Ororrn WWeekly Tim.s. Weclnesda:Y, November 16,: 1994 - 13 4 i m 143 Kîng'St. E. Bowmanville, Ontà;:ý,-.-ý Phoriê 623-'81ý.,ë-.kr OUT O.ýj CALLTd'LL'ËiFý GRANITE MARKER %nd CEMETERY LETTERING PRIVATE HOME or SHO WROOM APPOINTMENTS:,,,.. AVAILABLÉ' .: SERVINGALL FI i REFERENCES AVAILABL ON REQUEST Cali today for your free flower vase and winter wreath. VISA ACCEPTED After Hours Call Oshawa 579-1116 SALLY STAPLES associate broker 'Ir/tingcf se((inig? Ca((me for af-ee appraisa( of your property - or to view your poteutia( new home! RmEIMmmAX yCORNERBSTONE realty Itd. realtor 6 23-6'&%00 0 Con LASSI1FI1E D MAR KETP LAC E .Advertise A cross Ontario or A cross the Country" BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MAC TOOLS. JOIN THE FASTESI growing mobile tool company in Canada. Distribuatorships.available in several Ontario locations. Appli- cants should be self-motivated, have technical aptitude and sales 'or business expenience. Free training. Non-franchise opportunity. lnvest- ment requîred. Financing available. Cal Mac Canada Recruiting 1-800- 263-9670. TOTALLY TROPICAL'INTERIORS s looking for hard working, energet- ic self-motivated people. Set your own hours. Enjoy decorating homes with silk plants. Mary (306) 634- 2827, Carol (306) 842-5170. TELECOMMUNICATIONS program pays guaranteed royalties on every-, day service. Unlimited income. Proven marketing system. Risk f ree, professional service, training, no product to buy/selI. Information 1- 800-700-3994. CAR EER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestem School of Auctioneer- îng. Next Class: Nov. 19-25. Infor- mation , contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. EMPLOYMENT OPPS. REQUIRES 3rd YEAR OR LICENCED autobody technician. G.M. experience preferred. Contact Stan Johns, Body Shop Manager, phone 403-532-9333. IN TERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL EXCHANGE - Ages 18-30 with agri- cultural experience to ive/work with family in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Japan. Costs/details - 1- 800-263-1827, #206, 1501 - '17 Ave., 5.W., Calgary, AB, T2T OE2. FOR SALE SHEEPSKIN PRODUCTS. Aus- tralian slippers, boots, gloves, mnitts, hats', rugs, seat covers, coats, mat- tress over-lays. Naturaîîy warm, great giftsi Free brochure 1-800- 667-2261. Dealer inquiries also invited. SALES HELP WANTED IYOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY to buy your X-Mas gifts. Why not sel chocolate bars in yourarea? Special promotion, caîl us now 1-800- 38 DELU X. MA CHERIE LINGERIE!! Catch Christmas Sales excitement! Become a Distributor for high quali- ty, ail-Canadian product. Enjoy inde- pendence, flexibility, unimnited profit potential. Easy to start! 1-800-661- 3305. MISCELLANEOUS POETRY CONTEST $24000 in prizes yearly. Possible publication. Send one original poem 20 lines or Iess: National Library 0f Poetry, Box 704-1366, Owvings Milis, Md 21117. MORIGAGE $$$ available! Fast action on residential properties, cot- tages, lots & construction. Al home owners may qualify. Caîl 1-800-265- 2694. Barham Investment Corpora- tion - North York, Ontario. We make house calîs! MUSICAL INTERESTS LEARN THE SECRETS of chording on guitar. New home study course. Fast, easy method. Guaranteed! FREE information. Popular Music Studio G38, 103-1054 EIis, Kelow- na, B.C. Caîl 1-800-667-0050, Ext. 770. PERSONALS ADOPTEE LAURA FORAIN, born Jan, 3. 1965, Ottawa, seeks birth- mother. Reply to PO. Box 5211, Station F, Ottawva, K2G 3H5. GIFT IDEAS - Numerology PRO- FILE with yearly Forecast. Confiden- tial. Unique GIFT. $10.00 par pro- fie/Gift Certificate or $15.00 for two. For FREE profile-sampling & infor- ma tion, Write, with birthdate, to: Ccreids' Box 24139K, Kanata, On K2M 2C3. REAL ESTATE THRIVING EASTERN ONTARIO RESORT. 35 modemn winterized accommnodations + campground. Exclusive lake. FuIIy equipped, turnkey. Successful 16-year busi- ness. 28 wooded acres. Auction- Masters "REALTOR" (613) 829- 2020. GOT A CAMPGROUND member- ship/timeshare? We'Il take it! Ameni- ca's argest, oldest resale clearing- house. Resort Sales International 1- 800-423-5967. Timneshare rentaIs needed. Cal 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS QUONSET BUILDINGS ... Annual Factory Direct Winter Sale. No Mid- dleman. 21x34 $1998.00. 25x44 $2736.00. 32x48 $426400. 34x54 $489800. 40x58 $639400. 40x66 $7,298.00. Ends optional. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS - QUONSETS 25'x30' $2,179.00, 33'x36' $3,741.00, 35'x50' $6037.00, 42'x56' $7157.00, 45'x66' $7894.00, 48'x80' $10588.00, SOxiQOO' $14970.00. Many to choose f rom. Ends optional. Future 1-800-668-8653. DURA BUILDING SYSTEMS - Plowing Match show building, 40'x43'x 14', $1 4,500.00 one only. Factory direct sales. Comne see us at 8100 Lawson Rd.,' Milton or cal 800-663-7538. 1-1 April 1988 Orono Figure Skating Club will be holding a Carnival on Saturday, April 9th, one showing wilI be held at,1:30 p.m. and the second showing will be at 7:00 p.m. Guest skaters will bc Whitby Precision Team and Tammy Barclay. Mrs. Allins grade one class and Mrs. Rolfes split one and two class presented a concert last Wednesday evening ini the Omono Public School for parents and friends. The young actors and actresses presented skits, dance, song and jokesý during the cÔue'se of the program much to the delight of ail those present. At a meeting of the Orono Downtown Business Association last Wednesday approval was given to three downtown promotions tu be undertaken for May, June and July. At the annual Orono Fair banquet held in Orono United Church last Wednesday the Fair Board honoured Bill Tamblyn who bas been active with the activities of the local fair for a number of years and as well has served as president. It was a hoot and coutd bc billed, of ail things, as a comedy murder. The Orono Downtown murder abound with laughter as 150 dinner guests eneavoured to keep pace with the plot, the eventual murder and finally the routing out of the guity party. Approximately 830 children from the Town of Newcastle took part in the March Break prograrn sponsored by the Department of Community Services. The final documents for the expansion and renovations of Memorial Hospital were signed on Monday aftemnoon with work on the project now underway. On Sunday, May' 1, 1988, from 2 to 5 p.m. the Clarke Township Museum & Archives wil present the 2nd Annual Chair Caning Demonstration. April 1978 Harvey' Webster of the Bowmanville Kinsmen Club and Mel Hartwig of the Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen. Club, are presented with a total sum of, $600.00 as the profits from the Teachers Bassett Hounds hockey game held last Sunday. The funds are in aid of Cystic Fibrosis., The D)arlington Arena was filled with spectators and supporters. John Witheridge made the presentation on behalf of the teachers. The liquor store ini Orono will be moving into the former Reid Hardware location on Main Street within a month following additional work to the new store. The liquor is now housed in two trailers with entrance off Cb'urch Street. Jim Lycett, 16, of Orono, competing last Saturday in the O.M.H.A. Ail-Star division of the Provincial Hockey Showdown was judged the top goalie of the group with 35 of a possible 40 points., SERVING DURHAM REGION SINCE 1841 FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED & PREPAID "'Wh7ere Professiona( Etiquette is Important» Funeral Directors Paul R. Morris Robert E. Williams Gary M. Conway Doug R. Rutherford ANSWERENýG YOUR CALL 24 H-OURS 623-5480 4 DIVISION ST. BOWMAN VILLE 0E S1111111 z co: me fo buy or seUl ... Orono and area's real estate rep. Krystyna Jones >983-6013 ilepJt y-N et ASSOCATES (DURHAM)Inc. 1050 SIMCOE ST. N. 103- OSH-AWA 1TEL.(905)721-2112 oe NEW USTING! BEAUTIFUL FAMILY HOME, FIREPLACES, WAUCOUTS, POOL, INTERLOCKING BRICK PATI'WAYS & MORE! TalesTITwe *It's Affordable e It's Fast - It's Easy e One Bill Does It Alil -Northern Ontario $63'- Eastern Ontario $91 -Western Ontario $162 - Central Ontario $168 - Ail Ontario $380 -National Packages Available* Cali this paper for details! Solid and spaclous 3 + 1 bedroom brick bungalow with fully finished walk-out basement on a terrific.haif acre mature country lot... $169,00. 1