. Bath Carson Elliott and John O'Toole sougbt the regional seat. O'Tooie won out over Ellioti. Mam and Dad smooching in a dark corner ... just like in the movies! In one breath t was 'grass'. 1I1n another, it was romantic. "I can't watch t, Mom!" declares Garrett when he sees kissing. "Oh, please, tell me when i's over! " - 1 But when I tuck them in bed, if's kisses and hugs ail round. 1 transform into the kissing monster, and they demnand more than there are in the entire universe. Last week an athiete who had heard of the power of hugs and kisses in defraying an argument tried it on a opponent in the field. When fisticuffs broke out, he determined ta put a quick end ta it by kissîng the aggressar. His strategy worked! Immediately, thebatte cameto ahat . .and SO did the players' time on the field. Apparently, this kind of conduct is unacceptable... kissing is verboten! The kissing kops are out there . doing their darndest te prevent any of that nonsense firom taking place. Maybe that's why some folks kiss in dark corners... smoocb in silence in closets.. breathlessiy neck in the back seats of their parents' Pontiacs... biding their passions from prying eyes. Brothers jailed for eleven years Two Port Hope broibers have been sentenced te jail for a ttal of eleven- years for crimes at two area gas bars. A- hand-gun was used in the Bewdieyga s bar hold- up and accounted for a considérable amnount of time te be spent in jail. 200 attend political night Two candidates seeking the position 'of reeve and four candidates seeking three positions on council were the main and oniy feature attracting 200 Hope Township residents in attending an ail-candidates meeting held in the George Hamilton Public School, Welcome. Five candidates seeking the two positions on the Public School Board were also present ta make their bids ta the rather large gathering. Sentenced to 18 months A Port Hope father was sentenced ta 18 months in jail for setting fire ta his own homes. The judge said its was another farm of wîfe abuse and 'did endanger others, two children. The husband did take the chiidren to his car befare lighting the gasoline that had been spiashed inside the hause. Centre proves most popular The Port Hope Youth Drap-mn Centre bas gone 50 well over the past couple of weeks that the âmne allotment for the centre is being expanded. Instead of being open only one. night a week the centre is now to be open two nights a week, and will continue open ta the end of the year. It wili be up ta the new counicîl ta continue the Tuesday/Thursday program. Ret ired judge dies Il A well-known and respected Port Hope judge for,37 years, Ronald Burr Baxter died at Community Nursing Home at the age of 83 years. Judge Baxter graduated from law school in 1938 setting up a practice in Port Hope. He was then appointed a magistrate of the court in 1941 being the youngest lawyer te be appointed te the position in ibis area. Skylight Do-Nut shop to close A Skyligba Donut shop in the west end of Port Hope bas closed and is moving ta Trenton. The shop was opened- five years ago and operated by Mr. and Mrs. Hoikema for'the past 'Jree years. The Holkema Brothers operate Skylight Do-Nut shops in Bowmanviile, Cobourg and a drive-in on Highway 115 south of Enterprise. Working Together for children On Saturday, November 19 from 9:30 a.m. tili 4 p.m. the Children's Services Council (Durham) is holding a workshop that is ta being the move of Durham's vision for ts children and faniîlies. The vision describes a healthy, caring community where Durhamn families have the resources and support they need. Further information by phoning (905) 433-4100. Technical Horizon program at Durham Durham Coliege North Campus (Uxbridge) is partnering deliver a Tecbnicai Horizons program scbeduled ta start November 28th, 1994. The prograrn is ideal for those wishing ta enter a trade field or the manufacturing industry. The course includes computer training, career assessment, job research technics, blueprint reading, technical math etc. Students will acquire statistical process contrai and team building skiils at Magna International. Applicants must bc collccting Unemployment Insurance. Phone (905) 721-2000, ex. 2117. Mob terrorizes Millbrook Village The usual Hailowe'en shenanigans got out of hand in Millbrook downtown on Haiiowe'en night when an egg throwing episode turned into a brawi. Some 100 youths started throwing eggs at each other and then took after a photographer taking pictures of the incident. When a downtown merchant tried ta intervene he was knocked ta the ground, kickcd, suffering facial cuts with seven stitches required ta close a wound over an eye. Two aduit maies, aged 19, have been charged with assauit. Remaining until mid December Two exciting new exhibits are on display at the Bowmanville Museum and wiil continue on display until the middle of December. The first is Dolîs of the Worid, a display put together by Gladys Ashton and Elien Logan. hI features over 890 dalîs. The second is on railways, in the Marion Wiseman Gallery including train toys, models, posters, etc. osie feolaifm APPOINTMENTS PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD The Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington wilI be considering appointments to the Clarington Public Library Board pursuant ta the Public Lib raries Act. The Board that is appointed wilI be responsible for the administration of public library service in the Municipality of Clarington. Service is voluntary citizen participation and there is no remuneration. COMPOSITION The Board will be comprised of up ta 9 members ta be appointed an the follawing basis by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington: a) Two members shall be persans recommend ed by the Northumberland and Clarington Public School Board. b) One member shall be a persan recammended by the Peterborough-Victoria-Northumberland and Clarington Separate, School Board. c) The remaining members shall be persans nominated and appointed directly by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age, be a Canadian Citizen and a resident of the Municipality of Clarington. If you wish ta be considered for appointment ta the Clarington Public Library Board, as one of the membors nominated and appainted by the Council, application forms are available f rom the Clerk's Department, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville. Completed application forms must be received by 4:30 p.m. an Friday. November 25, 1994. If you wish ta be considered for appointment ta this Board on recommendation of one of the School Boards, please contact the applicable office noted belaw. Northumberland & Clarington Board cf Education 834 D'Arcy Street Cobourg, Ontario K9A 465 905-372-6871 a, MUNICIPALITY OF )lairLnfI±,? ONTARIO Peterborough-Victoria-Northumberland and Clarington Separate School Board 459 Reid Street Peterborough, Ontario K9H 4G7 705-748-4861 Marie P. Knighl, A.M.C.T., CMM Deputy Clerk Corporation of the Municipality cf Claringtan 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LlC 3A6 Dates cf Publication: Wednesday, November 9, 16, 23, 1994 P.O. 5049