Knights .ofOColumbus hold Charter Nit Incumbents faired well In most cases in Clarington it was incumbents, whether in municipal council, the boards of education or Hydre Electric commission, that received thenod from the electorate te serve as another three year terni of office. There was ne real negative issues that held up under scrutiny that would have harmed those i office and as a result they were net sacrificed at the poIls. 'Me past terni bas shown that even in hard times it is possible to tighten the belt and still maintain a good level of service and in most cases there was no indication of a reduction in service. Most candidates during the campaign have indicated a continuation of a level field of taxation indicating that zero increase was part of their platformn. With the economy apparenuly now on the rise the urge to hold the line in taxation may not bc as strong as over the past three years. One can add te this the closing eut of the Social contract or Rae days as most like to cal I the remuneration restraints. There is no doubt that most labour will bc looking for a catch-up boost to salaries and wages and this pressure is sure to cause concerra for the elected if the indicat.ion is to continue te hold the ine. That is alI in the fuiture but one would have te sy it could be a sure thing-. To those returning to office for another three years - congratulations. This return hias to be an indication of satisfaction by the general public. There are somne new faces and te terni there has been a trust in their judgemecnt to continue with the affairs of governing. The percentage tumnout at the polis was down some this election in Clarington . The tumnout count registered in at 34 percentage points. Hlydro issue to heat Up? One of the issues of the recent municipal election was the expansion of service by Ohe Clar-ington Hydro Electric Commission who now service Orono, Newcastle and Bowmanville. The expansion mentioned would have the local commission provide service at least te Courtice and possibly in all of the munici pality. Much depends on legisiation coming eut of Queens Park that is expected to favour such take overs and possibly provide somne foni of funding, for purchase froni Ontario Hydre who now service these areas outside the three centre as mienitioned. The facns on such a miove are somnewhat fuzzîe at the present âmie and no one is sure of the costs and savings that may occur through such a mnove. One would have to guess it will not be a give-away by Ontario Hydro and the province calîs ih hard times with a budget centînuing with a sizeable deficit. There are amalgmnations in the district in C obourg with Coîborne and there is a possibility that( Port Hlope may.join in this forni of operation. Paul Reesor at the Newýcaistle Al-candidates meceting did state that the local commission did have to consider the the benefits of any change as it would affect their prescrit local customners. Paul is now a member of the comminiss ion1. Al aspCtS Of tise eShIOuLICIbe considered and even that of Ontario Hydro becoming the provider of hydre power in the Orono, Newcastle, Bowmainnville areas. This was the case ycars ago in Orono. IndMdualleclion Resuit Thie following are the unofficial figures as recorded on Monday evening with the Municipality of Clarîngton for both counicil, school boards and Hydro, Electric Commission. For Mayor: Diane Hamre 6928, Ana Cowman 5382, Reg Willatts 1254. Ward Three For Local council: David Scott 2108, Bonnie Cunningham 1279. For Regional Counicil: Ann Dreslinskî 1764, Bill Clarke 899, Randy Flint 767. For Public School Boa rd: Bob Willher 18S05, Bey Wakefieldi 1690, Bill Loîgren 863. The Knighit$ of Columbus. St. Francis of Assisi Counicil 11268 held their Charter Night and banquet in the Community Room of the Orono Arena on Saturday evening with two hundred and forty in attendance. The Council was established February 27th, 1994 with membership fromr Clarke Township and Newcastle Village area. William A. (Ted) Molloy, Grand Night, welcomed those presenit to the Charter Night celebration stating that although the counicil was a young council it had already been an active counciL. Special thanks went to Father Vic Valles and the Worthy District Deputy, Bill Poechman, who played major roles in the organization. Thanks was also expressed to the other Counicils in the area for their assistance and especially the Bowmanville council, It was an evening of congratulations from within the Knighlts of Columbus order and fromn the community at large. Charter members from the community include the following: Daniel A. Araujo;, Anthony B. Araujo; Raymond J. Bester; Kenneth R. Boone; Brian M. Bradley; Peter E. Butler; Michael C. Connor, Paul Cranley; Ronald C. Daley;, Mario J. De Sousa Henry Eikens; Leo L. Falconeni; Wayne H. Foote; Joseph G. Frenette; Michael Gilfoy; Terrence Gallagher; John P. Ward Two: For Local Council: Pat Pingle 2345, David Wing 1252, K. Korndrachuk 432. For Regional Council: John O'Toole 1990, Carson Elliott 1418, Marie Hubbard 925. For Public School Board: Mike Slocombe, Gail Syme, Charmaine Dunn and Marc Battle. For Ward One: For Local Council: Mary Novak 2358, Gary Majesky 1676, Phil Manning 874 and Catherine McKecýver 355. For Regional Council: Larry Hannah 2519, Arnot Wotten 1668, Libby Racansky 741, Evert Vough 356. Public School Board: David Gray 2396, Rona Formiosa 1373, Paul Nadeau 1207, Ala Garbo 1058, Mult Dakin 777. Separate Sehool Board: Caroline Burke 1125, Alan Baylis 1013, Cecil Mackesy 7271 and Donna Lucas-Astley 722. For Hydro Electrie commission: George VanDyke 7043, Pauline Storks 6583, Suzanne Elston 6461, Paul Ressor 6010 and Anna van den Hoven 4496. Gorman; Adrien J. Hache; 0. Vincent Hendricks; Kenneth G. Howard; Joseph R. Hughes; Malcolm Kidd; Brian J. Maki; Nick Matesic; Leo T. McCoy; Andrew McSweeney (+); Sean A. Molloy; William A. Molloy; Ted Morrison; Jacek Mrowiec; John Murphy (+); Robert Partington; Douglas A. Ryckman; Paul S. Scott; Dan D. Simmonds, Lou Speziale; Peter Speziale;, Rev. Vicente Valles; Andy C. Van Lith; Marinus Vogels (+); Gordon R. White; Paul A. White; William G. Wilks; Peter M.F. Willems; Kevin R. Wilson; Richard W. Zarobiak, (+) Deceased. Te Stiîn g sites for waste storage (Continued from page 1) thecir say throughi the holding of a referendum. A recent report issued by Oie Federal task Force hias stated that an underground disposal facility (cavern) te hold 1.1 million cubic meores of waste, includîng that in Port Hope, Hope Township and at Port Granby, would croate 15,000 person months of employmnent and pump $15 million into the local economny. Mr. Dennis Wood of Ohe task force lias said that the figures are greatly understated as it dose not include consideration f'or mioney spent in the commiunity by those working on the projcct. It is exP[ected t(hat theý projcct would Continue for ,Ilothler lenl years. St. Saviour 's Anglican ChurchL9 MILL STREET ORO NO, ONTARIO Interlrn Minister: Rev. Robert Hartley 983-9639 SUNDAY SERVICE, SUNDAY SCH0L1 and YOUTH CROUP 9:30 a.m. ORONO PASTORAL <> CHARGE Marlene Risebrough, Secretary 983-5702 Church Offce 983-5502 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20TH Regular Services Kirby United Church 9:30 ar. Orono United Church 11:00 a.m. BIBLE STUDY Wednesday, November l6th 8 p.m. at Kirby United Church EXPLORERS Wednesday, November l6th Kirby United Church 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. For girls & boys ages 8 - 12 yrs. A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30